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THURSDAY 17 August 2023

Dear Parents

A very short note from me this week. Tomorrow afternoon and on Saturday the school celebrates 100 years of playing rugby against SACS, the first rugby match having been played in 1873. This was the first schoolboy rugby match in South Africa, rugby having started at Bishops in 1861 under the Principalship of Canon George Ogilvie who brought a version of the Winchester game with him, known as Gog’s Game.

We will make a special presentation to SACS tomorrow to celebrate this relationship over so many years – one founded in Friendship, Rivalry and Tradition. Photographs across the three centuries reflect the changes in South African society and the role of sport in forging relationships and fostering acceptance and the experience of diversity.

Kind regards

Friday 18 August 2023

Sport Fixtures vs SACS

Venue: SACS

Tuesday 22 August 2023 Van der Bijl House Games Evening

Time: 18h30
Venue: Jagger Hall
Wednesday 23 August 2023 Charlton House Games Evening

Time: 18h30
Venue: Jagger Hall
Friday 25 August 2023 Inter-Schools General Knowledge Quiz Round 2

Time: 15h00
Venue: Micklefield
Monday 28 August 2023 Soccer Season starts

See further details under TAKE Note
Monday 28 to Tuesday 29 August 2023 Grade 7 Overnight Outing

Time: 08h00
Venue: Robben Island
Friday 1 September 2023

Grade 3 Outing

Time: 08h00
Venue: Science Centre


Extra-Mural Timetable from 28 August 2023

Please note that there will be a new extra-mural timetable applicable from Monday 28 August. This will be sent out as a separate document as soon as possible.
VUSA Cyclathon

The Dream Team (aka the Mustangs) and their prized title are under threat from a few newly formed and very much welcomed parent groups. They would appreciate any support from our Prep school community that will help them win yet another VUSA cyclathon fund raising title. Please follow this link to support the teachers who work tirelessly to give your boys their best! (They apologise for the emotional blackmail!)

Second Hand Shop Request

We have not received any response yet to our request for co-ordinating the Second Hand Shop next year. Please consider offering your services for this very worthwhile and rewarding role. It is a great opportunity to meet other parents and give back to the Bishops Community. We are ideally looking for parents who have boys in Grade 5 or lower, so that they can fulfil this role for a few years. The shop is open for an hour, two mornings per week so it is not too onerous. If you are interested in taking up the position or have any questions, please contact either Sasha or Julie.

Sasha Rivera
Julie Breslin

Prep Play - Lord of the Flies

Please take note of the dates for the Prep Play this year:

20th, 21st and 22nd of September 2023

Further information will be communicated in due course.

Games Evenings
Bramley and Brooke Houses held very succcessful games evenings this week. They would like to thank all the parents who donated prizes, helped with the set up and attended the events. Please visit our Facebook and Instagram pages for photos and videos.
Music News

Johann Vos Music Competition Knockout rounds
Well done to Jasper Magrath (Trumpet) and James Gray (Piano) who performed in the knockout round in the Johann Vos Music Competition on Thursday 10 August at the Hugo Lambrechts Music Centre in Parow. Both boys delivered fine performances, each playing Grade 6 level pieces. They are commended on doing themselves and Bishops proud at this tough competition. 

Art News

Thank you
The preparations for the play are going well and we thank those parents who have been helping with making palm trees for Lord of the Flies!

Artists of the Week
The Artists of the Week were chosen from Grade 6. Please click HERE to view all the artwork. The following boys were chosen for their well-balanced, intricate designs and good use of colour in their Mandala patterns.

6B Henk Cursi, Cameron Ranger, Bonnar Richards and Ethan Roberts
6P Wazir Amanjee, Daniel Grever, Callum Kleye and Troy Vomacka
6S Joshua Allen, Adam Hendrickse, Dylan Latham and Noah Walford.

Well done to these boys!

Rugby News
Congratulations to the U11C rugby team for being awarded Rick the Bear this week for their outstanding tenacity and teamwork!
Library News
We entered a parallel universe at the Prep last Friday as Storytellers Week culminated in "DRESS UP AS YOUR FAVOURITE BOOK CHARACTER" day. Both boys and staff entered into the spirit of things!
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