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THURSDAY 25 July 2025
Dear Parents

We look forward to a very exciting 175 Celebratory Concert. This will take place on Wednesday, 31 July and Thursday, 1 August at 19h00 in the Memorial Chapel. This concert will involve all three of the Bishops Music Departments – the Pre-Prep, the Prep and the College, and some ODs too!

Our ensembles will play music from a classical nature to light music. Some ensembles have combined from each school to perform together. We have about 100 Prep boys taking part in this event and there has been a real sense of camaraderie at our rehearsals. This concert will give everyone a taste of the wonderful musical journey that boys travel during their time in the Music Department – from Pre-School, Prep to College and beyond.

We are sure you will enjoy this special celebratory concert. It promises to be very special, especially as it is the first time that Bishops presents a concert as a whole school – an event not to be missed! Please see under TAKE Note for information regarding tickets for this event.

Kind regards

Friday 26 July 2024 Inter-House Cross Country

Time: 10h30 to12h15
Venue: Lutgensvale
Compulsory for all boys. Please wear House T-shirt, blue shorts, socks and takkies
Wednesday 31 July 2024 175 Music Celebration - Evening Concert

Time: 19h00
Venue: Memorial Chapel
Please see information regarding tickets sales under Take Note below
Thursday 1 August 2024 175 Music Celebration - Evening Concert

Time: 19h00
Venue: Memorial Chapel
Please see information regarding tickets sales under Take Note below
Friday 2 august 2024 Bramley Cupcake Sale

Time: 10h30
Venue: Jagger Hall
Monday 5 August 2024 Bramley House Function

Time: 19h00
Venue: Jagger Hall
Thursday 8 August 2024 Book Week - Dress up Day

Boys to dress up as their favourite book character

School ends at 12h55

Rugby vs SACS - Please take note of this weekday fixture

No hockey will take place

Friday 9 August 2024 Public Holiday - Women's Day

School closed. No sports fixtures except the one mentioned below

Cape Co-Ed U13 Hockey Cup (U13A)

Time: 08h00
Venue: Curro Durbanville


Rugby on Saturday

Thank you for a great response from volunteers for the Tuck Shop and Egg and Bacon Stand. There are a few slots still available. It would be wonderful to get a full house!

If you are able to assist, please click HERE to book your slot.

175 Music Celebration

Tickets for the 175 Celebration Concert are on sale at the John Peake Music School (College).
Times at which you can purchase tickets are as follows:
07h15 – 08h30
11h30 – 17h30
The price of tickets will be R100 and seating in the Chapel is unreserved. Payment is either via SnapScan or with cash. Unfortunately, no credit card payments.

Second Hand Shop
Mandela Day
The Prep was a hive of activity last Thursday starting with an assembly with special guests, Mr Andrew Russell and Mr Igsaan Amlay. Please click HERE to read more. Please click HERE for the Principal's Newsletter outlining all the Mandela Day activities across the whole school. It was wonderful to see all our boys giving back to our communities with such heartfelt enthusiasm.
Music News
Well done to the boys that took part in Music Assembly this week.

Daniel Twycross (Clarinet),Sahil Khalfey (Announcer), Leo Duffy (Piano), Minggu Xiao (Piano), Eliott Dornonville de la Cour (Drums), James Fuchs (Drums), Adam Mentor (Piano)
Seated in front: Thango Mkwananzi (Drums), Noah Kihlstrand-Spencer (Piano), Simphiwe Tashe (Piano)

Weekly Winners

The Artists of the Week were chosen from Grade 7.  They have been working on lino carving and printing.  This is a labour-intensive process which requires a drawing plan, followed by a carving  and then a printing process on to a plastic/ leather like medium.  The boys focussed on Architecture and looked at buildings of worship.  One or two mavericks chose to draw a modern building rather than a decorative older design.  One wonders what a MacDonalds building says about the worship of food? Please click HERE to view all the artwork. Well done to the following boys:

7B: William Lord, Drummond Mackenzie, Robbie Symons, Tom Townshend.
7P: Carter Mason, Zayaan Saloojee, Jack Stansfield, Troy Vomacka.
7S: Adam Hendrickse, Amo Kotelana, Storm Silander, Charles Traill.

The Hockey Husky was awarded to the U12 A team this week for their super improvement this term. It is good to see them playing such good hockey! Well done, boys!
Fir Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone:+27 (21) 659 7222 | Fax: +27 (21) 659 7227