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THURSDAY 2 February 2023
Dear Parents

This is the first Thursday newsletter, so I do hope the timing of its issue is going to be of assistance. Any feedback in this regard is most welcome.


I am pleased to inform you that all the building and refurbishment of the  Rossall precinct is now complete after a lengthy eighteen month process – very inconvenient and taxing but worth it in the end.  We have five new apartments for relocating staff, which replaced the dormitories of the Van Der Bijl boarding house, a completely re-paved area between the classrooms and the fields with a walled parking area for eleven cars, as well as a new set of cricket nets able to be converted for multi-purpose use in the winter months.  In addition, extensive solar panels have been installed on the roof of the Grade 3 wing and the exterior of that wing, the Pavilion and surrounding walls re-painted. A total upgrade.

I spoke at Prizegiving last year about the Tutu memorial that has been included in this re-modelling of the precinct. An initiative of last year’s Parents’ Association Committee, it is essentially a large raised planter beautifully finished in tiles. With the help of our Art Department, every boy in the school painted a tile giving their own symbolic “view” of the Archbishop.  On the top is the quote:

Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate.
We are different precisely in order to realise our need of one another”.

We hope that this memorial will continue to remind us of the man and leader he was, one who stood for justice, fairness and peace in South Africa and the world; a stand he took with great courage, determination, compassion and love. He was, as he said, “a warrior for hope.”

Kind regards

Wednesday 8 February 2023 Grade 8 College Entrance Exam

Please see further information under TAKE Note
Friday 10 February 2023

Sports Day

Time: 08h00 to 12h00
Venue: Lutgensvale

Please see further details under TAKE Note

Water polo matches continue as normal

No other extra-murals

College Entrance Exam - Grade 7s

This exam takes place during school hours on Wednesday 8 February. Please click HERE for the details.
Bishops Prayer Group

We would love any parents to join us to Connect and Pray every second Thursday at 07h30am in the Mitre (opposite Bishops Astro). The whole Bishops Community is invited from Pre-Prep to College and we look forward to meeting you.
If you are unable to join on Thursday 9th February and would like to know further details, please e-mail Louise at

Sports Day

Sports Day takes place next Friday 10 February.

  • Boys must arrive in their house shirts, blue sports shorts, short socks and takkies
  • Boys to be dropped at the Prep at the normal time by 07h30.
  • No school books or iPads are to be brought to school.
  • Boys to bring a lunch box with food and a drink, no tuck shop available.
  • Please remember sunscreen.
  • All the boys will be participating, the exact event times will be sent out with the programme next week.
  • Parents are welcome to attend and support.
  • We will walk the boys down to Lutgensvale from the Prep and back again before the end of the school day.
  • School ends at the normal time of 13h20pm at the Prep.
  • Water polo matches continue as per calendar
  • No other extra-murals will take place after Sports Day.
Athletics Notice

Please note there are no late afternoon athletics practices next week because of College Heats week on the athletics track at Lutgensvale.
Please remember

It is very important for the boys to remember sunscreen, caps and water bottles during the hot summer months, particularly on the days they have PE lessons.
2024 Term Dates

The term dates for next year are now available on our website.
ODU Committee Nominations 2023

Should you know anyone who may be interested or if you would like to nominate yourself, please click on THIS LINK.
ODU Dinner Invitation
All OD’s are invited to the OD Dinner taking place in March. Catch up with old friends and new and enjoy a relaxed evening with us.
Carnival Request
Request for gently-used second hand good please. A good opportunity for a declutter and clear-out!
Carnival Vendors
We still have a few spaces left for stalls at the Bishops Carnival taking place on 3 March.  Should you want to sell any of your goods/products at the event, please click on THIS LINK to access the request form to have your own market stall.
Bishops Blue Pages
The next edition of the Bishops Blue Pages will be sent out on 24th March 2023. If you would like your advert to be included, please see details in the flyer above. If you missed the previous edition which was sent out at the beginning of the holidays last year, please click HERE.
Desmond Tutu Memorial
Every boy in the school painted a tile giving their own symbolic “view” of the Archbishop, a beautiful and lasting tribute.
Bramley House News
Bramley Grade 3 families had a wonderful get together at the pool on Tuesday evening. It was wonderful to meet the families and for everyone to connect. Please visit our Facebook page for more photos.
Grade 5 News
Our Grade 5s in action during science class measuring temperatures and plotting the findings on line graphs.


Water Polo News

Polo Panda Winners.

Well done to the U11C team for for being awarded the Polo Panda for this week for their great fight back, scoring 4 goals in the last chukka to win 4-3 against SACS.

World Read Aloud Day

World Read Aloud Day was celebrated on 1 February this year. Some soft toy buddies enjoyed being gently read to and some boys also spent time reading aloud to each other. We love celebrating reading at the Prep, and we love stories and spending time together in the library! Please visit our Facebook and Instagram pages for more photos.

Van der Bijl House News
The Van der Bijl House Grade 7 Leadership Workshop took place yesterday evening, where they discussed the role of leader and how to assist younger boys when in need.
Staff News
Our new sports and conditioning coach, Jamie Southgate, is representing the Proteas at the Indoor Hockey World Cup in Pretoria until the 13th of February. We wish her all the best and if you have a moment, try and watch some of her games on TV.
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