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THURSDAY 30 March 2023
Dear Parents

Your son might have mentioned to you that on Monday we held a very simple but meaningful ceremony to celebrate the completion of all the renovation work on the Rossall campus and to bless the Tutu Memorial.  Guests included Bishops Joshua Louw, the Bishop of Table Bay, who represents the Church on Council, a representative from the Desmond and Leah Tutu Foundation, both last year’s Parents’ Association Committee members, and the architects and artists involved in various aspects of the project.

Father Monwabisi Peter blessed the Memorial, honouring the memory and life of Archbishop Tutu and what his life and legacy mean for us as a community. We were asked to live lives of courage and love, personal faith and openness to others, with a passion for human rights and fairness.

Tomorrow we say farewell to Khwezi Mqomboti who leaves us to take up the position of Director of Sport at St John’s Prep in Johannesburg. He joined Bishops fifteen years ago as a part-time phys ed teacher and stooge in the boarding house. Over the years his original appointment grew into a full-time sports co-ordinator post and by 2019 he was Housemaster of Van der Bijl House. We will certainly miss him and thank him for his passionate contribution to the Prep over the last fifteen years. We wish him, his wife, Sally, and their son, Siphiwe, much happiness and success as they embark on this new chapter in their lives.

Congratulations to Thami Siko who has been appointed as the new Housemaster of VDB. We are currently interviewing for the Sports Co-ordinator post and in the meantime, Jamie Southgate, our SPW instructor, will manage the Phys Ed Department.

This has been a long term. Eleven weeks is always one week too long in a school term and we can see that boys need a good break to refresh and be ready for another term.

Thank you for the support this term at all the events, concerts, sports matches, not to mention the many hours behind the scenes before and during the Carnival. As I write this, parents are leaving their meetings with Form teachers. By far the majority of you have met with your son’s Form teacher which is really encouraging and so good for your son. I hope you found these meetings fruitful.

We wish all our Jewish families a very Happy Passover and to our Christian families, a Blessed and Joyous Easter.

Hopefully you can all enjoy some break over the next two weeks and safe travels to all of you travelling.

Kind regards

Friday 31 March 2023

End of Term 1

Time: 11h30
Boys to wear No 1s

Aftercare will be available until 1pm

Tuesday 18 April 2023

Start of Term 2

Normal school day until 14h15
Boys to wear No 1s
Extra-murals begin at 14h30

Please click HERE for the Term 2 and 3 Extra-Mural Timetable

Please note:
U10 to U13 rugby practice ends at 16h00. Boys to be picked up from the Prep campus at 16h15.
U9 rugby boys to be picked up from the Prep Campus at 16h00.
This is for the duration of the rugby season.

Friday 21 April 2023 Skeeles 7s Rugby U13

Time: 14h00
Venue: Lutgensvale
Saturday 22 April 2023

Skeeles 7s Rugby U10 to U12

Time: 08h00
Venue: WetPups (U10) and Lutgensvale (U11 and U12)

Rugby Pratice U9

Time: 08h00 to 10h00
Venue: Avenue Field

Wednesday 26 April 2023 Normal School Day

School closes: 14h15
Extra-murals start at 14h30 (as usual)
Thursday 27 April 2023

Public Holiday - Freedom Day

Friday 28 April 2023 School Holiday
Monday 1 May 2023

Public Holiday - Workers Day

PA News

Please click HERE for the PA Newsletter for Term 1.
Sporting Chance Holiday Clinics

Please click HERE and HERE for the relevant information.

We are excited to share with you this term’s highlights of the VUSA Rugby and Learning Academy. VUSA was established with the aim of using rugby as a tool to enhance the academic and personal development of young people from the Langa community. We are pleased to share with you the progress made, the challenges faced, and the plans for the future. Click HERE to learn more about the impact of the academy and the wonderful opportunities that our VUSA children have been able to experience this term thanks to the generous support of donors, volunteers and sponsors.  Have a wonderful holiday - from the VUSA Team.  

Van Der Bijl House News
Van der Bijl House held a surprise farewell on Sunday for Housemaster, Khwezi Mqomboti, who leaves us to take up a new opportunity in JHB. Well done to Assistant Housemaster, Laurelle Fry and VDB parents for organising such a fantastic function! It was a fitting send-off for a special person. We will miss Khwezi and wish him everything of the best for this new chapter. Please visit our Facebook page for more photos. .
Desmond Tutu Memorial and Rossall Campus completion

A ceremony was held earlier this week to bless the Tutu Memorial and celebrate the completion of the Rossall Campus renovation. Thank you to our special guests for attending the ceremony and for their contribution to the project.
Grade 4 News
Our Grade 4s were spotted having a lot of fun with practical maths this morning!
Grade 3 News
Friday Fun in Grade 3; working in groups, creative play dough, togetherness group pie challenge and mindfulness colouring.
Art News
The Artists of the Week were chosen from Grade 6. The following boys were recognised for their well-formed clay busts:

6B Shafeeq Brinkhuis, Gianluca Papa, Michael Pentz and Jack Stansfield
6P Nua Bouwer, Matthew Fox, Osi Hlongwane and Rhys Lategan
6S Zayd Badroodien, Adam Hendrickse, Marc MacLeod and Umar Saloojee

The boys learnt about facial proportions and played around with exaggerated features. In particular, take note of the different renderings of hair. Please click HERE to view all the artwork.

Well done, boys!
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Phone:+27 (21) 659 7222 | Fax: +27 (21) 659 7227