Dear Parents
We enjoyed a wonderful turnout from parents and grandparents last Thursday at our Service, so thank you. The choir provided a beautiful rendition of “Paaslied”. The release of balloons by some of the boys, helium-filled and otherwise caused huge excitement. Of course, only the helium-filled one rose to the top height of the chapel ceiling, not needing a breeze to take it on its way, which Father Monwabisi Peter used to illustrate the ascension of Jesus in a simple but profound way.
Last night 47 boys performed on a specific instrument for the first time on the Jagger Hall stage in front of a full audience of parents, siblings and staff. It was wonderful to see the enthusiasm and range of instruments – violin, piano, saxophone, cello, clarinet, flute and guitar.
Our weekly Wednesday morning music concerts also afford our boys the chance to perform in front of their peers and parents on a regular basis. For our boys music is part and parcel of life at the Prep, playing, watching and appreciating. A magnificent exposure for all.
This takes place next Friday and Saturday (24 and 25 May). All our boys will travel out on buses to join Durbanville Primary for a day that includes an assembly with our musicians participating, golf, chess, tennis, hockey and rugby including a number of other fun activities. Taking 381 boys out at the same time requires a great deal of organisation and the return journey even more, as buses will return at a few different times on the Friday, bearing in mind that many boys might return with their parents and not the bus, so accurate information is crucial. As the organisers are communicating with you, please do respond – we need information from every single family from Grades 3-7. No casual return journey changes can be made by boys or by parents of boys’ friends. Any last minute changes can only be made between a boy's parent and the relevant teacher. We have done this before and it is a great experience, so please support the process.
Autumn and winter do seem a bit confused, so we have allowed a bit of a drift into winter uniform over the last few weeks, but we are now officially into winter uniform. So tracksuits my be worn over khakis at school, but not for Monday Chapel Assembly which remains blazer and khakis, although the tracksuit can be worn after Chapel Assembly. We have changed the rain jacket rule, as your sons may have informed you, so in terms 2 and 3 the rain jacket may replace the tracksuit top and be worn with the tracksuit pants. It may also be worn with khakis.
Kind regards
DIARY Dates |
Friday 17 May 2024 |
Van der Bijl House Outing - Grades 3 - 7
Time: 17h30 – 20h00
Venue: Rush (Stadium on Main)
Dress Code: Civvies, however we recommend the boys wear their Prep PE shirt and the VdB / Prep cap (or one of the two) for easy identification during playtime.
Rush Socks: Please remind the boys to bring their Rush socks or bring R40 to buy new socks
Brooke House Outing - Grades 6 and 7
Time: 17h00 - 19h00
Venue: Let's go Bowling (Stadium on Main)
If you would like your sons to buy food at the venue, please provide them with cash to do so
Charlton House Outing - Grade 5
Time: 17:45-20:00
Venue: Freedom Adventure Park (Canal Walk, Century City)
Cost: R300 (includes 1 hour glow party and games, sticky socks and meal afterwards) |
Wednesday 22 May 2024 |
Ensemble Concert
Time: 19h00
Venue: Memorial Chapel
Thursday 23 May 2024 |
Bramley House Outing - Grades 6 and 7
Time: 17h00 to 19h00
Venue: Let's go Bowling (Stadium on Main) |
Friday 24 to Saturday 25 May 2024 |
Durbanville Exchange
Venue: Durbanville Primary
Wednesday 29 May 2024 |
National Elections
School Closed |
Friday 31 May 2024 |
Inter-House Chess
Time:13h30 |
TAKE Note |
Grade 4 Invitation
Total Ninja has invited Bishops Grade 4s and VUSA learners for another outing in the last week of term.
Details of the event:
- 11 June 2024
- 15h00 to 17h00
- Transport will be provided to the venue and parents can either collect from Total Ninja or back at school.
- There is no limit on the number of Grade 4s who can attend. (There will be 30 VUSA learners attending)
- The cost is R270.00 which includes 1 hour of play, socks, meal and a drink.
If you would like your son to attend, please register HERE and pay using this link: |
Bishops Blue Pages |
The deadline for advertising in the next edition of the Blue Pages is 5 June 2024. Please communicate directly with the email addresses provided below:
Spelling Bee Champs! |
Congratulations to these wizards of words who have won the increasingly competitive Bee this year. Some of the challenging, final spell-off words included pneumonia, cinnamon, cappuccino, psychology, catastrophe, pterodactyl and vaccination! Once again, the tricky, annual words that got most boys out were surprise, weird, tuna, pharaoh, multiplication and onomatopoeia.
Congratulations to the Class Bees:
Gr3: Adrien Marsal, Aaron McAllister, Nicholas Hart
Gr4: Daniel Hobbs, Zakariah Raja, David Brien,
Gr5: Nic Reyburn, Nicholas Kalil, Ande Mogotlane
Gr6: Owen Vorwerg, Leatile Magoro, Thomas Cobbledick
"Words cast spells - that's why it's called spelling!" The Bee will buzz back in 2025! |
Rugby News |
The U13 A & B rugby teams travelled by train to Fish Hoek this week for rugby matches followed by supper in Kalk Bay. It was such a special experience for the boys! |
Music News |
Our Marimba Band played their debut performance at Music Assembly on Wednesday:
Back row: Sam Huntingford, Farley Moran, Umar Saloojee, Kaleb van Schalkwyk, Jack Gibbon, James Davidge, John Weir-Smith
Front row: Sahil Khalfey, Gus Moran, Troy Vomacka, Luke Hoeks, Daniel Grever, Sebastian Horrell, Matthew Fox
On floor: Osi Hlongwane, Nua Bouwer
Absent: Storm Silander, Tom Pearce
The end of an era, Stuart Scott at his final Wednesday Assembly Concert, after 31 years at Bishops.
Back row: Nicholas Turck (cornet), Noah Kihlstrand-Spencer (piano), Uphiwo Lujabe (piano), Mr Scott
Front row: Ben Wood (piano), Thomas Fourie (piano), Connor Earp-Jones (piano) |
Weekly Winners |
The Artists of the Week were chosen from Grade 4. The following boys made expressive clay crocodiles with interesting twists, turns and textures. Please click HERE to view all the artwork.
4B Max Barrault, Max Bohm, Sam Burchell, Henri Kuys
4P Noah Kihlstrand-Spencer, Yusuf Kriel, Henry le Cordeur, Cooper Payne
4S David Brien, Rishi Chagan, Leo Duffy, Cruz Harris
The U12 A team was awarded the Hockey Husky this week for their excellent and determined play last week! Well done, team!
Rick the Bear was awarded to the U9B team a great game of rugby. Well done, team! |
Grade 4 News |
The Grade 4s had lots of fun making the phases of the moon using Oreos. Some were caught eating them too! Please visit our Facebook page for more photos. |
Fir Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone:+27 (21) 659 7222 | Fax: +27 (21) 659 7227 |