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THURSDAY 12 October 2023
Dear Parents

We are pleased to welcome everyone back for the 4th term. I hope you were able to enjoy something of a break, even if it was just not driving to Bishops every day. Boys have entered into their summer activities with great enthusiasm. And the weather has played ball – wonderful to have longer days with sunshine and warmth.

We welcome back Mr Mitchell, looking refreshed and relaxed, after a term’s sabbatical.

During the holidays both our Cricket 1st XI and the Orange River group enjoyed very successful trips. The 1st XI competed in the Cape Schools Cricket Week in Komani (Queenstown) winning four out of their four matches. As importantly though, they were a credit to their school and families both on and off the field, in terms of their general behaviour, manners and attitude.

This is a very short term, eight weeks and two days actually, and as always there is a great deal to be done. We will finish the curriculum with the necessary assessments, together with all our summer activities. We then have a special time over the last two weeks to celebrate the year, prepare for Christmas, enjoy the last few days with our classmates and do various activities; go-kart racing, Market Day, Bishops Got Talent, as well as a service component.

Please note these important dates that involve all boys:

Tuesday, 27 November (evening)                               Carol Service
Thursday, 6 December 09h00                                    Prizegiving

There are also a number of special Grade 7 events as well as a Grade 3 Celebration and information regarding these will be sent out separately.

These eight weeks and two days will be very full and boys will be fully and meaningfully occupied right until the last day of term, 6 December. So we ask you to please support the school by not asking for your son to leave school before the end of term for travel purposes. We also had a number of boys miss days of school and even evening functions, to play in the IPL Cricket league. This should not start before the end of term and, even if it does, please kindly inform the organisers that your son will not be available during school time. Some parents did do this last year and their sons were not prejudiced in any way.

When boys leave early they miss out on so much of the celebration time at school, very different experiences and the opportunity to experience proper closure. I seem to have had more requests than ever before during this year to miss school for travel, so I ask you to please allow your son to finish school properly on Thursday, 6 December.

The boys have arrived back excited about what this term holds for them, so we wish you all a very good term.

Kind regards

Friday 13 October 2023

Bok Day - Civvies Day with something green

Charlton Grade 4 Outing

Time: 18h00 to 20h00
Venue: Laser Tag and Spur at Grand West

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Winter Group Photographs

Please see further details under Take Note

Grade 7 Social with St Cyprians

Time: 18h30 to 20h30
Venue: Jagger Hall

Please see further details under Take Note

Friday 20 October 2023 Million Word Club Year End Event

Time: 19h00 to 21h00
Venue: Exclusive Books, Cavendish
Monday 23 October 2023 Bishops Praise Service

Time: 09h50 to 10h50
Venue: Mallet Centre
Boys to wear No 1s
Wednesday 25 October 2023 Inter-Schools General Knowledge Finals

Time: 19h00
Venue: Pinelands North Primary School
Winter Group Photos

Winter Group photos will be taken on Wednesday 18 October. Please click HERE for the information regarding the sports clothing requirements for the Winter Sports photos.
Grade 4 - 7 Test Schedule

The test schedule for Term 4 has been uploaded to MyBishopsLife. The test schedule is the first option in the Quick Links section on your son’s home screen.
Grade 7 Social with St Cyprians

The Grade 7 Social with St Cyprians will take place on Wednesday 18 October in Jagger Hall from 18h30 to 20h30. The cost is R100.00. This amount will be added to your school fee account.

Million Word Club Event

After a year of dedicated tracking, testing, counting of words and glitter bombs, on Friday 20th October our reading champions in the Million Word Club of 2023 will enjoy their year-end book club night, The Case of The Abandoned Bookshop!

Exclusive Books Cavendish will be closing their store for the evening to host us. We aim to capture the atmosphere and intrigue of a cosy, dimly lit bookshop in which Sherlock Holmes and his loyal friend solved intricate mysteries. Boys will bring a torch for a scavenger hunt and enjoy games like book bingo and book Pictionary, as well as delicious snacks! Congratulations to all the reading champs! 

“We read to know that we are not alone.” - CS Lewis

Orange River Adventure
The Orange River Trip in Southern Namibia was a fantastic adventure for those families that participated. They paddled 72km in four days into the Richtersveld and experiencing gourmet river food, the African night sky and the starkly barren Richtersveld National Park. It was great to make new friends and the boys and girls on the trip had the time of their lives. It was an incredible experience which gave parents the ideal opportunity to bond with their children. Please visit our Facebook page for more photos.
Cape Schools Cricket Week
Our Prep First XI Cricket team travelled to Komani at the beginning of the school holidays to take part in the Cape Schools Cricket Week, hosted by Queens Junior. They achieved 4 wins from 4 matches, beating Dale Junior by 7 wickets and beating Selborne by 155 runs, both 50 over matches. In the T20’s they beat Queens Junior by 9 wickets and Grey Junior by 9 wickets. In the second match Uzayr Johaar scored 111 and Ibraheem Taliep 91. Uzayr won both Man of the Match awards for the 50 over matches. Ibraheem Taliep won both Man of Match awards for the T20’s with scores of 59 and 58 not out respectively. Well done to our cricketers!
Library News
The spotted pig reading mascot and well known world traveller, aka Spoggy, was lucky enough to be taken to France to watch a World Cup game and visit the Mona Lisa. We love the fact that he is interested in both sport and culture! (Pictured here with Nathan Venn)
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