Dear Parents
Friday saw two major events celebrating and honouring our 175th year. Firstly, the Consecration of the Brooke Chapel and the Blessing of the stained-glass windows by the Archbishop, Dr Thabo Makgoba. It was a simple and beautiful service emphasising again the chapels as the heart of the school. The stained-glass windows depicted the lives of St Claire of Assisi, as well as Ruth and Isaiah of the Old Testament. All three lived lives of service to others and God’s will. In the case of Isaiah, his words in the scripture stand out: “Here am I. Send me.” in response to God’s call, “Whom shall I send?”.
The windows were dedicated in turn to Mrs Gwavu, a College teacher who passed away in 2022, who did so much to cement isiXhosa as a teaching subject and acted as the spiritual “mother” to many of the first boys of colour to attend Bishops; to Nomalizo Leah Tutu, in recognition of her tireless commitment to her country and support for her husband in opposing injustice; and Archbishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu, acknowledging his humble and principled speaking truth to power throughout his life and promoting peace. He was also the Visitor to Bishops during his time as Archbishop.
Thank you to all our donors, Prep, Pre-Prep and College parents, as well as ODs, who contributed to the cost of these three windows, the last three windows in the Chapel to be completed in stained-glass and dedicated to extraordinary people of faith and service.
Friday also saw our Inter-House Singing Competition take place in the Mallett Centre, the first since 2018. This was a truly joyous celebration of life, music and unity. An event in which every boy participated, regardless of musical ability; a House event in which boys from Grades 3-7 had to work in unison, every boy making a contribution to the presentation of their songs. As always, they did not fail to “surprise” us with their neatness, efforts, singing out and loud and truly entertaining us. We are a singing school and what better way to celebrate our 175th year than through singing together; every single boy.
There is also a great learning experience in this as the boys are part of a project, where they cannot necessarily fully comprehend the finished product, but have to put in the hard yards and see it through, but in the end, know that they have achieved something together with the end product making it all worthwhile.
In the end, Brooke House won and we congratulate them but I think we enjoyed every House’s performance, their efforts and entertainment, each House and boy contributing to this, our 175th year.
Thank you for your support and the very positive feedback.
Next week is the Art Exhibition in the Ubuntu Learning Centre. Prep, Matric and OD art will be on display. This is the last 175th celebration of the year.
Kind regards