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THURSDAY 16 March 2023
Dear Parents


Last week I attended a conference of the national International Boys’ School Coalition in Gqeberha. These are always very good conferences to attend – they include staff from both State and Independent schools across the country. The presentations and discussions always confirm the answer to “Why a school for boys?” which the IBSC website sums up perfectly:

Schools for boys:

  • understand and celebrate boys;
  • seek first to develop good men;
  • know that boys develop and learn in different ways;
  • teach in ways that boys learn best;
  • help boys discover and explore their full potential;
  • foster brotherhood and lifelong friendships.

Through all this, we know that boys are wonderful to teach: spontaneous, open, active, vibrant, curious and adventurous, but also impulsive, experimental and experiential, capable of doing “dumb things”. We work around and with all these characteristics, helping them to navigate what will most likely come their way at different stages of their journey.

As staff and Heads shared the challenges that face our boys, there is certainly a commonality across all schools: abuse of technology, social media, exposure on YouTube and TikTok to racist, sexist and homophobic rants from the far right posing as the champions of masculinity and the rights of men, very easy access to pornography as well as peer pressure.

Education is critical here as we take them on their fourteen year journey, keeping parents informed, and above all, continuing to relate to our boys, holding them when they are down, disillusioned or in trouble. Everyone leaves such a conference determined to meet the challenge and mindful of the privilege and the joy that comes with teaching boys.


A month ago, we published our term dates for 2024 after consultation with the other independent schools in our region. Subsequent to that, a number of schools have changed their calendars and we have debated whether to follow suit or not, given the significant number of children that attend both Bishops and these schools. We have therefore decided to amend our calendar to include a two week break between the third and fourth terms.

The new dates for 2024 are thus:

Term 1                  Wed 17 Jan to Wed 20 March (unchanged)
Term 2                  Tue 9 April to Wed 12 June (unchanged)
Term 3                  Tue 9 July to Fri 20 Sept (unchanged)
Term 4                  Mon 7 Oct to Fri 6 Dec (one week later)

We are confident that we have not compromised the academic programme of the school in any way as we have also considered that most public holidays for 2024 fall in the school holidays.


As we prepare to enjoy a four day weekend, we are mindful that Tuesday is Human Rights Day. In assemblies from tomorrow we will be reflecting on our rights within society and our awareness that we are all responsible for ensuring that the rights of others are not compromised wherever our sphere of influence lies.

Next week the holy month of Ramadaan commences and so I wish all our Muslim families a Ramadaan Mubarak.

Kind regards

Friday 17 March 2023 Long Weekend

No extra-murals
Monday 20 March 2023 School Holiday

Tuesday 21 March 2023 Human Rights Day

Monday 27 March 2023 Grade 5 SPW Testing

Grade 5 boys to wear sports kit to school.
Tuesday 28 March 2023

Class Photographs - Grade 3 to 7

Boys to wear No 1s

Grade 3 Parent Teacher Meetings

Time: 14h30 onwards

End of extra-murals

Wednesday 29 March 2023

Grade 4 and 6 SPW Testing

Grade 4 and 6 boys to wear sports kit to school

Grade 3 - 7 Parent Teacher Meetings

Time: 14h30 onwards


Thursday 30 March 2023

Grade 7 SPW Testing

Grade 7 boys to wear sports kit to school

School closes at 12h30

A packed lunch will be given to boys who have signed up for Hot Lunch

Grade 3 - 7 Parent Teacher Meetings

Time: 13h00 onwards


Friday 31 March 2023

Term 1 Ends

School closes at 11h30

Boys to wear No 1s


A gremlin crept into last week's newsletter where we incorrectly named one of the boys in the Heads and Deputy Heads of Houses photo. Our humblest apologies to Joshua Mafunda. Please click HERE for the photo with the correct names.

Many thanks to those who have already donated Easter Eggs! The baskets in the library are filling up nicely! The collection will continue to the end of term. Please send a strip or box of marshmallow eggs along with your son. These will be delivered to the boys and girls of St Paul’s Primary School in Bo Kaap.

2024 Term Dates

Please note the revised term dates for 2024.

Term 1                  Wed 17 Jan to Wed 20 March
Term 2                  Tue 9 April to Wed 12 June
Term 3                  Tue 9 July to Fri 20 Sept
Term 4                  Mon 7 Oct to Fri 6 Dec

Art Room Request

Thank you so much for all the donations of ice cream containers and other collectibles for the Art room.  Ms Johns is most appreciative.  The only item still required is NEWSPAPER. If you have any to spare, please send these along to the Art Room.
Parent Teacher Meetings

The booking link will be sent out next week to book slots for the parent teacher meetings. Meetings will be held in the respective classrooms.
Grade 7 Outreach

The PA is requesting Grade 7 boys to bring in gently used sporting equipment. Items such as soccer balls, tennis racquets, bats, gloves, even hula hoops, skipping ropes or unused nets would be gladly received. In fact, anything that can be used as part of a fun sports activity! These will go to the boys and girls of Athwood Primary School and their sports department. They are in desperate need of items to use during their PE lessons. All donations will be greatly appreciated!
Athletics News
Last Thursday evening we hosted a wonderful athletics Quadrangular meeting on our Lutgensvale track competing against Rhenish, Wynberg and Wetpups. Our boys did us proud with us winning 8 Gold medals, 6 Silver medals and 12 Bronze medals.
HERE is the link to the list of medal winners. Please visit our Website Photo Gallery to view the photos.
Founders Day
Our Founders Day celebrations last Friday started with the lighting of a birthday candle in a special assembly, followed by a fiercely contested tug-of-war competition, a breaktime treat and then the Inter-house gala. A fun-filled, action packed day all round
Grade 3 News
These Grade 3s were enjoying the beautiful day today and practising their cursive with chalk on the tiles outside their classroom!
Weekly Winners
Artists of the Week: The following Grade 5 boys were chosen for their detailed clay models of ‘Hikers sitting around a camp fire.’  Notice the extra thought that went into textures of clothing like woolly jackets and details like headlamps, bowls of soup, guitars and even dogs! Please click HERE to view all the winning clay models

5B: Leo Constantinou, Joseph Hudson, Rupert Pfaff and Cody van Staden
5P: Dex Campbell, Chris de Wet, Oliver Ferrao and Ethan Lee Pan
5S: Luke Eedes, Phoenix Jordan, Lukho Kunene and Alex Reeves

Weekly Cricket Awards: The Vince van der Bijl Award for Bowling Performance of the Week went to Phoenix Manolas; the Jonathan Bird Award for Batting Performance of the Week was awarded to Robbie Sherman and the Hershelle Gibbs Award for Catch of the week went to Tom Luscombe.

Well done to all these boys!

Fir Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone:+27 (21) 659 7222 | Fax: +27 (21) 659 7227