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THURSDAY 27 February 2025
Dear Parents


While we are a Christian school, it is important that we also have boys and families of other faiths in our community. In this way we learn from each other, realise how our values align and how much we have in common. And, similarly, differences in our practices, belief system and cultural observations become known to us all and understood – something that is truly enriching. And being a Christian school with regular devotions and Chapel Services, emphasises for all of us of all faiths, the importance of the spiritual in our lives.

Next week, on Wednesday, 5 March, is Ash Wednesday, the start of the Season of Lent in the Church. We will observe this with a Chapel Service in the Memorial Chapel at 11h00 and all family members are welcome. Lent is that Season when we remember the forty days that Christ spent in the wilderness, praying and fasting and resisting the temptations placed before him. It is a time for Christians to draw closer to God, to pray and consider our lives, how we can become better people, both for ourselves and others. I include the editorial from the Anglican Church’s monthly magazine, Good Hope”.”

“Lent is about intentionality. It invites us to pause and step back from the noise of daily life, it underscores the beauty of imperfection. It begins with Ash Wednesday, a solemn reminder of human mortality and frailty.
The ashes imposed on foreheads carry the message, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”. This acknowledgement of our limitations is not meant to discourage but to liberate. It frees us from the pressure of perfection and invites us to embrace our humanity.
As we journey through these 40 days, let us use this time to shed what no longer serves us and cultivate what brings light to our lives and the lives of others. In doing so, we honour the spirit of Lent – not just as a religious observance but as a timeless invitation to live with greater purpose and compassion.”
[Ed: Rebecca Malambo]

In the next few days, the month of Ramadan will begin, the ninth month in the Muslim lunar calendar, the month when it is believed that the first verses of the Holy Quaran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. During this month Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, a month in which to draw closer to God, to pray and study, reflecting on and improving one’s actions and giving alms.

It only happens every few years that these Seasons of Lent and Ramadan overlap and it is good when it does; it helps us to understand each other better and relate to one another. To realise that we share essential values and are all striving to be our best selves, however often we might stumble.

Sadly, there is so much religious intolerance in the world; where violence is carried out in the name of faith; where people are judged and accepted or rejected on the basis of their faith. Hopefully, our boys will learn that diversity is a strength and an enrichment in our lives. That differences can be navigated and accommodated. Faith is about love, peace and justice and this is what we want our boys to take into the world.

We wish all our Muslim families Ramadan Mubarak.

Kind regards

Friday 28 February /Saturday 1 March 2025 Ramadan begins

We wish our Muslim community a blessed Ramadan.
Tuesday 4 March 2025 Mouth Guard Impressions

Time: 12h30 - 13h10
Venue: Jagger Hall

Wednesday 5 March 2025 Ash Wednesday

Time: 11h00 to 12h00
Venue: Memorial Chapel
Boys to wear No 1s
Parents welcome

Quadrangular Athletics (Bishops, WPPS, Wynberg, Rhenish)

Time: 15h00 to 18h00
Venue: Lutgensvale

As we are hosting the Quadrangular, there will be no school extra-murals, only paid extra-murals, such as fencing and judo.

Aftercare will be available as normal

Thursday 6 March 2025 Mouth Guard Impressions

Time: 12h30 - 13h10
Venue: Jagger Hall

Friday 7 March 2025

Founders Day (further details will be communicated)

Grades 4 and 5 Parent Workshop (Mastering the Juggle : Helping your child get organised)

Time: 07h30 to 08h30
Venue: Library
Please see further information under TAKE Note

Championship Gala

Time: 11h00
Venue: Prep Pool
Parents welcome to support

Monday 10 March 2025 Interhouse Fishing Briefing

Time: 18h00 - 18h45
Venue: 5B Classroom
Tuesday 11 March 2025

Pentangular Athletics (Bishops, SACS, Rondebosch, Wynberg, WPPS)

Time: 14h45 to 17h45
Venue: Lutgensvale

As we are hosting the Pentangular, there will be no school extra-murals, only paid extra-murals, such as fencing and judo.

