Dear Parents
Last week we hosted two empowering and informative parent evenings, by Pam Tudin, a Clinical Psychologist and co-founder of KLIKD, South Africa’s leading digital safety and citizenship company. On Tuesday evening, Pam addressed the Grades R-3 parents with practical hands-on ways to build and sustain relationships with our children as they begin to face the digital world.
Pam discussed ways for parents to manage the power struggles with clear guidelines on the ‘when’ and the 'how’ when it comes to introducing devices; how much time is enough time; what the online dangers for little ones looks like, (even when our little ones are just dabbling on their parent’s devices for a little bit of YouTube fun) and how to stay connected to our children as their curiosity in the online world increases.
Pam also equipped parents to negotiate those tricky nagging questions we all have in the back of our minds: ‘will my child be left out’ or ‘left behind’ if we don't permit gaming and online socialising? It was great to hear Pam’s input on how to effectively and pro-actively delay device use at this age, and more importantly how we can find support for our choice within our own circle of friends so that ultimately, the adults in our children’s worlds are all on the same page.
On Wednesday evening Pam met with the Grade 4 parents to assist and support them as their children begin their journey of learning with assistive online tools. Discussing the pro’s and cons of iPad introduction, Pam was clear in the distinction that there is much to be gained from supplementary online learning, but that at no point does it replace the very central role that in-person teaching, play and social connection have in our children’s healthy development
Pam brought current thinking and research to the table and more importantly focussed on the "how to” when it comes to introducing devices to our children’s worlds. She explored what healthy digital nutrition looks against the daily realities of hard-working parents, au-pairs and ‘loving’ grandparents. Pam was clear in her message that children of this age do not require social media and emphasised that the introduction of social media is a very different beast to the introduction of complimentary online educational input.
Pam left us all with the understanding that the strongest mitigating factor against all the online, dangers, bumps and battles, is us - our connection to our children and our willingness to be their soft-landing place when the inevitable online mistakes begin to occur.
Pam, once again, invited all parents to join the weekly BISHOPS KLIKD IN YOUR POCKET (KIYP) WhatsApp broadcast group that offers parents bite-size chunks of weekly input on how to talk to our children about some of the hard topics coming our way (what to do when they accidentally discover inappropriate content on Roblox, how to manage sleep overs when your rules are different to the mom’s next door; how to explain why gaming is addictive - the list was endless). Please see the link below to join the Bishops KIYP group - many of our parents attest to it being an invaluable, easy to read and often fun resource!
Finally, we strongly encourage all parents in Grades 3-7 who would like some more invaluable information to join an online webinar entitled DAMN! This Device! This empowering mini workshop covers important questions such as:
- When should I give my child a device?
- I have already given my kid a device and now I have lost control. Now what?
- How do I set up devices for maximum safety without standing over the screen?
- How do I stop my kid from seeing totally inappropriate content
- How do I get my child to accept screen boundaries?
- How much time is enough screen time for little ones, medium ones, and big ones?
- How do I stop the power struggle E.V.E.R.Y S.I.N.G.L.E D.A.Y?
- My child is starting to look pretty addicted to gaming – now what?
- What are the basic safety requirements for YOUTUBE, TIKTOK, AND GAMING.
As a school we regularly review our academic programme and methodology including the use of devices as a teaching and learning tool. We have reviewed the introduction of the iPad programme in Grade 4 for this year and we will be implementing the following new changes:
- Use of the iPads at school will be on 2 days of the week starting in mid-August
- No homework will be set using the iPad (Mathletics will also be done in class during the Homework or Maths Period)
- All work/notes will still be accessed and given in hard copy.
- Boys will not need to access the online planning or subject sites in the afternoons. Developing executive functioning and planning skills will still be done using the Homework book and timetables.
As we partner together on this digital journey, we strongly insist and thank you for your support of the following key points for iPad management at home as found in the school’s Acceptable Use Policy:
- Keep the iPad free of ALL social media apps and games – it is an educational tool.
- Keep the iPad free of all downloaded games, movies, clips etc
- Ensure that no SIM cards and VPNs, which bypass our firewall, are put onto the iPad.
- Please put rules and boundaries in place regarding the use and time limits for screentime.
- Disable private browsing and deletion of browsing history.
- Make use of the iPads inbuilt parent controls such as content and privacy restrictions, guided access, screen time, downtime and App time limit
Kind regards
DIARY Dates |
Thursday 1 August 2024 |
175 Music Celebration - Evening Concert
Time: 19h00
Venue: Memorial Chapel |
Friday 2 August 2024 |
Bramley Cupcake Sale
Time: 10h30
Venue: Jagger Hall
Monday 5 August 2024 |
Bramley House Function
Time: 19h00
Venue: Jagger Hall |
Thursday 8 August 2024 |
Dress up Day - boys to dress up as their favourite book character
School ends at 12h55
Rugby vs SACS - Please take note of this weekday fixture
No hockey will take place
Friday 9 August 2024 |
Public Holiday - Women's Day
School closed. No sports fixtures except the one mentioned below
Cape Co-Ed U13 Hockey Cup (U13A)
Time: 08h00
Venue: Curro Durbanville
Tuesday 13 August 2024 |
Charlton House Function
Time: 19h00
Venue: Jagger Hall |
Wednesday 14 August 2024 |
Brooke House Function
Time: 19h00
Mallet Centre |
Monday 19 August 2024 |
End of Winter Extra-Mural
Start of Soccer Trials Week
Van der Bijl House Function
Time: 19:00
Venue: Woodlands |
Friday 23 August 2024 |
175 U12 Day/Night Hockey Tournament
Time: 14h00
Venue: Woodlands Astro |
TAKE Note |
Rugby on Saturday - Assistance Required
We are hosting Wynberg this Saturday and once again need your help to efficiently run the Tuck Shop and Egg and Bacon Stand. If you are able to spare just 30 minutes, please click HERE to book your slot. All assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Please click HERE for the fixtures. |
Bishops Carnival Raffle
Please support our carnival raffle!!
