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THURSDAY 2 March 2023
Dear Parents


Our one-one-one iPad programme remains an important part of teaching and learning at Bishops. Not only does it enhance and enrich learning at the Prep but in using it from a young age it is a practical opportunity to teach appropriate digital usage, ethics, discernment and judgement. Our partnership with Klikd is a crucial part of this learning process and its education around the recreational is also important for our boys at this age, as they prepare for the teenage stage and the possibilities and adventure that accompany it.

We are very clear that the iPad is an educational tool, owned by yourselves, subject to the same rules as any textbook or workbook that boys have and use at school. It is not a personal, closed device (such as a diary might be) and a boy can be asked to open it at any time; so we ask you to please to do this at home too, in fact, have your son’s password and do regular checks.

For us the use of the iPad as part of the learning process is a very positive one, but we are not naïve and the school has very effective firewalls in place with a twelve hourly reporting function in order to protect our boys and to control those who attempt misuse.  In order to ensure the above, there are a number of “don’ts” and “not allowed” at school.

  • no sim card
  • no VPNs
  • no downloads such as YouTube or TikTok
  • no games
  • no emailing during school time without permission
  • no inappropriate material of any kind
  • history not to be erased
  • no cell phones at school

I hate seeing so many “no’s” in a row, but in order to ensure that using the iPad remains a positive part of our programme this is essential. We do do spot checks but our hope is to find nothing untoward, or at least very little.

You have control of your son’s recreational use of devices such as iPads, phones and laptops at home. And this is a challenge for the modern family. Klikd’s advice is that our children cannot be completely removed from the digital world in terms of recreational use. But controlled usage is everything in the Prep years. They recommend discussion and involvement of both parents and children in the decision around the what and how many minutes or hours per week (with parents having the casting vote). How much time on games in a week; week nights or only weekends. Some families go for no week day games or social messaging and two hours over a weekend, at mutually agreed times, while others might allow half an hour on a week night. But please note that there is very little homework involving the iPad, so please do not let this be used as an excuse.  If all families instituted clear controls, limited and appropriate usage, we would have far fewer difficulties. Unfortunately we have reports of some boys spending hours online, either because this is allowed, or because boys are tricking their parents through finding ways to circumvent their controls.

If you have not yet signed up to the Klikd app, please do so – it provides regular and up-to-date information. Sadly, fewer more than half of parents have done so to date.

Some concerns that have emerged recently regarding age and inappropriate exposure to pornography, violence and very crude and sexual language. Please be aware of and check the following:

  • anime
  • a program called “Hentai”
  • links to YouTube clips
  • TikTok material
  • With whom your son is playing games – only known friends

Essentially be sure that you know what the content is that your son is enjoying.


All are looking forward to tomorrow night’s Community Carnival at Lutgensvale, a joint initiative of Prep and College, Vusa and the OD Bursary Fund. Thank you in advance for your contributions, both material and in terms of time.

Kind regards

Friday 3 March 2023


Time: 16h00 to 21h00
Venue: Lutgensvale

Thursday 9 March 2023 Quadrangular Athletics

Time: 16h30 to 19h00
Venue: Lutgensvale
Friday 10 March 2023

Founders Day

Inter-House Relay Gala

Time: 10h30 - 13h00
Venue: Prep Pool


Only one more sleep before the Carnival!! Tickets are available from the School Shop at the College from 07h30 to 16h00. They will also be sold at the gate on the night. Make sure you don't miss out on this fabulous event.
Water Polo Tournament
The Grey Junior U13 Water Polo Tournament is underway. Please click HERE for the fixtures. You can also follow the action live on the Super Sport Schools App. All the best to our U 13A team.
Congratulations to Julian Edwards (Captain) and James Ridl (Vice-Captain) on their athletics appointments.
All our athletes did us proud in the Pentangular this week at Wynberg. Ou boys ran superbly and represented our school with tremendous heart and commitment in the afternoon heat.
Congratulations to our medal winners. We won 8 Gold, 13 Silver and 7 Bronze medals. Here is the list of medal winners.
Next week sees the climax of our athletics season with us hosting our Quadrangular on Thursday 9 March 4:30pm-7:00pm at Lutgensvale against Wynberg, Wetpups and Rhenish. It should be a cracker so do come and support our athletes.
Weekly Awards
The Polo Panda was awarded to the U12A team this week for big character shown in their match against WPPS.
The Weekly Cricket Awards were awarded as follows; the Hershelle Gibbs award for Catch of the week to Jonathan Kotze, the Vince van der Bijl award for Bowling Performance of the Week to Josh Pooler, and the Jonathan Bird award for Batting Performance of the Week to Matthew Arkcoll. Well done, boys!
Grade 4 News

Grade 4s proudly showing off the progress of their bean plants.

Bramley House News

Bramley House held their Grade 3 to 7 family picnic on Clifton beach last Friday. The weather was perfect and all enjoyed a wonderful evening.

Civvies day last week, was a great success. We collected dog and cat food for DARG animal shelter in Hout Bay. Director, Faustina Gardner, came to assembly on Friday to give a presentation to our boys about how they operate. Well done everyone on a massive donation drive!

Thank you to all the incredible parents who have signed up to assist the VUSA creche programme. Their presence has not only provided additional support to our staff, but it has also created a warm and welcoming atmosphere for our children.  Thank you, ladies, for giving your time and energy to our Dalukhaynyou children and for your deep care and concern for the community and its children.  For more information on VUSA, please visit our website ( or contact Nikki Matthews at the Trust office.

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