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THURSDAY 23 November 2023
Dear Parents

Your son’s class allocation for 2024 will be given in the end of year report. Allocating boys to classes at this level takes an inordinate amount of time as we try to ensure a range of boys in each class, considering academic abilities and needs, involvement in the broader school life, personality, emotional needs and so on.  Friendship groups are a very low consideration as a new year is the time to be exposed to different boys and learn to work together; good friendships continue regardless of class allocation. Form teachers, House Directors, our counsellor and Deputy Head: Academics, all have input and the finished product is the best possible but, by its very nature, not perfect.

As final marks are calculated and teachers start to prepare reports next week, please note that reports will be available online on the Monday after school closes – Monday, 11 December.

Subject comments are shorter at the end of the year, providing a brief summation of performance and attitude.

Monday sees the start of eight days of a different and very varied programme. It is an opportunity to celebrate the year, take part in many varied activities, prepare for Christmas, etc. By now Form teachers will have sent out information regarding outings and transport. Boys will be fully occupied throughout the week with what is designed as a holistic programme, so please ensure that your son is at school every day; it is a wonderful opportunity for lots of fun at school without academic pressure, a good time for closure to the school year.

Tuesday’s Carol Service is compulsory for all boys and, as we have divided the school into two for the Carol Services, there is room for the whole family, siblings, grandparents and more. The Service should be no more than 45 minutes.

From Monday school closes at 13h30 and there are no afternoon extra-murals.

Kind regards

Friday 24 November 2023

Relay Sports

Venue: Lutgensvale

Please see further details under TAKE Note

Monday 27 November 2023 Enrichment Week Begins

Please note - school closes at 13h30 from Monday to Thursday


Tuesday 28 November 2023 Carol Service

Time: 18h30 to 19h15 (Brooke and Bramley)
Time: 19h45 to 20h30 (Charlton and Van der Bijl)
Venue: Memorial Chapel
Friday 1 December 2023

Grade 6 Go-Kart Racing

Time: 08h00 to 09h00
Venue: Stanmore Field
Grade 6 parents welcome to attend

Championship Gala

Time: 10h30 to 12h30
Venue: Prep Pool
Parents welcome to attend

Grade 7 Leavers' Dinner

Time: 18h00
Venue: Stanmore Field
Parents welcome to stay for refreshments until 18h30

Sunday 3 December to Tuesday 5 December 2023 Grade 7 Camp

Venue: Kleinmond
Tuesday 5 December 2023 Grade 3 Celebration

Time: 09h00
Venue: Jagger Hall
Tea will be served after the event
Wednesday 6 December 2023 Grade 7 Farewell Service and Reception

Time: 18h30 to 20h30
Venue: Memorial Chapel
Thursday 7 December 2023


Time: 09h00 to 10h30
Venue: Memorial Chapel
Tea will be served on the Chapel lawns after the event
It is compulsory for all boys to attend
Boys to wear No 1s
All parents welcome

Please see further information under TAKE Note

School closes for the December holidays

Time: 10h30 (boys may go home straight from Prize-Giving)


Relay Sports

The Inter-House Relay Sports takes place tomorrow, Friday 24 November.

  • Boys must arrive at normal time, dressed in House shirt, blue shorts, white socks, takkies and a cap.
  • Boys must apply sunscreen and bring lunch and water.
  • School closes at the normal time at 13h20
  • Normal afternoon extra-mural activities will take place
  • There will be no voluntary cricket net practice.

Please click HERE for the Programme of events.


Prize-Giving for Grade 4 to 7 boys takes place on Thursday 7 December.

Please note the following:

  • All parents will have received an invitation and are welcome to attend.
  • All boys (Grade 3 to 7) attend Prize-Giving.
  • Tea will be served on the Chapel lawns after the event and all boys go home directly from there.
  • Parents of boys in Grade 4 to 7 who are receiving prizes will be notified separately via email late next week.

Carol Service Outreach - Toy Collection

On Tuesday 28th November we will be having our special Carol Service in the Memorial Chapel from 18h30. We will have baskets available at the Chapel entrance where boys can drop one of their toys to donate. This collection will be given to Call to Serve and St. Theresa Church, who assist struggling communities and will hand out the toys at their Christmas party. Items will also be donated to local family magistrate courts where children who sit in waiting rooms are in need of toys to play with. This is a wonderful time to sing, give thanks, reflect on the year and serve our community.

Please note that there will also be a retiring collection after the service for our Support Staff.

VUSA Shoe Collection

It’s time to clean out your cupboards before the festive season arrives! Bishops are doing an end of year shoe collection for the boys and girls at VUSA. We will be collecting any second-hand or new shoes ranging from takkies, running shoes, school shoes or any other shoes. All sizes are welcome. The shoes will go directly to VUSA so they too can have something to put on their feet over the festive season and beyond. Please bring your shoes to the library on the 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th of December. We encourage you to bring one or more pairs of shoes and smash our goal of 180 pairs of shoes this year! Remember something small like this can make a huge difference and impact on someone else’s life.
Second Hand Shop
Now is a good time to do a sort-out of your son's school uniform and sports kit!
Cricket News
Judging by all the smiling faces, the U9s had a great time at their Inter-House cricket matches on Tuesday.
Art News

Artists of the Week. The following boys were chosen as Artists of the Week for their detailed drawings of Chameleons.  They had to focus on the body shape, legs and eyes and these examples had interesting scales and skin colours. Please click HERE to view all the artwork.

5B Tom Cobbledick, Kuhle Cossie, Faiq Joseph and Damian Van Zyl
5P Taufeeq Abrahams, Jude Barton, Landon Corbett and Tariq Eskinazi
5S Finlay Barnhoorn' Shikar Haripersad, Luca Nicol and Josh Pooler

Well done, boys!

Brooke House News

Brooke House completed phase one of the Zonnebloem Children’s Home renovation project. This included the interior being painted along with replacing doors, fixing windows and cleaning up mould. Thank you to Mr Njokoya for assisting us in giving the home a much needed make over.

Grade 4 News
The Grade 4 boys had fun in Science class making salt crystals.
Water Polo News
The Polo Panda was awarded to the U10C team this week for showing great determination and passion. Well done, team!
Staff News
The SA women’s indoor hockey team took part in a six nations tournament held in Malaysia. Participating countries included Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Namibia and South Africa. Congratulations to our Prep Sports Co-ordinator, Jamie Southgate for captaining her team to victory and to the team for a brilliant display of hockey!
Fir Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone:+27 (21) 659 7222 | Fax: +27 (21) 659 7227