Dear Parents
With the approach of our mid-year three week holiday, I want to point out three areas where I think our boys might need direction or prompting:
- Living out our theme of kindness, assisting others, building them up instead of name-calling or putting down, something I am going to write about in more detail next term; use any negative as a teaching and learning moment.
- Physical activity – our boys are so active during term time – please find ways to keep this up during these holidays – especially when poor weather and the lure of technology make it easy to be largely sedentary.
- Healthy eating with a few treats – we are going to be working on our boys’ lunch boxes next term, getting rid of the crisps and sugary drinks – but please keep the takeaways and sugar to a minimum.
There is information about mid-year reports later in this newsletter – please do take some time to go through your son’s report with him.
I will be away from Monday visiting my family in the USA, so Chris Groom and Karen Dallas will be in charge over the last few days of term. I am also attending the International Boys’ Schools Coalition at Harrow School in the UK in the last week of the holidays and look forward to being able to feed back to you on what is always a very stimulating time with Heads and teachers from boys’ schools around the globe.
I wish our boys very happy, relaxing and rejuvenating holidays and hopefully you will be able to enjoy some extra time with them too. Safe travels if you are travelling.
We are making our first day of term Chapel Service a family one. So please join us at 11h00 on Tuesday, 9 July in the Memorial Chapel. All parents, grandparents and siblings are very welcome.
18 July will be a very special day with each boy doing 175 minutes of service at least – with different activities for each grade. We will send out Grade-specific information about this in the first week of next term.
Best wishes
Kind regards
DIARY Dates |
Friday 7 June 2024 |
Civvies Day
Clothing collection - please see details under TAKE Note
Term 2 Extra-Murals End
Monday 10 June 2024 |
Grade 7 Table Mountain Hike
Time: 07h30 (drop-off) to 14h15 (pick-up)
Constantia Nek parking area |
Wednesday 12 June 2024 |
End of Term 2
Time: 11h30
Boys to wear No 1s |
Tuesday 9 July 2024 |
Start of Term 3
Boys to wear No 1s
All Extra-Murals begin
Family Chapel Service
Time: 11h00
Venue: Memorial Chapel
All parents, grandparents and siblings welcome |
TAKE Note |
Civvies Day
Second Hand Clothing Outreach
Civvies Day will take place tomorrow, 7th June. This term we will be collecting gently used clothing. The items will be donated to Help The Rural Child. It is shaping up to be a chilly winter season so any warm goods would be greatly appreciated. |
Holiday Clinics
There are various Workshops and Clinics available over the June/July holidays.
If you would like to take advantage of these opportunities, please click on the links provided for more information.
Please note that these clinics and workshops are not available to Pre-Prep boys. Please refer to communication from the Pre-Prep regarding the Holiday Clinics on offer.
- Study Skills Workshop - Click HERE
- Coding Workshop - Click HERE
- Soccer Madness - Click HERE
- Art Workshop - Click HERE
- Hockey Clinic - Click HERE
- Rugby Madness - Click HERE
Please direct any queries directly to the person running the workshop or clinic. |
Invitation to Grade 6 Boys
Grade 6 boys who are interested in taking part in the Whale Trail hike next year April (26/04-01/05) can sign up via this link
There are only 7 places left.
Please click HERE for the Brochure.
Please click HERE for the Information Sheet. |
The Grade 3 to 7 Semester 1 Academic Reports will be released to your son’s profile on MyBishopsLife on Wednesday, 12th June. Reports may be accessed by selecting Reports from the Academic menu on MyBishopsLife.
To view a breakdown of your son’s Semester 1 marks (Grades 4 – 7), please select the Academic menu and choose Marks from the drop-down provided. On the Marks screen, please click on each listed subject to view a detailed breakdown of your son’s results.
If you have any concerns or queries, please contact your son’s form or subject teacher at the beginning of next term to set up an appointment.
For your convenience, click here to log into MyBishopsLife Prep & Pre-Prep. Should you experience any login issues, please email |
Extra-Murals Term 3
Please take note of the following dates:

A more detailed Extra Curricular schedule to follow in Term 3. |
Grade 5 News |
The Grade 5s have been putting a great amount of effort into their Ancient Egypt Project Models during their Social Science lessons. Please visit our Facebook page for more photos. Their models will be on display in the library from Monday 10 June, should you wish to have a look. |
Music News |
The Grade 7 Vocal Ensemble sang Hallelujah at our final concert for the term.
Back row: D Grever, M Thomashoff
3rd row: E West, S Horrell, J Coffee
2nd row: T Vomacka, G Coffee, M Fox
Front row: M Allen, S Khalfey, M Corelli
The musicians that performed were:
Back row: Mr C Nicholas, Miss F Brand, Mrs N Fyvie, Mr S Scott
3rd row: N Turck (announcer), B Richards (cello), S Yazdanpanahi (alto saxophone)
2nd row: T McCollum (clarinet), A Shaik (alto saxophone), A Sukha (piano), N Khilstrand-Spencer (piano), M Prain (clarinet)
Front row: D Hobbs (piano), H Edwards (piano), K Christodoulou (baritone)
Well done to all! |
Old Boys Visit |
The Grade 7 Class of 1999 came back to visit the Prep last Friday. They unearthed a time capsule which was buried in their Grade 7 year, the contents of which caused a lot of laughter, and it was a very special that they could reconnect with some of their teachers who have since retired. |
VUSA News |
It was wonderful to have Tony Reeler don his wings and join our ECD Angels at the VUSA ECD Centre in Langa. Every Tuesday, this dedicated group of parents visits the centre to engage the children in puzzles, activities, and various educational games. We are grateful for the continued support from the Bishops community for supporting the early development of these beautiful children, enhancing their cognitive skills, boosting their confidence, and fostering a love for learning. Should you wish to join the programme every Tuesday from 10 – 11.45, please contact Aoife Doherty or Nikki Matthews at the Trust Office. |
Weekly Winners |
The following Grade 5 boys were chosen as Artists of the Week for their completed artworks of Egyptian Gods or Pharaohs. (You will recall that we featured certain boys a few weeks ago who produced impressive repeat print designs of Egyptian Cartouches. This became the background design for their drawings of said deities and kings.) Please click HERE to view all the artwork.
5B – Brodie Bassett, Leo Faro, Jasper Garratt, Nathan Venn
5P – Hamza Essop, Leo Harcourt-Wood, Michael McCollum, Thango Mkwananzi
5S – Finnley Emms, Yaqeen Fredericks, William Hatt, Pano Pantoulis
The Hockey Husky was awarded to the U13 A team their superb display of expansive hockey last week.
Rick the Bear was awarded to the U13 B for a courageous performance.
Well done to all these boys! |
Fir Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone:+27 (21) 659 7222 | Fax: +27 (21) 659 7227 |