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THURSDAY 4 May 2023

Dear Parents

I hope you enjoyed this long weekend. It almost feels as though we have started a new term this week.

As from Tuesday next week, Kashiefa Kerven, who has so ably handled our front-of-house, is moving to the Music Department, taking over as their secretary and administrator.  We will certainly miss her in reception, but our loss is the Music School’s gain.

We have appointed Renate Swartz, a very experienced school secretary currently working at Westcott Primary, to the post effective from the start of June.

In the interim, Wendy van Heerden will manage our front office. Wendy will be known to many of you. She was PA to the Principal for many years and has recently assisted in the Pre-Prep and last term as the College Music School’s administrator.

Grade 5-7 begin the digital citizenship programme in Life Orientation this term. As part of this programme, parents are offered access to the Klikd app (Grade 5-7 parents currently). Sadly, fewer than 40% of parents downloaded the app last year. You are paying for the programme so please do take advantage of the offer.

From Klikd:
“We know how hard it is to stay on top of every new app, trend or TikTok challenge. We have created an opt-in, broadcast only, non-spammy (we promise!) WhatsApp group to share weekly updates, parent tools and scripts relating to your child’s online world as well as some current important cyber safety issues. We highly encourage you to join the group.”

To join the Bishops Klikd Inyr Pocket WhatsApp group, click on this link while on your mobile phone or scan this QR code with your WhatsApp camera:

The latest message concerns the new cooldrink, Prime. Please do check it out.

This week sees the start of our formal inter-school fixtures and there is much excitement about this. We look forward to seeing you on the sidelines as the winter season commences.

Best wishes

Kind regards


Friday 5 May 2023 Charlton Movie Night Grade 3 to 6

Time: 18h00 to 20h10
Venue: Mr De Sousa's and Mr Siko's Classrooms
Wednesday 10 May 2023

Van der Bijl Movie Night Grade 3 to 7

Time: 17h30 to 20h00
Venue: Mrs Gloak's and Mr Siko's Classrooms

Friday 12 May 2023 Bramley Outing Grade 6 & 7

Time: 17h30 to 20h00
Venue: Grandwest

Rugby on Saturday

We are hosting SACS this Saturday and need your help in both the Tuck Shop and the Egg and Bacon Stand. Please consider volunteering just 30 minutes of your time. All assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Please click HERE to book a slot.

Parent Workshop

Elizabeth Nadler-Nir, founder of the Reading Gym is offering a Parent Workshop on Holding Dyslexia and Language Challenges in the Family on 11 May 2023 at SACS Junior School. Please click HERE for further details.
ODU Golf Organiser

John Smuts is stepping down and looking for someone who might be able to step up and take his place.  Should you be interested in the role of OD Golf Inter-School Organiser, please email the ODU at

Haddon Gates History

Read the amazing history behind the entrance and gates that have recently been renovated in THIS ARTICLE.
VUSA Parent Volunteer Programme

The first term pilot of the Parent Volunteer Programme at VUSA has been a great success! This incredible group of volunteers have provided invaluable support in engaging with the children and helping with daily activities. However, we are in need of more parents to join our volunteer programme on Tuesday mornings, to ensure that we always have enough hands on deck. Your contribution of time and effort will make a significant impact on the little ones, and we would greatly appreciate your support. If you're interested in volunteering, please join us for a coffee at the Mitre on Wednesday, 17 May or alternatively reach out to Aoife Doherty (0760522405) or Nikki Matthews (0794374276) for more information on how you can get involved.

Orange River Canoe Adventure

The annual Bishops Prep Orange River family adventure will take place from the 3 October to the 8 October 2023. All bookings must be made directly through Felix Unite. Contact Lisa at or

The Rhodes Scholarship 2024

Applications open on 1 June 2023. Click on THIS LINK to find out how to apply and what it is all about.


Music Evening at the Mitre

Join us for a relaxed evening with Music Alchemy at 17:30.  Tickets are available on Quicket.  CLICK THIS LINK TO GET YOUR TICKETS.

Brooke House News
Thanks to the Grade 3,4 and 5 Brooke House boys who supported the movie night yesterday evening. They watched the movie "Home" ate boerie rolls and had a fun evening all round.
Grade 7 News
The enthusiastic teachers of the Two Oceans Aquarium guided and taught our Grade 7s about the intertidal zones and the animal and plant species found in various zones of Dalebrook beach during low tide this week. There they were divided into smaller groups, with each group assigned to one of the teachers. Each group was given a tub to carefully collect animals and plants that were of significant interest. Learners were guided in the best and safest way to collect the animals so as not to harm any of the specimens. The exploration of Dalebrook proved to be a lot of fun. We finished off the outing with a dip in the tidal pool.
Bramley House News
On Tuesday evening Grade 3, 4 and 5 Bramley boys were treated to a showing of "Puss in Boots" and boerie rolls which were very well braaied by their Housemasters!
Star Wars Day
Well done to Mr Drury for going the extra mile, or should we say light-year, to celebrate Star Wars Day!
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