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THURSDAY 26 October 2023
Dear Parents

At last week’s assembly, I spoke to the boys about how they sometimes treat each other, as well as talk to each other. For many reasons they do sometimes put each other down. In many cases this says more about the boy doing it and what his needs are – he might wish to “impress” his friends, feel a bit “powerful”, not be feeling so good about himself and, for some reason, thinks being nasty to someone else will make him somehow feel better; jealousy, a desire to exclude and many other reasons. Not too different to how adults sometimes act. But we all know it’s not okay and sometimes people do not care – it’s an “all about me and my friends” attitude.

None of us want our boys to grow up to be like this and school, as well as home, are places to learn about relationships, social dynamics, empathy and being and becoming the good adult man that is our aim for the children in our care.

I asked the boys to consider whether everything they do and say is designed to build others up or not. When they say something to another, does it reflect the values of the Mitre? Manners – Integrity – Togetherness – Respect – Empathy: the values and actions we aspire to see in our boys.

We all know it is a journey – of many years – and boys will make mistakes along the way and often have to learn the hard way.  Similarly, boys have to learn resilience, to stand up for themselves and learn to respond appropriately and not follow the example of the perpetrator. But no boy should have to endure constant negative comments and a targeted “put down” attitude. And, in the case of the latter, we do, when informed, deal with this behaviour very seriously and appropriately.

Please keep an ear out for this type of behaviour amongst the boys – they see so many poor examples of social interaction on social media, YouTube and the internet, where it is often “fashionable” to belittle or attack others, particularly where their opinions, successes and attitudes differ from that of the writer.

We will have a particular focus on this issue in many different ways over the next months and we will keep you informed. The boys enjoy singing this hymn, “Brother, Let Me Be Your Servant”, and the first two verses say it all.

Brother, let me be your servant,
Let me be as Christ to you;
Pray that I may have the grace
To let you be my servant, too.

We are pilgrims on a journey,
We are brothers on the road;
We are here to help each other
Walk the mile and bear the load.

All the best.

Kind regards

Friday 27 October 2023 Charlton House Grade 6 Outing

Time: 18h00 to 20h00
Venue: Grand West
Saturday 28 October 2023 Inter-House Cricket U10 - U13

Time: 08h00 to 14h15
Venue: Various
Thursday 2 November 2023 Grade 7 Maths Challenge

Time: 15h00 to 16h30
Venue: Micklefield
Friday 3 November 2023

Van der Bijl House Grade 4 and 5 Outing

Time: 16h00 – 18h00
Venue: P3 (Parking Floor 3) Battery Park Entrance off Alfred or Dock Road Waterfront, Cape Town
Booking: Respond to email sent by House Directors and Online Booking at

Bramley House Grade 6 Outing

Time: 17h00 to 19h00
Venue: Tekkerz Soccer Park (at Rhodes High School) 25 Montreal Avenue, Mowbray

Brooke House Grade 3 and 6 Mentorship Activity

Time: 17h30 to 19h30
Venue: Rossall Pavilion

Sunday 5 November 2023 Van der Bijl House Grade 3 and 6 Mentorship Activity

Time: 11h00 – 13h00
Venue: Rossall Field and Swimming Pool
Tuesday 7 November 2023 Grade 3 and 4 Pop-Up Art Exhibition

Time: 07h30 to 09h00
Venue: Jagger Hall
Wednesday 8 November 2023

FAL isiXhosa 2024 discussion - Grade 6 Parents

Time: 19h00 to 20h00
Venue: Jagger Hall
Further communication to follow from Karen Dallas

VUSA Christmas Party

For the past five years, Bishops Grade 6s and 7s have had the honour of hosting an end-of-year celebration for VUSA children. This heartfelt initiative was started by parents and has been passed down year after year, becoming a cherished tradition.

Please save the date and click HERE for further information. 


Art Exhibitions

Please pop in when you drop your sons off at school in the morning or bring Granny and Grandpa before 09h00.  Tea, coffee and scones will be on offer.
If you are not able to attend, Jagger Hall will remain open for viewing in the afternoons from 14h15 to 16h30.

Grades 3 & 4 until Friday 10 November (from 14h15 to 16h30)
Grades 5,6 & 7 until Friday 17 November (from 14h15 to 16h30)

I look forward to seeing you there.
Sue Johns (Art teacher)

Grade 3 Picnic
The Grade 3s are ending off with a picnic to create time for families to connect as the boys finish their Foundation Phase years together. It is going to be a good opportunity to spend time with friends, and get to know new ones, as you cross over to the next phase of your son’s school journey.

Please bring your family, a picnic blanket and baskets, food and drinks and join us for an evening together. Boys are allowed to bring soccer balls, cricket bats and balls and any other fun games. We will have a designated area for play. The Grade 3 teachers look forward to seeing you all there. Please let your class teacher know if you are unable to make it.

Bishops Blue Pages

If you are interested in advertising in the next edition of the Bishops Blue Pages, please take note of these details and direct queries to the email address provided above.

Grade 7 News
Our Grade 7 boys hosted their friends from St Cyprians at a Social at Bishops last week. They learnt to Saroc dance, played fun games and had a free dance session. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all!
General Knowledge Quiz
Our General Knowledge Quiz team achieved a podium place for the second time in two years. The team ended in 3rd place on 71, after The Grove with 75 in 2nd place and Bosch in 1st place with 76 points. It was a tight finish and we are super proud of them!
Bramley House News

The Bramley grade 3,4 and 5s thoroughly enjoyed their picnic held on Tuesday. Please visit our Facebook page for more photos.

Athletics News

On a beautiful Monday evening this week in Paarl our athletes did us proud. Congratulations to our medal winners:

Gold: Joshua Mafunda u13 800m
Silver: Cruz Harris u9 80m, David Ebbs u10 100m, Imaad Hendricks u13 100m and Julian Edwards u13 200m
Bronze: Murray Prain u10 400m, Tom Cobbledick u11 800m, Charles Traill u12 800m, James Ridl u13 400m, and Imaad Hendricks, Julian Edwards, Joshua Mafunda, James Ridl u13 4 x 100m relay and Daniel Hobbs, Cruz Harris u9 6 x 80m relay

Library News
There was much excitement in assembly last Friday when the winners of the Million Word competition were announced. The Class Teachers with the most reading champions, Mr Tyali, Mr Mathyeke and Mr Louw each with 8 champions per class were rewarded with some biltong! Congratulations to the biggest readers of 2023! Bronze award to Xander Chu, Silver award to Noah Van De Ghinste and Gold award for the second year running, to Casey Nevin. Another Grade 5 sweep! The boys enjoyed their evening at Exclusive Books where they got engrossed in the Case of the Abandoned Bookshop, in the dark with torches and book hunts!
Praise Service
A very special Praise Service which included the whole school was held in the Mallet Centre on Monday. A thought provoking and entertaining sermon was given by Jeremy Smith, previously the Youth Pastor at the Prep and Pre-Prep.
Fir Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone:+27 (21) 659 7222 | Fax: +27 (21) 659 7227