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THURSDAY 23 May 2024
Dear Parents

I spoke at last week’s assembly on power, how one uses it and to what end. I read these words of Nelson Mandela’s which sum up his attitude to power:

“The problem I have is not how to use power. My biggest problem is how not to use power.”

This from a man who in old age, after a life of immense struggle and 27 years of incarceration, chose nation building over revenge, sought to use power to make human life better, to remove domination of one group over the other, so different to the lived South African experience up until 1994.

How to relate this to boys aged 9-13? They each have strengths, some more readily apparent than those of others at this age. Physical strength, athletic prowess, musical ability, academic ease, power of concentration, etc. How does a boy use these in relation to others? Does he “lord” it over others, criticise them or look down on them for not having the same talents as he does, or not yet be at the same stage of development as he is. Or does he show humility and appreciation for his talents, help and encourage others, use it to the advantage of the group/team/class or just for his own “glory”?

Last week the Principal wrote this about sport at our school. I though it particularly important to share in the light of a number of negative postings that have appeared in social media.

“Our sports programme is very important to us as part of the balanced education of our boys. We encourage our boys to strive for excellence in every area of which they take part, sport included. And they rise to that challenge time and time again. I am so proud of them for giving their all.
There are times though, when things don’t work as well as we hoped and there is a danger of letting this affect us negatively. I refer specifically to rugby, where we have struggled with results these past few weeks.

At the beginning of last year, when we realised we needed to devote more attention to the rugby programme, we introduced a new coaching strategy, “This is Bishops”, where we set out a programme of coaching, headed up by a team of advisors and appointing specialist coaches in key areas. We made it clear at the time that this, coupled with an improved recruitment strategy, was a long-term project that wasn’t going to “fix” Bishops rugby overnight but was going to have long term influence.

I have been saddened and sometimes angered by some of the comments made on social media that criticise our boys, our coaches and our school. The school and the Executive are fully supportive of the rugby programme, securing a wonderful sponsorship deal with our partners 10X, that has helped fund this improved coaching structure. This included paying attention to the Prep schools that provide us with most boys to develop skills and talents at an earlier age. We will overcome, that I am sure, but it will take time and we need the support of all members of our community as we go along this journey.

The rugby programme is an important part of our total offering, but then so are other sports, our cultural programme and the academic side of school life. And I could go on and on, citing areas of excellence that some seem to ignore. We are developing young men to go out into our world as Good Men, men who have reinvented modern masculinity and who are contributors to society as good citizens of our country and our world. We need to show them that we believe in them, we support them. We need to show them that a balanced approach, keeping perspectives in place, will be their best chance for success.

Our rugby boys turn up week after week, trying their hardest to do their best. Our coaches pour their energies and passions into what they do. Let us support them while always retaining the bigger picture of what Bishops stands for – holistic, excellent education in the development of Good Men.”

Kind regards

Friday 24 to Saturday 25 May 2024

Durbanville Exchange

Venue: Durbanville Primary

Please note that there is no Aftercare on Friday.
A staff member will stay with the returning boys until they are collected.

Tuesday 28 May 2024 Grade 3 Outing

Time: 08h00 to 11h30
Venue: Aquarium
Wednesday 29 May 2024 National Elections

School closed
Friday 31 May 2024 Inter-House Chess

Time: 13h30
Holiday Clinics and Workshops

There are various Workshops and Clinics available over the June/July holidays.
If you would like to take advantage of these opportunities, please click on the links provided for more information.

  • Study Skills Workshop - Click HERE
  • Coding Workshop - Click HERE
  • Soccer Madness - Click HERE
  • Art Workshop - Click HERE
  • Hockey Clinic - Click HERE
  • Rugby Madness - Click HERE

Please direct any queries directly to the person running the workshop or clinic.

Bishops Blue Pages

The deadline for advertising in the next edition of the Blue Pages is 5 June 2024. Please communicate directly with the email addresses provided below:

Grade 3 News
Fun Fridays are the best! Grade 3S had a fun creative time making sea creatures and diere with student teacher, Ms Swart.
Literary Lads
Some passionate Prep readers travelled to the Franschhoek Literary Festival to see, meet and talk to the wondrous David Walliams! He signed his new books and inspired storytelling dreams! 
Cross Country News
A great turnout and fantastic results for our team at the Rondebosch and Rustenburg League Race last Friday! The weather conditions were perfect for running, and we saw a strong showing from all the participating schools. Leading the charge in the U9 group was Andrew Griffiths who placed an impressive 3rd place followed by Johannes Daffue in 7th and Toby Garratt in 8th place. Our U10 boys had a fantastic performances with Cruz Harris taking 1st place and Daniel Hobbs 2nd. In the U12 and 13 section, Charles Traill took an impressive 1st place. Overall, a great day for our Cross Country team! We are excited to see how they continue to perform throughout the season. Please click HERE to see all the results.
Grade 4 News
Special parents come to read and discuss Rooikappie with Grade 4S this week. Thank you Marie, Advaita, James, Bryony and Tracey - it was a very enjoyable experience for the boys!
House Outings
There was a hive of activity last Friday night as our various houses took to the town! VDB Grade 3 to 7 boys had a lot of fun at "Night Rush", Brooke Grade 6 and 7 boys had a great time at "Let's Go Bowling" and Charlton Grade 5s were kings of the world at the "Freedom Adventure Park" glow party. Bramley boys are having their turn tonight. Please visit our Facebook Page for more photos..
Weekly Winners

The Artists of the Week were chosen from Grade 3.  The following boys were chosen for their imaginative and vibrant drawings of Underwater scenes of Fish.  Please note all the different techniques that were included in this project, pastel blending, ink blowing, paper cutting and tearing. Please click HERE to view all the artwork.
3B Josh Dunn, Nicholas Hart, Nawaaz Karbelkar, Cesare Roma
3P Andrew Griffiths, Aaron McAllister, Vahaan Moodley, Kai Veerasamy
3S Harry Brown, Rameez Dadarker, Nicholas Kotze, Julian Whittaker

The Hockey Husky was awarded to the U10 A team for their brilliant display of team play and determination last week.

Rick the Bear was awarded to the U12A team for great team work and resolute defence!

The Chess Player of the Week was awarded to Caid Arrison for an excellent performance.

Well done to all!

Fir Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone:+27 (21) 659 7222 | Fax: +27 (21) 659 7227