- We are raising all funds for our Carnival this year with a fantastic raffle
- Amazing prizes are up for grabs for adults and kids -Ster Kinekor, Cape Union Mart, Yociko, trips away & wine prizes
- The raffle tickets will be on sale next week at the Pre-Prep gate at drop off and at the Mitre from 07h30 to 08h00 all week (5th-8th August)
- Tickets will also be available online
- Sales via SnapScan
- Winners to be announced on 16 August
Bramley Cupcake Sale tomorrow!
Please support the Bramley cupcake sale on Friday 2 August.
Delicious cupcakes will be on sale, baked by Silwood Kitchen with loads of toppings added.
R25 each, remember to send money!
All proceeds will go to charity. |
Book Week
To celebrate Book Week 2024 our theme is Camp-In! An indoor camp will be set up for storytelling around our (fake!) fire. We will also have a class book bingo, watch an Afrikaans visiting theatre show and hold the annual guess how many book worms are stuffed into the jar! The 4-day week will hold a Book Sale in the library and end with a dress up day (details below)
Book Sale 6 – 8 August
Exclusive Books will be holding a Big Book Sale in the Library for 3 full days; Tuesday 6th, Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th August. Brand new, trending as well as popular book series will be available. Prices range from R150 – R300. Boys can view and purchase at break time or in their Library Lesson next week and parents are welcome to visit the sale after school from 14h15 to 16h00. Payment can be made via cash or card. We look forward to seeing you! |
Civvies Day and Book Donation
On Thursday 8th August "Dress as Your Favourite Book Character Day" takes place! From Tin Tin and Snowy to the Gruffalo and dragons from Wings of Fire – we can’t wait to see your outfits! Prizes will be awarded for best dressed student AND teacher! We are also inviting boys to bring one book from home as a donation which will go to the VUSA Mobile Library as well as The Bookery organization. |
VUSA Market Day - 17th August
Our VUSA children have been hard at work preparing for their upcoming Market Day on the 17th of August! In collaboration with Capitec Bank, they've been participating in entrepreneur workshops to hone their business skills. To support their efforts, we are collecting recycled items which will be used for their market day projects. If you have any of the following items at home, please could we ask you to drop them off at The Mitre or the Prep reception:
- Cardboard
- Old Newspapers
- Wooden Frames
- Old Pieces of Material
- Metal Cans
- Plastic Bottles
- Egg Trays
Your contributions will greatly aid our young entrepreneurs in bringing their creative ideas to life. Should you wish to support the event, it will be held at the Langa Sports Ground, Bitterhout Street, Langa from 8-12.30 AM as part of our Derby against Wet Pups. |
VUSA 24 Hour Cycle Challenge |
A reminder to please support the VUSA 24 Hour Cycle Challenge which will be held on Piley Rees on the 24-25 August!
Enjoy live entertainment, jumping castles, a magic shows, activation stands, a pop-up bar, and more.
We are also seeking prizes for our winning teams and raffles items (vouchers, hampers, product, experiences – no items are too big or small ). If you have a business and are looking for marketing opportunities, we expect over 1000 participants as well as spectators at this year’s event including the Bishops Community, Corporates and several Southern Suburbs schools. The event will once again be live-streamed in order to share your brand far and wide. Please take a look at the sponsorship proposal. Your involvement and support will help make this event a great success. |
Inter-House Rugby |
Well done to Brooke House for being the victors in the Inter-House Rugby held on 20 July. Please visit our Website Photo Gallery for more photos. |
Inter-House Cross Country |
A very successful Inter-House Cross Country event was held last Friday. Well done to all who participated and to the organisers! Please visit our Facebook page for more photos. |
Weekly Winners |
The Artists of the Week were chosen from Grade 3 this week. This project entitled ‘Rockpools” was inspired by the Oceans topic that the boys worked on in class last term. They learnt how to mix different tones of light and dark blue paint for the sea water. The following boys were chosen for their successful and creative paintings of busy rockpools: (Please click HERE to see all their artwork.)
3B David Chen, Zach Dhaver, Niam Hsiao, Nadir Isaacs
3P Fionn Gubbins, Hudson Kettlewell, Aaron McAllister, Ethan McCallum
3S Rupert Anderson, Harry Brown, Nicholas Hatt, Joshua Smit
The Hockey Husky was awarded this week to the U9 C for their excellent match last week.
Rick the Bear was awarded to the U11A team this week for a great display of rugby.
Well done to all these boys! |
Fir Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone:+27 (21) 659 7222 | Fax: +27 (21) 659 7227 |