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THURSDAY 31 August 2023
Dear Parents

On Friday last week the Principal gave advance information of plans for 2024 – our 175th year:

“Bishops was founded in 1849 and thus next year, in 2024, we commemorate our 175th anniversary. While this is a milestone in the life of our school, it is really a mid-point between the more significant 150th and 200th celebrations. Our philosophy behind commemorating this anniversary is to use it to celebrate our connections beyond Bishops, to our brother and sister schools, to Vusa, to the OD Union, and to the community at large.

We have a number of exciting events planned for the year, involving all three campuses, highlights of which include inter-schools sporting and cultural festivals, a 175 Anniversary Concert, the launch of an online history of the last 25 years, and a campaign to complete and dedicate the three remaining stained-glass windows in the Brooke Chapel. The Brooke Chapel project is close to our heart and will involve a modest fund-raising campaign. More on that will be communicated at a later date.

A central point of the year sees two important dates in July, when the College plans to open its new Resource Centre. In addition we will embark on a school-wide day of service on Mandela Day (18 July), with all boys and staff being involved in 175 minutes of community service (a departure from the usual 67 minutes). A number of other projects are in the pipeline and we will communicate these at the appropriate time.

You will also notice the logo for our 175th Anniversary, which apart from our crest, also includes symbols of significance to the country (wheat wreath and protea) and the school (bell).

We hope to enjoy a wonderful year, commemorating our school’s varied history, while looking forward to Bishops continuing to play an important role in education and the greater community at large over the next 25 years.

At the Prep we will also review the 175 years of Bishops life against the backdrop of the history and developments of the times including social changes, scientific discoveries, inventions, human rights, and lifestyle, both in South Africa and across the world.

I want to congratulate Xolani Mathyeke (Grade 5 Form teacher) on his appointment as Deputy Head at Steyn City Prep School from the start of next year. This is a wonderful opportunity and we are very excited for him.

Our Sports Co-Ordinator, Jamie Southgate, represented Western Province in the Women’s National Hockey Tournament held in Durban last week. Western Province won the tournament for the first time in ten years and so congratulations to her and her team mates.

Best wishes

Kind regards

Friday 1 September 2023

Grade 3 Outing

Time: 08h00
Venue: Cape Town Science Centre

U9 7s Tournament (In memory of Rob Riches)

Time: 14h00
Venue: Lutgensvale
Please see further information under Take Note

U12 Day/Night Hockey Tournament

Time: 14h00
Venue: Woodlands Pavilion
Please see information under Take Note

Saturday 2 September 2023

24 Hour Cycle Challenge

Time: 09h00
Venue: Heatlie Pavilion
Please see information under Take Note

Tuesday 5 September 2023 Family Chapel Service

Time: 08h00
Venue: Memorial Chapel
Parents welcome
Boys to wear No 1s
Wednesday 13 September 2023 PA AGM

Time: 18h30PA AGM
Venue: Jagger Hall
Please see details under Take Note

U9 7s Tournament - Assistance Required

If you are able to spare just 30 minutes, please offer your assistance at the Tuck Shop! Click HERE to book your slot. Please click HERE for the fixtures.


The PA will hold an in-person AGM to facilitate the election of members to the Bishops Parents' Association. The AGM will be held at 6pm on Wednesday 13th September 2023

1.  Nominations are open until Tuesday 5th September 2023

2.  Nominees will be informed by Friday 8th September 2023

3.  The AGM will take place in the Jagger Hall on Wednesday 13th September 2023

Please feel free to nominate yourself or any other parent to potentially join the PA. Please email your nominations to or by Tuesday 5th September.

Please click HERE for the AGM Notice and HERE for the nomination form.


Please click HERE for the upcoming soccer fixtures.

Newspaper Needed Please!

Urgent request!  We have used up all the newspaper donations in making Papier mache leaves for the production of the school play and Ms Johns needs supplies for her Art lessons next week.

U12 Day/Night Hockey Tournament

One of the highlights on our hockey calendar! Make sure you don't miss this fun event taking place tomorrow!

VUSA 24 Hour Cycle Challenge

Don't miss out on the upcoming VUSA 24 Hour Cycle Challenge – a fantastic community event that promises to push boundaries for a wonderful cause. Prepare to be mesmerized by Olwethu Dyantyi's magic, engage in live interviews with Tank Lanning, Rob Fleck, Matt Pearce, and Grant Lottering. The Bishop's rock band will set the stage with live music, followed by a vibrant evening featuring Me and Mr. Green. Get ready for hearty laughs courtesy of the hilarious Kurt Schoonraad, and as the night unfolds with DJ Ross and later he will guide us through a silent disco. On Sunday, Coach Monwa will kick-start the day with a refreshing stretch class. But that's not all – we have more in store for you! Jumping castles and the thrilling rocket ride will be available for the children, along with food trucks and a pop-up bar and live entertainment for the adults. Please come and show your support for our riders and unite with the community to make a tangible impact on the lives of our VUSA children. With previous fundraising goals surpassed, let's harness our collective power to achieve even greater results. This weekend promises entertainment, inspiration, and the true spirit of community. Don't miss out!

Prep Play - Lord of the Flies
Please diarise the dates. Ticket sales will open next week. Please look out for communication in this regard.
Prayer Group
All welcome. Please contact the above-mentioned names with any queries.
Charlton House News
Charlton House held their Games Evening last week. It was a great night of much fun and laughter! Charlton would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the evening.
Grade 7 News
The Grade 7 boys travelled to Robben Island on Monday accompanied by Christo Brand, Nelson Mandela’s warden who wrote a book entitled, Doing Life with Mandela: My Prisoner my Friend. The boys slept in the minimum security wing and visited the many historic sights on the island while learning about Apartheid. This excursion proved to be a most humbling and worthwhile outing. Please visit our Facebook page for more photos.
Art News

Unbe”leaf”able!  Thank you to all the moms and the dad who have been helping with making and painting leaves.  We have made about 70 leaves for the set of Lord of the Flies.

Artists of the week: The following Grade 4 boys were chosen as Artists of the Week for their beautiful renditions of a vegetable still life. The boys observed the objects carefully and used pastel blending to fill their page with colour. Please click HERE to view all the artwork.

4B Callum Kirkpatrick, Oli Naylor, Cameron Pentz and Nathan Venn
4P Luan Bouwer, Adam Farqharson, Adam Turnley-Jones and Matthew Wood
4S William Hatt, Adam Khan, Ben Smolders and Alec Van der Merwe

The Grade 5s were also developing their observation skills and drew large charcoal sketches of our staff members, Lameez Walker and Lizzie Mpambela.

Rugby News
This year marked 150 years of playing rugby against SACS. To celebrate the occasion, we presented SACS Headmaster, Gary Skeeles, with a gift of framed SACS and Bishops Rugby jerseys, with the words; FRIENDSHIP, RIVALRY, TRADITION underneath. SACS were very appreciative of this memento.
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