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THURSDAY 11 May 2023
Dear Parents


The ‘M’ of the Mitre stands for manners and we talk of the values of the Mitre. While manners cannot really be described as a value, good manners reflect the values of respect and empathy for others. We talk to the boys constantly about these values and also the importance of noticing each other and engaging (the Zulu greeting, “Sawubona”, “I see you”, says it all). We do not stand for that automatic and disconnected “sir” or “ma’am” that we see in some institutions, where respect is shown in an obligatory and functional way without the engagement, welcome and friendliness for which a greeting should stand.

Boys have to be reminded of manners and what they represent both at home and at school in every grade; they forget, are pre-occupied, rushing on without thinking and so forth. Bad manners in our boys are seldom deliberate, but good manners are. For the school it is a fourteen year journey and for you, even longer.

I was horrified to hear that a number of our boys had not greeted or thanked parents working in the Saturday tuckshop at rugby a few weeks ago. I took this problem to the boys at two assemblies, again unpacking how we should relate to one another, how one feels when one is ignored or disregarded versus the feeling of receiving a smile, a greeting, an acknowledgement and the simple thank you, expressing gratitude.

For us adults this is an endless task but not a thankless one. We will succeed in producing good men who care for others and show that care directly if we all work on developing the values of respect and empathy. Every expression of good manners, and equally the opposite, can be used as a teaching and learning moment. I also take compliments to the boys. I was so pleased to relay to the boys the feedback from our recent school evaluation mentor that she found our boys very welcoming, polite and helpful.


Our recent evaluation by OISESA (across all three sections of the school) is largely complete and we await the mentor’s report. This is a compulsory evaluation for all independent schools that belong to the Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa, that occurs every six years. It is a valuable and positive experience and a good opportunity to look inwards and reflect as it involved parents, staff and boys (Grades 5-7). Thank you to all parents who participated in the survey – the feedback is very useful; largely positive as it was, but where not, also valuable. More surveys might follow to dig down into aspects of the feedback.

Our mentor thought that we were quite hard on ourselves in some areas of the self-study, but similarly she will no doubt have some recommendations around areas which we might not have picked up as needing attention.  We await the report now and will communicate further with you in due course.


As part of the OISESA process, we needed to check that all policies had been reviewed and remained relevant. We have put those that pertain directly to our boys in a very concrete way, on MyBishopsLife. Go to Information – Policies.  Policies appearing there include our Code of Conduct, Hair, etc; i.e. those that you might need to consult from time to time.

Policies that appear on the school’s website are the broad, whole school policies, such as POPIA, Diversity and Transformation, Admissions. These are available to prospective parents as well, as they reflect our overall philosophy and practice.  Again, go to Information – Policies.  

It has been good to have a full week again at school, so do enjoy the weekend.

Kind regards

Friday 12 May 2023 Bramley Outing Grade 6 & 7

Time: 16h45 to 20h30
Venue: Grandwest
Wednesday 17 May 2023

Beginners Music Concert

Time: 18h30 to 20h00
Venue: Jagger Hall
Invitation to follow

Thursday 18 May 2023

Ascension Day Service

Time: 11h00
Venue: Memorial Chapel
Parents welcome to attend
Boys to wear No1s


Sports Communication

Bishops makes use of third-party software to manage our sport. This software is easily
accessible on smartphones and mobile devices and will inform you of sport fixture details, team sheets and results. Please click HERE for further information.

Email address changes

As a result of staff changes, please take note of the following email address changes with immediate effect:

School Secretary

Music Secretary


Rugby on Saturday

We need all hands on deck this Saturday as we host Wynberg Boys. Please click HERE to volunteer for a 30 minute shift in either the Tuck Shop or at the Egg and Bacon stand. All assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Blue Pages

Please note that the deadline for advertising in the next edition of the Bishops Blue Pages is 9 June. Please direct your enquiries to and artwork to

Art News
The Artists of the Week were chosen from Grade 7. The following boys were recognised for their imaginative drawings of what they thought “The Jabberwocky” looked like.

7B Rafael Farinha, Jack Garlick, Josh Katz and John Nolte
7P James Gray, Zishan Kassen, Adam Tanfield and Sean Watson
7S Nicholas Brits, Jamie Ridl, Matteo Toweel and Kai Van der Vyver

The Jabberwocky is a poem written by Lewis Carroll which the boys studied in English last term. Can you recognise some of the inventive nonsense words from the poem that are included in these drawings?

Please click HERE to view all the artwork.
Rugby News
The winners of Rick the Bear this week are the U9 age group for their commitment and enthusiasm! Well done boys!
English News
The Grade 6s were tasked with creating a visual collage of writing and images to describe themselves. This is an original poem written by Charles Traill (Grade 6S) that formed part of his collage.
Charlton House News

Charlton House recently selected Pure Rescue Rehabilitation and Training as one of our outreach projects. Pure’s mission is to rescue abused power breed dogs like Pitbull Terriers, rehabilitate them and find them loving homes. This all costs money so we set about raising funds. Each member of Charlton was tasked with running, cycling or walking a set distance for which they received sponsorship from their family. The results were outstanding with the boys raising over R6000. This was donated directly to the organisation in a handover ceremony with some of Pure’s staff and a wonderful Pitbull ambassador. Plans are being put in place to offer continued support through regular donations of food and equipment as well as volunteering at the organisation’s headquarters. Well done, Charlton boys, the dogs are certainly wagging their tails in appreciation.

Another fund-raising activity was the recent Charlton Movie night, where the Grade 7s screened two age-appropriate movies in two classrooms for the seniors and juniors, and ran a tuck shop for the hungry watchers. The turn out was fantastic and it was great to see the Grade 7s become savvy businessmen behind the snack counter.

Thank you

Thank you to all our amazing ground staff who keep our fields in such immaculate condition. We appreciate you!
Fir Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone:+27 (21) 659 7222 | Fax: +27 (21) 659 7227