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FRIDAY 27 January 2023
Dear Parents


“Manners maketh the man”, goes the old adage but I think it is the nature of the man that determines his manners. An intrinsically good man will be well-mannered in the sense of exhibiting respect for others, acknowledging and engaging. He assists others because they need assistance, he greets people because we are all worthy of being noticed, of being welcomed, he thanks people because he wants to not because he has to.

We spoke about manners in today’s assembly. I explained that it is easy to greet mechanically but a greeting that is about noticing, connecting and welcoming is the truly respectful greeting that we all appreciate. I have been to schools where one is always greeted but often only by the peremptory “sir”, often in unison and without eye contact, something akin to the military. Our boys’ greetings must have value and sincerity, similarly, ”please” and “thank you” and remembering to say these to show respect and appreciation.

Our boys also stand at the start of a lesson to greet a teacher; we get very good feedback from visitors, impressed by the boys’ welcome and appreciative of their offers of assistance. Sometimes when in a large group they can forget to do this, especially if immersed in play outside. I think we do have to work on the greeting of parents – they will greet parents that they know by name but often “ignore” other parents.

Developing good, sincere manners that show care, interest and respect is a fourteen year process for us at the school, and even longer, for you as parents. But we do seem to get it right quite often: prospective parents or other people that I meet comment on the Bishops men that they work with: confident, hard working and well-mannered. Always good to hear.

Bringing up our boys is a combined process needing to be shared by home and school. Please discuss what I have mentioned here and encourage them at home and in your own social circles to be well-mannered, concentrating on the reasoning behind these practices.


From next week we are going to try to send out our newsletter on Thursdays. From the many questions that we receive it is apparent that many are not reading it and we have been advised that Friday is not an optimal day (before the weekend) to ensure that it is opened.

Kind regards

Friday 27 January 2023 Charlton House Picnic Grade 3 to 7

Time: 18h00 to 20h00
Venue: Clifton 4th Beach
Tuesday 31 January 2023

Bramley House Grade 3 Braai

Time: 17h30 to 19h30
Venue: Prep Pool

Brooke House Grade 3 Picnic

Time: 17h00 to 18h30
Venue: Rossall Pavilion

Van der Bijl House Grade 3 Picnic

Time: 17h00 to 18h30
Venue: Stanmore Field

Wednesday 1 February 2023 Bramley, Brooke, Charlton and Van der Bijl Gr 7 Leadership workshops

Time: 16h30 to 18h00
Thursday 2 February 2023 Class Rep Meeting

Time: 07h30 to 08h30
Venue: Dining Room
Sports Communication

Bishops makes use of third-party software to manage our sport. This software is easily accessible on smartphones and mobile devices and will inform you of sport fixture details, team sheets and results.
Please follow THESE STEPS to access the software on your mobile phone, tablet, laptop or PC.
Athletics Notice

Next week is the final week for the boys to qualify for the championship events on Sports Day. They will need to attend their age group practices to get timed if they haven’t already qualified. The trials results lists are up on the notice board showing who has already qualified. 

Test Timetable Grade 4 to 7

Please visit the calendar on the Website or on your son's profile on MyBishopsLife to view the Term 1 Test Timetable for Grades 4 to 7.
Art News

The Grade 3s had their first art lesson this week and they exercised their observational skills by drawing a vase of flowers.  The Grade 5s were tasked with drawing a camping scene with Phoenix Jordan, Max Burns and Luke Eedes being the models in Grade 5S.

Library News

Introducing our new Hall of Fame board in the library! The student who reads the most in the Million Word Challenge each year gets their name up! Congratulations to Casey Nevin for making it onto the board for 2022! 

Fir Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone:+27 (21) 659 7222 | Fax: +27 (21) 659 7227