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THURSDAY 18 July 2024

Dear Parents

The start of term 3 has not been without challenges, the severe storms having left many families with challenges. Sport and interschool fixtures have had to be cancelled, and our boys have spent many breaks indoors. It has been wonderful watching them back on the fields, and even playing a few matches this week. We look forward to Interhouse rugby at Lutgensvale on Saturday.

During the school holidays, I came across a wonderful article written by John Gloster. John is a renowned physiotherapist and the man who ‘physically shaped’ Indian cricket. He has over 25 years of experience working with elite sportspersons at the highest level.
John writes about the connection between failure and potential and shares the following:

Parents need to realise that everything in life is neither rosy nor a bed of thorns; children must be exposed to failure and pain at an early age, as that is where real learning happens. Over-protective parents do not allow their young children to take a knock. As a result, these children never get to know the difference between ‘good’ pain and ‘bad’ pain and do not build resilience.
Shane Warne, the legendary Australian leg-spinner and one of the greatest cricketers of all time, often speaks about failure and its positive outcomes. He says that if you want to be a successful person, then you must never fear failure. Young kids never know what their limits and capabilities are until they fail.

Warne explains it as ‘going to the edge of a cliff and falling off’. He explains that until you go to the edge of that cliff and fall off, you never know where the edge is – you never know where your limits are and where your abilities lie. So, kids must be encouraged to go to the edge of a cliff and fall off – fail either physically or mentally. But, importantly, you can fall off only if there is somebody there to catch you. And, this happens when you are surrounded by a good team or support network – who will catch you when you fall off that cliff and throw you back up onto that edge so that you can get back up and start again. You then know where your limits lie!
This is extremely crucial because otherwise, they are never operating at their full potential; instead, it is always submaximal potential. And, most kids never know what their full potential is because they never experience failure.

A note to parents; remember, schools and team sports are the perfect safe spaces for children to fail and in turn reach their full potential.

If you are interested in reading the article, please click on this link "How sports can help build resilience in children: Physiotherapist John Gloster".

Kind regards,


Saturday 20 July 2024 Inter-House Rugby

Time: 08h00
Venue: Lutgensvale
Tuesday 23 July 2024 Grade R to 3 Parent Talk (From the Sandpit to the Slippery Slide that is Social Media - Pam Tudin)

Time: 19h00
Venue: Jagger Hall
Wednesday 24 July 2024

Grade 4 and New Parent Talk (Help, my Child just got an iPad. Empowering Parents for the Digital Age - Pam Tudin) followed by Grade 4 iPad Information Evening

Time: 18h30
Venue: Jagger Hall

Friday 26 July 2024 Inter-House Cross Country

Time: 10h30 to 12h45
Venue: Lutgensvale
Compulsory for all boys
Wednesday 31 July 2024

175 Music Celebration - Evening Concert

Time: 19h00
Venue: Memorial Chapel
Tickets will be on sale in due course

Thursday 1 August 2024

175 Music Celebration - Evening Concert

Time: 19h00
Venue: Memorial Chapel
Tickets will be on sale in due course

Friday 2 August 2024 Bramley Cupcake Sale

Time: 10h30
Venue: Jagger Hall

Friday Afternoon Rugby Skills Cancelled

Please note there will be no Friday afternoon rugby skills this week, as the fields are very waterlogged at the moment.

Rugby On Saturday

Inter-House Rugby is taking place at Lutgensvale on Saturday. Many thanks to those parents who have already offered their assistance in the Tuck Shop and Egg and Bacon stand, but there are still quite a few slots that need to be filled.

Please can you volunteer your services. All help will be greatly appreciated!

Please click HERE to book your slot.

Please click HERE for the fixtures.

Test Timetable - Grade 4 - 7

Please visit the calendar on the Website or on your son's profile on MyBishopsLife to view the Term 3 Test Timetable for Grades 4 to 7.
Extra-Mural Information

Bishops Prep is no longer using the SOCS Sports App. Please click HERE for information on how to access your son's Extra-Mural information.

Bishops Blue Pages

If you would like to advertise in the Bishops Blue pages, please use the following contact emails:

Enquiries and Proof of payment to

Artwork submissions to

Please click HERE for the latest edition of the Blue Pages.

Orange River Family Adventure
If you would like to be a part of this fantastic family holiday adventure, please contact
Thank you!
A civvies day was held at the end of last term where we collected clothing donations. Thank you for your abundant contributions which were gratefully collected by Help the Rural Child.
Art, Music and Maths Competition

We entered the Grade 6 and 7 Mathematics classes into the Polypad Art, Music & Mathematics competition. The Grade 6s were tasked with creating a piece of digital art using geometric shapes and the Grade 7s were tasked with creating a piece of music using Mathematical processes.
We had 4 groups who were amongst the winners in this international competition. Congratulations to the following boys:
Grade 6
Chris De Wet and Jack Lucas
Finn Corelli and Landon Corbett
Grade 7
Evan West and Jack Stansfield
Charles Traill and Matthew Ringwood.


Grade 3 News
Grade 3 boys have been making bookmarks and gift bags for our elderly. There has been a lot of preparation and excitement ahead of Mandela Day.
Music News
The Music Assembly Concert of Term 3 took place on Wednesday. Our Brass teachers, Mr Craig Nicholas and Mr Drew Burton, gave a presentation on different brass instruments available at the Prep.

Back row, left to right: Mr Drew Burton, Evan West (piano), Samuel Yazdanpanahi (voice), Mr Craig Nicholas
Front row, left to right: Finn Dutton (clarinet), Sam Burchell (piano), Noah Kihlstrand-Spencer (piano)

Rugby News
Well done to the boys who participated in the Rugby Holiday Fitness Programme. The Age Group winners were Dylan Wren, Jasper Wren and Jack Stansfield for the most sessions logged and the winning team was the u13A team. Most fitting that they should be leading the way and setting the example.
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