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THURSDAY 1 June 2023
Dear Parents


I am pleased to introduce three new staff members to you today.

Ms Jamie Southgate has been appointed as our new Sports Co-ordinator. She worked with Khwezi Mqomboti as an assistant in the Phys Ed department with the sports performance and wellness programme and her expertise was felt and appreciated very quickly.

She has a Sports Science degree as well as Honours in Performance Sport. She is an accomplished sportswoman herself, currently playing in the South African Indoor Hockey team.

Mrs Renate Swartz starts today in the front office. She has come to us from Westcott Primary where she has managed a front office and, for the last few years, worked as Personal Assistant to the Principal.

Mr Zweli Sodladla started with us as an intern at the start of term. He comes to us from Woodridge College where he has interned for the last year. He has experience working in a UK school and for three years coached senior rugby in Hungary, as well as representing Hungary in the Sevens Tournament. At present he is working in Grade 6.

We welcome them, looking forward to the contribution they will make, and hoping that they will find Bishops a happy and stimulating environment.


Last week’s exchange was a great success. Starting with a service in the Chapel, boys went on to play chess, tennis, hockey and rugby. And many also, from both schools, rushed around the campus participating in the Amazing Race, having to pick up clues and answer questions in various venues around the school.

Thank you to the Grade 6 and 7 parents who hosted Durbanville Primary boys – it was wonderful to hear how you enjoyed their politeness and friendliness – they were also very complimentary of the hosting and how welcome they were made to feel.  Our boys even tried some Afrikaans.

This the first time we have managed this exchange on this scale since before Covid. It was a huge amount of work and I want to thank the staff for this.

Kind regards


Friday 2 June 2023

Class Reps Meetings

Time: 08h00 to 09h00
Venue: Rossall Pavilion

Charlton House Grade 5 Outing

Time: 18h00 to 20h00
Venue: Grand West

Brooke House Grade 6 and 7 Outing

Time: 13h45 to 16h15
Venue: Africa Padel Claremont

Friday 9 June 2023

Civvies Day

Please see further details under TAKE Note.

Bramley House Cupcake Sale

Please remember to send money with your sons so that they can buy a delicious cupcake. All proceeds will go to charity.

Civvies Day

Civvies Day will take place on Friday 9th June. This term we will be collecting gently used clothing. The items will be donated to Haven Night Shelter who will also be visiting to speak in assembly about what they do and who they serve. It is shaping up to be a chilly winter season so any warm goods would be greatly appreciated as we support those who seek temporary refuge through one of their 15 shelters across the Western Cape.
Second Hand Shop

A reminder that the opening times of the Second Hand Shop based at the Prep School are as follows:

Tuesdays 07h30 to 08h30
Thursdays 07h30 to 08h30

Durbanville Exchange
It was an amazing two days of great activity, from sport to chess to feeding hungry boys and hosting visiting staff. Many thanks to all those who made this year's Durbanville Exchange such a success and a very big thank you to those parents who hosted. It is very much appreciated!
Hockey Achievements

Congratulations to the following boys for their achievements in hockey:

Western Province U13A James Arkcoll and U13C James Gray

Western Province U12 boys South Zone hockey Teams:
Zonal A: Drummond Mackenzie, Henk Cursi, Jack Gibbon, Noah Walford and Thomas Townshend
Zonal B: John Weir-Smith and Macen Lesbirel

Grade 4 News
Grade 4s got to have snack time combined with learning while consolidating the phases of the moon through discovery. A fun and delicious activity using Oreos!
Rugby News
Rick the Bear was awarded to the U11C team this week for showing great team spirit and guts in their game against Durbanville.
Music Achievements

Congratulations to our vocalists who performed at the KAE on Saturday 27 May in the Junior vocal section:
Alex Breslin
Khalil Crookes
Tariq Eskinazi
Matthew Fox
Z'idan Hendrickse
Sahil Khalfey
Jasper Magrath
Alex Walker
Harry Weiss
Troy Vomacka
Sam Yazdanpanahi
The boys achieved outstanding results which will be announced in assembly very soon. The adjudicator, Ms. Beverley Chiat said that she was "absolutely blown away" by their high standard of singing, the talent and their voices. Well done to them all!

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