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THURSDAY 30 November 2023
Dear Parents

As we come to the end of this year, we say farewell to a number of boys as well as staff.

Xolani Mathyeke leaves us, as you know, to take up a Deputy Head position at Steyn City in Gauteng. He has been with us for five years in a Grade 5 teaching role, cricket and rugby coach and Head of Soccer for the last two years.

Also leaving for a promotion post at WPPS as Head of Junior Prep is Laurelle Fry, who has been at Bishops for thirteen years in both Grade 2 and 3, TiC of Athletics at the Prep and this year, Assistant House Director of Van der Bijl. Many boys have been through her classes and will testify to the difference she has made in the school.

We thank both Xolani and Laurelle for their contribution to the life of Bishops and wish them well in their new roles at their respective schools.

At the Pre-Prep, Sharlene Groom ends her term as Head of the Pre-Prep and a member of the Prep Executive for the last eight years. As one of my Deputies, she has been a great support to me and had a wonderful vision for the Pre-Prep, continually re-thinking facilities, grades, methodology and even a move to flexible seating which has come right through to Grade 4.  I will always remember her for taking all the fences down between Pre-Prep and the fields, much to our concern. But she had said no-one will run away and no-one did.  After thirty-six years of teaching, Sharlene is taking early retirement to spend more time with her grandchildren and pursue her many other interests.  We thank her for all she has done and wish her well as she moves into a new stage of her life.

We also say farewell to Richard Goedhals, who has substituted in Grade 4 for the last two terms. Richard is a Bishops stalwart having taught here for many years and it is always wonderful to have him back with us. Our Grade 3 intern, Shameemah Allie, qualifies this year and we wish her well in her future career.

We say farewell to our Grade 7s as they move on and to any other boys leaving in other grades. May God hold them in the palm of His hand.

If you attended one of our Tuesday night’s Carol Services, you will have appreciated the beautiful simplicity of the Service with narration, music and prayers. Choir, vocal soloists, trumpeters, violinists and cellists all took our music to another level, inspiring us and, with the narrators, reminding us of the essence of Christmas and what the message of hope can mean for us all.

Grade 3 to 7 Academic Reports will be released to your son’s profile on MyBishopsLife on Monday, 11 December 2023.

To view a breakdown of your son’s second semester marks (Grades 4 to 7 only), please select the Academic menu in MyBishopsLife and choose Marks from the drop-down provided. Please click on each listed subject name to view a detailed breakdown of your son’s marks for July to December.

Should you experience any login issues, please email This inbox will be monitored daily until lunchtime on Wednesday, 13th December 2023.

Thank you to you all for your support this year; your son’s education this year would not be the same without this. Thank you for your attendance at so many events, concerts, sports fixtures etc not to mention the assistance with transport – this is so essential at Prep level where your presence shows your boy how important education is. Thank you for making Bishops your school of choice.

This is the last newsletter of the term, so best wishes to you all for a happy holiday, safe travels if travelling and some relaxing time with family and friends.

May Christmas be a Blessed time and may we return in the new year positive and full of hope.

Best wishes

Kind regards

Friday 1 December 2023

Grade 6 Go-Kart Racing

Time: 08h30 to 09h30
Venue: Rossall Field (Please note change of venue)
Grade 6 parents welcome to attend

Championship Gala

Time: 10h30 to 12h30
Venue: Prep Pool
Parents are welcome to attend

School closes at 13h30

Grade 7 Leavers' Dinner

Time: 18h00
Venue: Stanmore Field
Parents welcome to stay for refreshments until 18h30

Sunday 3 December to Tuesday 5 December 2023 Grade 7 Camp

Venue: Kleinmond
Tuesday 5 December 2023 Grade 3 Celebration

Time: 09h00
Venue: Jagger Hall
Tea will be served after the event
Wednesday 6 December 2023 Grade 7 Farewell Service and Reception

Time: 18h30 to 20h30
Venue: Memorial Chapel
Thursday 7 December 2023

Prize-Giving (Grade 4 - 7)

Time: 09h00 to 10h30
Venue: Memorial Chapel
Tea will be served on the Chapel lawns after the event
It is compulsory for all boys (Grade 3 to 7) to attend
Boys to wear No 1s
All parents are welcome

School closes for the December holidays

Time: 10h30 (boys may go home straight from Prize-Giving)

Wednesday 17 January 2024 School Reopens


Second Hand Uniform Shop

The Second Hand Shop will be closed from 5 December 2023 and will open on the 15th and 16th January 2024 from 10h00 to 12h00 (school opens on 17 January).

Thereafter the shop will open as follows in 2024:

  • Mondays 12h15 - 14h30
  • Thursdays 07h30 - 08h30

Should you need further assistance, please WhatsApp either Elsabe Hartog 082 8831456 or Jessica van der Ghinste 082 3206123.

Bishops Blue Pages

The 20th edition of the Bishops Blue Pages has been published. Please click HERE to access it.
Thank You
We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our Second Hand Shop Co-ordinators who have done an amazing job running the shop over the last few years. We really appreciate the time and effort they put in, and always with a smile! Thank you, Sasha Rivera and Julie Breslin!
Inter-House Relay Sports
A very successful Relay Sports event was held last Friday. Well done to Charlton House for being the victors and to Bramley House for being awarded the Spirit trophy. Please visit our Facebook page for more photos.
Informal House Dinners
Last Friday, each House had an informal dinner for their Grade 7 boys, a fun and relaxing way to celebrate their 5 years together. Please visit our Facebook Page for more photos.
A Busy Week!
This week has been full of varied and fun outings and entertaining activities for our boys. From a dog show to a medieval banquet, from making and decorating Christmas biscuits to board games and origami, a Table Mountain Hike and a walk through the city, and of course those annual Grade 7 highlights of Potjiekos Day and Market Day; the school has been a hive of activity! Please visit our Facebook page for lots more photos.

The VUSA Christmas Party at Lutgensvale, hosted by the incredible Bishops Grade 6 & 7 families, was a magical celebration that left 180 VUSA and 40 Bishops Boys brimming with joy. The carefully planned fun activities, from a festive craft table to face painting, a jumping castle, and an exciting rocket ship adventure, created an atmosphere of pure delight. A heartfelt thank you to Charles Traill, whose slushy business added a cool touch to the day, and to generous donors like Blaauwberg Meat Specialities, ensuring the children feasted on delicious boerie rolls and decadent donuts for dessert. Shoprite's thoughtful gesture of treating the children to bags of yummy treats and Christmas hats added an extra sparkle. The beautifully decorated gift bags, expertly crafted by Grade 5, were incredible and sincere appreciation goes to Sue Johns for coordinating this effort. Special thanks to the Darne family, Prep PA, Crazy Store, Bishops, and Banjopro for their contributions. Thank you also to Kim Stevens, Cema Hendricks, Fika Madubela and Brendan Fogarty and all the parents who donated, helped pack gift bags and volunteered their time to assist on the day.  Please view THIS short video of this incredibly special day.

In another heartwarming display of generosity and the true spirit of Christmas, the ECD Angels concluded their year of weekly volunteering at Dalukhanyo creche on Tuesday morning.  Feedom baked Christmas biscuits, which our creche children decorated.  Special thanks to the Turck family for making homemade playdough packs for each child for the holidays.  Thank you also to Aoife Doherty and Bryony Bryce for driving this special initiative and to all the special parents who have given up so much time and care for our children.

Support Staff Tea
All our Support Staff were invited to a tea on Tuesday where they were graciously served by a group of Grade 7 boys and entertained by the Marimba Band. It was a wonderful way to show appreciation for all that they do for our school.
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