Dear Parents
There is much excitement about tomorrow night’s Carnival. Ticket sales have gone extremely well and they are now sold out. While it may seem simple to continue selling, there are a number of limitations in terms of the safety regulations.
There will be plenty of security patrolling in the streets surrounding the school, but parking will be limited, so please consider Uber as an alternative. If you do park, please be considerate to our neighbours – no blocking driveways, parking anyone in, etc.
Please note that no tickets will be sold at the gate. Entry will be with the wrist band only.
In September, we were assured that the subway going under Campground Road would soon be ready for use. However, it was then discovered that the submersible pump in the subway had actually been stolen. Then followed constant follow up with two Ward Councillors – Campground Road is a boundary between two wards - and they have been very helpful. But making the subway usable again has involved three to four departments in the City Council so that co-ordination and implementation has proceeded in fits and starts, not assisted by sporadic rain. But the electrics have been re-done, a new pump installed and it is clear of water. And we can use it as of today! It still needs serious cleaning and the lights re-connected. Thank you for your patience – it has been enormously inconvenient and stressful for all of us – especially staff walking the boys to sport.
I spoke to the boys in assembly on Monday about ensuring that their hair is neat and tidy. Most will need a haircut now – four weeks from the end of term – so that their haircut remains appropriate right until then. No-one wants to have a school haircut in the second last week of term. Please also assist us by ensuring that your son does comb/brush his hair and that it is neat before leaving home. A number of boys are arriving clearly having done nothing to their hair since waking up.
Best wishes
Kind regards
DIARY Dates |
Thursday 7 November 2024 |
Grade 6 Parent Information Evening (FAL isiXhosa)
Time: 19h00 to 20h00
Venue: Jagger Hall
Friday 8 November 2024 |
Remembrance Day
Please see further information under TAKE Note
Time: 15h00
Venue: Rossall Field |
Wednesday 13 November 2024 |
Grade 7 Leavers' Music Concert
Time: 19h00 (Tea will be served before the concert from 18h15 to 18h45)
Venue: Jagger Hall |
Thursday 14 November 2024 |
Grade 8(2025) New Boys Welcome Tea
Time: 16h30 to 18h00
College House Directors will communicate the details |
Friday 15 November 2024 |
Grade 7 Leavers' Dinner
Time: 18h00 to 21h00
Venue: Stanmore Field |
Wednesday 20 to Thursday 21 November 2024 |
Grade 7 Robben Island trip
Venue: Robben Island
Further details will be communicated. |
Wednesday 27 November to Monday 2 December |
Grade 7 Tour
Apolgies for the incorrect dates in last week's letter from the Headmaster. |
TAKE Note |
Holiday Clinics and Workshops
Please click HERE for the Great Escape Holiday Clinic
Please click HERE for the Soccer Madness Holiday Clinic
Please click HERE for the Drama Workshop
Please click HERE for the Water Polo Holiday Clinic info and HERE to sign up. |
Remembrance Day |
This is the last chance for boys to bring a donation to receive a poppy which they can wear tomorrow, Friday 8 November. |
Second Hand Shop |
The 2nd Hand Shop will be closed from 2/12/2024 and will open on 13/1/2025 & 14/1/2025, from 10h00-11h00 (school opens on 15 January). They will also be open on Monday 2 December from 17h30 to 18h30, one hour before the Grade 3 2025 Parent Induction taking place in Jagger Hall. |
Bishops Blue Pages |
If you would like to advertise in the final edition of the Blue Pages for 2024, please take note of the 2 December deadline.
Please email proof of payment to
Please send artwork to
Please direct enquires to |
Music News |
Well done to all the boys who performed at the Music Assembly on Wednesday; the Wind Band, the Guitar Ensemble and the following boys:
Back row: Luke Weingartz (cello), Gus Moran (announcer), Wazir Amanjee (violin), Hugo Bonadei (piano), Aiden Khan (piano), Scott Jackson (piano)
Middle row: Hunter Weingartz (viola), Johannes Daffue (piano), Noah Kihlstrand-Spencer (piano), Sam Burchell (piano)
Seated on floor: Josh Brown (trumpet), Harry Edwards (piano), Joe Wessels (piano)
Please visit our Facebook page to see a clip of their amazing rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody. |
Grade 3 News |
Our Grade 3 boys proudly hosted the Pre-Prep Grade 2s for a play date yesterday. They had a tour around the school, got to see some STEM in action and visited the Library! Lots of fun was had by all. Please visit our Facebook page for more photos. |
Weekly Winners |
The Artists of the Week were chosen from Monday and Thursday Art Club. The boys have learnt how to draw and shade with charcoal which is a very smudgy medium. The following boys were chosen for their characterful drawings of PANDAS. Please click HERE to view all the artwork.
Thomas Berry,
Michael McCollum,
Staten Kettlewell,
Nicholas Kimberley,
Cameron Pentz,
Adam Turnley-Jones,
Altaf Dawood,
Lukho Kunene,
Martin Truter,
Max Corelli,
James Davidge and
Bonnar Richards
The Cricketers of the Week were awarded as follows:
The Hershelle Gibbs Catch of the week was awarded to Josh Allen for achieving a fantastic run out to break a very good partnership.
The Vince van der Bijl Bowling Performance of the Week was awarded to Murray Vintcent for taking 4 wickets for 12 runs, including a hat trick. A game-breaking spell of bowling. The Jonathan Bird Batting Performance of the Week was awarded to William Hatt for scoring 72 not out during a very mature knock to put his team in a favourable position to secure a win.
The Polo Panda this week was awarded to the U12B team for a fantastic effort last week! |
Fir Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone:+27 (21) 659 7222 | Fax: +27 (21) 659 7227 |