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THURSDAY 23 March 2023
Dear Parents

Industry Reports: Grades 4 - 7 

While some tests and tasks have been written this term, this report reflects on your son's start to the year, in terms of attitude, approach, and conduct in class, so please do discuss these gradings with him - particularly unpack where the grading is not as good as should be expected.

These Grade 4 to 7 Industry Reports will be released to your son’s profile on MyBishopsLife on Monday 27th March. The Industry Reports may be accessed by selecting Reports from the Academic menu on MyBishopsLife 
To view a breakdown of your son’s Semester 1 marks to date, please select the Academic menu and choose Marks from the drop-down provided. On the Marks screen, please click on each listed subject to view a detailed breakdown of your son’s results. 

For your convenience, login here
Should you experience any login issues, please email   

Parent - Teacher Meetings: Grades 3 – 7 

These meetings are with your son's Form teacher to gain holistic feedback. It is also a chance for you to connect in person with the Form teacher, ask questions and provide any information that might be pertinent.

Parent Interviews will be held on Wednesday, the 29th March from 14:30 and on Thursday the 30th March from 13:00 (school closes at 12:30). Grade 3s interviews will also take place on Tuesday 28th March. These parent meetings will take place in person in the Form Teacher's classroom and will be 10/15 minutes long. Please complete the electronic booking form to secure a meeting time with your son’s Form teacher. Click HERE. If you wish to set up a meeting with a specific subject teacher to discuss a particular matter, please email that teacher directly to make an appointment to meet.

Hopefully both the reports and your meetings will be useful to you in gauging your son's attitude and approach and also serve as an opportunity to connect personally.

Kind regards

Monday 27 March 2023

Industry reports get released to MyBishopsLife

SPW Testing - Grade 5

Grade 5 boys to come to school in their sports kit.

Tuesday 28 March 2023

Class Photographs - Grade 3 - 7

Boys to wear No 1s

Extra-Murals end for the term

Grade 3 Parent-Teacher Meetings

Venue: Classrooms

Wednesday 29 March 2023

SPW Testing - Grade 4 and 6

Grade 4 and 6 boys to come to school in their sports kit

Grade 3 - 7 Parent - Teacher Meetings

Venue: Classrooms

Thursday 30 March 2023

SPW Testing - Grade 7

Grade 7 boys to come to school in their sports kit

School closes early

Time: 12h30

Grade 3 - 7 Parent Interviews

Venue: Classrooms

Friday 31 March 2023

End of Term One

Time: 11h30
Boys to wear No 1s


Parent - Teacher Meetings

Parent Teacher meetings will take place on Tuesday 28 March (Grade 3 only), Wednesday 29 March (Grade 3-7) and Thursday 30 March (Grade 3-7).

Please click on THIS LINK to book your slot.

Second Hand Shop

Please note that the last opening day for the Second Hand Uniform shop for Term 1 will be Tuesday 28th March from 07h30 to 08h30. 

The shop will be closed on Thursday 30th March and will reopen on Tuesday 18th April 07h30 to 08h30.

Thereafter normal opening times continue during the Term:
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 07h30 to 08h30.

Julie and Sasha thank you for your continued support.



Final call for Easter Eggs

We will continue to collect Easter eggs until the last day of term. Please send a strip or box of marshmallow eggs along with your son. These will be delivered to the boys and girls of St Paul’s Primary School in Bo Kaap.

Art News

The Artists of the Week came from Grade 4. Well done to the following boys who made well-shaped clay models of birds.

4B Esa Harnekar,Nicholas Kimberley, Callum Kirkpatrick and Oli Naylor
4P Ilaan Adam, George Hajidakis, Staten Kettlewell and Adam Turnley-Jones
4S Logan Daniels, Jasper Garratt, Nic Reyburn and Ben Smolders

Two of the classes made eagles that were inspired by the story by Christopher Gregorowski, “Fly, eagle fly.” Please click HERE to view all the artwork.
Rugby News
The U12 and U13 rugby players participated in team building activities as part of their pre-season rugby training.
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