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THURSDAY 25 January 2024
Dear Parents

Last week I omitted to welcome Cindy Anstey back to the Prep. Cindy taught Grade 3 at the Prep for a number of years before moving to the Pre-Prep a few years ago as a Grade 2 teacher. We are very happy to have her back again as a Grade 3 teacher.

Welcome too to La’eeq Abrahams who joins us on a teacher internship. He will be based in Grade 4 this year.

I have been very pleased with what I have seen at the above sessions. The Multi-X sessions after summer sport practices are games-based and not sport-specific, focusing instead on age appropriate physical literacy levels as well as the sports-related skills of agility, eye hand co-ordination, ball skills, etc. The need for this has come about with the more sedentary lifestyle affecting our boys and the myriad of attractions offered by technology from television to mobile devices, not to mention the range of social media options. With boys at an age where communication and entertainment are so important and enjoyable, it is difficult to compete with this attraction. We can also not under-estimate the impact of the two very abnormal years of Covid which impacted our boys at a young age.

We can see that a number of boys had to miss out at the early age on private swimming lessons and had far less access to swimming facilities outside of the home and school, hence extra swimming sessions as well as a compulsory afternoon swimming for Grade 3s. I think being able to swim, and preferably swim well, is an essential life skill from the point of view of water safety, strength and fitness.

This is the first time and the first week of the first time that we have implemented such a programme, so there have been a few teething problems which we will iron out. What I have seen, most importantly, is our boys having enormous fun and playing together, regardless of talent.

We have a 24 hour turnaround time for answering emails, although most will be answered far more quickly than that. Teachers are not expected to answer emails during teaching time, so if there is a change in arrangements for your son for the day in question that you could not communicate in advance, please phone the office to ensure that the message will be received and acted on.

If your son is ill and off school or at school but not well enough to do Phys Ed or sport, please email the House Director and teacher concerned. Your son will tell his teacher if he is at school, but we need parental confirmation too.

We do endeavour to communicate as well as possible and do correct when something is missed, but please also encourage your sons to take responsibility for their day, special arrangements, kit, etc.   There is a great danger that we disempower our boys from taking responsibility for knowing all the details of arrangements; they need to ask their teachers if they are uncertain - who, what, where. If the coach tells their parents everything that is needed and parents make the arrangements, our boys can comfortably be very passive, something we don’t want to see.

We have had a few reports of problems with the 2022 school magazine handed out at the very end of term last year, such as pages falling out. If there are any such problems with your copy, please return it to school with your son’s name clearly marked and the printers will replace it. Please do so before Thursday next week.

It has been a wonderful week with all our activities and lessons in full swing and the boys energised and happy – they seem very pleased with their 175 caps.

Kind regards

Friday 26 January 2024

Grade 7 Experience Bishops

Time: 07h30 to 12h30
Please see details under TAKE Note

Grade 3 House Picnics

Time: 17h30 to 19h30
Venue: Bramley - Stanmore Field
Venue: Brooke - Rossall Field
Venue: Charlton - Prep Pool

Bring along your picnics, drinks and picnic blankets.


Sunday 28 January 2024 Grade 3 Hike - Van der Bijl House

Time: 07h30
Venue: Cecilia Forest
Friday 2 February 2024

Brooke House Bring and Braai - Grade 3 - 7

Time: 17h30 to 20h00
Venue: Prep Pool

Bramley House Picnic - Grade 3 - 7

Time: 18h00 - 20h00
Venue: Clifton 4th Beach

Van der Bijl House Picnic - Grade 3 - 7

Time: 18h00 - 20h00
Venue: Lutgensvale A and B
Bring your blankets, snacks, drinks and games for an evening of laughter and connection

Charlton House Picnic - Grade 3 - 7

Time: 18h00 - 20h00
Venue: Clifton 4th Beach

Tuesday 6 February 2024 House Grade 7Leadership Workshops

Time: 16h30 to 18h00
Further details to be communicated
Wednesday 7 February 2024 Grade 7 Bishops College Entrance Exam

This exam takes place during school hours Please click HERE for the details.
Thursday 8 February 2024

Class Reps Meeting

Time: 07h30 to 08h30
Venue: Dining Room

Prep Sports Day

Time: 15h00 to 17h00
Venue: Lutgensvale

(No other sport on this day)


Grade 7 Experience Bishops

The 2024 Experience Bishops College Open Day will take place tomorrow, 26 January. This is compulsory for all our Grade 7 boys.

Please take note of the following arrangements:

  • Boys must wear No 1s
  • Boys are to be dropped off at Prep as usual.
  • Boys will be walked up to the College.
  • Those parents wishing to tour the College must please park at the Prep and walk up with the boys. (Parking at the College will be at a premium with the Open Day and a Cricket Festival taking place).
  • Boys will be walked back to the Prep at the end of the morning and normal school times and extra-murals will apply.
  • For those parents who are interested in boarding for their sons, tours of the boarding facilities will take place at 09h45.
  • Please click HERE for the full itinerary. Please note that Prep boys will not have to register.
Test Timetable Grade 4 - 7

Please visit the calendar on the Website or on your son's profile on MyBishopsLife to view the Term 1 Test Timetable for Grades 4 to 7.

All the boys were timed and measured in week 1 for track and field events for Sports Day on 8 February. Any boys who missed being timed or measured or want to be timed/measured again are welcome to come to their age group athletics practices from 16h15 to 17h15 at Lutgensvale over the next two weeks. All boys are also welcome to attend athletics practices to prepare for Sports Day as well. After Sports Day an Athletics team will be selected to train for the Quadrangular and Pentangular a few weeks later.
Medical Details
Please could you check/update the medical details on your son’s profile on MyBishopsLife by clicking on the tab “Update Medical Details Forms” as per the picture above. Please complete the update by 29 January 2024.
House Grade 3 Welcome
Bramley, Brooke, Charlton and Van der Bijl Houses all welcomed their Grade 3 and other new boys in various ways. We have no doubt that a strong House spirit will prevail during their time at the Prep.
Grade 7 News
Grade 7 Mathematics class - the boys are getting used to knuckling down, collaborating and enjoying the classes!
Fir Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone:+27 (21) 659 7222 | Fax: +27 (21) 659 7227