Aftercare will be available

Saturday 15 March 2025 End of Term 1 extracurricular programme

Revised programme starts Monday 17 March
Grades 4 and 5 Parent Workshop

Mastering the Juggle: Helping Your Child Get Organized

Executive functioning skills are essential for staying organized, managing time, and completing tasks. They play a key role in success at school and in later life. This talk will explore how these skills develop, why they matter, and how they help foster independence while reducing daily frustrations. Learn about common challenges your child may face and how to support them on their path to organization and success.

Click on this link to sign up or scan the QR code provided:

Quadrangular Tuckshop

We are hosting WPPS, Wynberg Junior and Rhenish on Wednesday 5 March and will require parents to assist in the Tuck Shop. If your son is participating in, or supporting this event, please consider offering your services so that we can provide our well-known Bishops Prep hospitality. Please click HERE to book a slot.
Rugby Boots

As we move into the winter season please take note of the rugby boot requirements

(U9 players do not play in boots)

Rugby boots are to be predominantly black. Generally, 8 or 10 stud boots are suitable for backs and forwards, with metal or plastic studs. Boys feet grow fast; our best advice is to buy relatively cheap boots as they tend to last one season. Please do not buy multicolored or bright coloured boots. Mr Price Sport and Sportsmans Warehouse stock a good range of black boots.

Holiday Workshops and Clinics

Please click HERE for information on the Soccer Clinic
Please click HERE for information on the Hockey Clinic
Please click HERE for information on the Rugby Clinic
Please click HERE for information on the Study Skills Course.

Please note that these clinics are available for Grade 3 to Grade 7s only.

A message from our Assistant Chaplain

Please click HERE to read a message from Revd. Khwezi Bengani.

Second Hand Shop
Please visit the Second Hand Shop for your winter uniform or winter sports kit requirements. There will be a POP-UP SHOP on Wednesday 12 March. Click HERE for the normal opening times.
A Special Birthday!
We wish Mr Brown a very happy 65th birthday today! Boys and staff gathered in Jagger Hall first thing this morning and surprised him with an enthusiastic rendition of Abba's ....Thank you for the Music 🎵🎶 of his favourite songs. He was then presented with a gold crown, a "Birthday Boy" badge, a card and a gift. Please visit our Facebook page for a video of this special occasion.
Water polo News
Our U13 A water polo team were lucky enough to have Bishops Prep Old Boys, who are international players work with them prior to their tour. We wish them well as they participate in the Grey Junior tournament in Gqeberha.
Swimming News

On Tuesday the 25th of February our Swim Team took part in the A-League gala. It was a wonderful afternoon with some very competitive swimming.  A special mention must go out to our U10, U11 and U13 boys who consistently ended in the top two of their events. It truly was an incredible display of swimming, a testament to the hard work the boys have put in over the term. Well done, team!

Weekly Winners

The Artists of the Week were chosen from Grade 6.  These boys used very close observation skills to draw tonal self-portraits with impressive shading: Please click HERE to view all the artwork.
6B – Finnley Emms, Hamza Essop, Tristan Jordaan, Pano Protoulis
6P – Alex Constantinou, Cole Darne, Nicholas Kalil, Marley Roberts
6S – David Ebbs, Staten Kettlewell, Adam Khan, Adam Turnley-Jones

Murray Vintcent was awarded Tennis Player of the Week. He played with confidence in both his singles and doubles matches. His forehand shots were excellent and his speed running on the court to reach the ball was super and showed great determination.

The Polo Panda was awarded to the U12C team this week for their fantastic performance in their match vs WPPS.

The Cricketer of the Week awards were as follows:
Hershelle Gibbs - Catch of the week -Nityam Jeram
Vince van der Bijl – Bowling Performance of the Week - Josh Pooler
Jonathan Bird - Batting Performance of the Week - Landon Corbett

Well done to all these boys!

Fir Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone:+27 (21) 659 7222 | Fax: +27 (21) 659 7227