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THURSDAY 13 March 2025
Dear Parents

Here we are about to go into the last two weeks of term and start our winter sports programme, rugby and hockey particularly. Nine weeks of school do seem to have gone very quickly. Next week we will also be sending out industry reports for Grades 4-7. These provide a useful guide to see how your son has settled in his new grade and how he is working and contributing in class. Please discuss this feedback with him. In the last week there are Form teacher-parent meetings – please make every effort to attend.

Below is more detailed information regarding the above from our Head of Academics, Karen Dallas.


Parent Interviews: Grades 3 – 7:

The Grade 3–7 Parent Interviews will take place on Monday 26th, Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th March from 14h30 to 18h30. These meetings will be 10-15 minutes long and will take place in your son’s Form Teacher’s classroom. A link will be sent out on Tuesday 18th March for you to complete an electronic booking form to secure a meeting time with your son’s Form teacher.

If you would like to set up a meeting with a specific subject teacher to discuss a particular matter, please email that teacher directly to make an appointment to meet. All subject teachers’ email addresses can be accessed on your son’s MBL profile.

Please note that all school sports continue as normal on these three days.

Gr 4 – 7 Industry Reports:

The Industry Reports will be released to your son’s profile on MyBishopsLife on Tuesday 18th March. They may be accessed by selecting Reports from the Academic menu on MyBishopsLife.

For instructions on where and how to view a breakdown of your son’s Semester 1 marks, and explanations on subject marks and weightings, please click HERE.

Kind regards


Friday 14 March 2025 Purim

Wishing our Jewish community a Happy Purim

Saturday 15 March 2025 End of Term 1 extracurricular programme

The revised programme starts on Monday 17 March - please click HERE for details
Tuesday 18 March 2025

Grades 4 - 7 Industry Reports released

Parent Teacher meetings will take place as per the diary dates below
Communication will be sent out on Tuesday 18 March regarding booking of these interviews

Wednesday 19 March 2025 Parents Rugby Meeting (An important meeting for all Rugby Parents)

Time: 18h00 to 19h00
Venue: Jagger Hall
Friday 21 March 2025

Public Holiday - Human Rights Day

Interhouse Fishing

Time: Friday 21 March to Sunday 23 March 2025

Monday 24 March 2025

Grades 3 - 7 Parent Interviews

Time: 14h30
Venue: Classrooms

Tuesday 25 March 2025

SPW Testing - Grade 4 (Please click HERE for further information)

Time: 10h30 - 12h30

Grades 3 - 7 Parent Interviews

Time: 14h30
Venue: Classrooms

Wednesday 26 March 2025

SPW Testing - Grade 6 (Please click HERE for further information)

Time: 08h00 - 10h00

SPW Testing - Grade 5 (Please click HERE for further information)

Time: 10h30 - 12h30

Grades 3 - 7 Parent Interviews

Time: 14h30
Venue: Classrooms

Thursday 27 March 2025

SPW Testing - Grade 7 (Please click HERE for further information)

Time: 08h00 - 09h30

Individual and Class Photographs

Boys to wear No 1s (except Grade 7s who should arrive in PE kit and pack their No 1s)

Friday 28 March 2025 Term 1 ends

Time: 11h30
Boys to wear No 1s
Lost Property

This continues to be a concern for us. Could we please ask you to assist the school as we tackle this ever-increasing problem by doing the following:

  1. Label all clothing, including shoes, takkies, and slops.
  2. Check if your son has someone else's clothing at home—this sometimes happens in the boys' haste to pack up for sport after school. If he has taken it by mistake, he won't get into trouble when he returns it.
  3. Don't encourage your son to go to lost property and take an unmarked item if he does not have the correct clothing for school.

We are going to have spot checks to see if clothing is marked and that boys are wearing their own clothing. Teachers will be checking in classrooms for lost property and ensuring that it is returned to the rightful owner. The boys have been addressed in assembly on the issue.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.

Second Hand Shop Opening Times

The Second Hand shop will open as usual in the last week of this term.

In the first week of next term, the opening times will be as follows:

Monday 7 April: 07h15 - 08h30 and 12h15 to 14h00

Thursday 10 April: 07h15 - 08h30

Thereafter, normal opening hours will resume.

VUSA ECD Volunteer Programme

If you're interested in learning more about the VUSA ECD volunteer programme, join us for a coffee information morning tomorrow at The Mitre from 07h30/08h00.
This is a great chance to hear about the ECD Angels initiative, where parents visit Likhwezi Educare each Tuesday to spend an hour doing activities with the children. A simple way to make a big impact!
Come along, meet like-minded parents, and find out how you can get involved. Please click HERE for more information and Click here for a short video about the experience.


Holiday Clinics and Workshops

Please click HERE for information on the Soccer Clinic
Please click HERE for information on the Hockey Clinic
Please click HERE for information on the Rugby Clinic
Please click HERE for information on the Study Skills Course.

Please note that these clinics are available for Grade 3 to Grade 7s only.
Team Sheet feature added to MyBishopsLife

Team sheets are now available for your son’s fixtures. Log into MyBishopsLife and on your son’s profile, click on the Team icon next to each fixture. A pop-up window will open listing the students selected for the fixture. This feature will make it easier for parents when arranging lifts to and from matches.

Hockey Season Launch
An invitation from the newly formed Bishops Hockey Supporters Committee to join them for a family hockey get-together in the Woodlands to start off the hockey season. A not-to-be-missed event!
Founders Day

Our annual Founders Day Interhouse Tug-of War was once again a colourful event and an exciting test of both strength and spirit! This was followed by an equally well-contested Interhouse Swimming Gala. A great day all round! Please visit our Facebook page for more photos.
Athletics Events

Our athletes did us proud in the Athletics Quadrangular and Pentangular last week and this week. Our boys won 35 medals in the Quadrangular including an incredible 17 Gold medals. The highlight was us crossing the line in first place in 4 out of the 5 4x100m relays. Our boys then went on to win 19 medals at the Pentangular including 12 gold medals. We again excelled in the 4x100m relays, winning gold in 3 out of the 5 relays.
Here are the lists of medal winners in both events.

Music News

Congratulations to the following performers who entertained us at the Wednesday morning Assembly Concert;

Joseph Hudson, Daniel Twycross, Kuhle Cossie, Chris de Wet, Samuel Fraser, Andre Kuys, Oliver Vickers, Simphiwe Tashe, Samuel Yazdanpanahi, Nicholas Gray and Sam Neethling.
Many thanks to Daniel le Cordeur for announcing and Phoenix Jordan for stage management.

Weekly Winners

In Art class, the Grade 6s are continuing with the theme of Self-Portraits.  They are in the process of making three different portraits. This week they used a photograph of themselves and turned it into a collage artwork that tells us about their interests and who they are. 
Congratulations to the following Artists of the Week: (Please click HERE to view all the artwork)
6B – Luan Bouwer, Yaqeen Fredericks, Esa Harnekar, Liam Khoury
6P – Daniel Eedes, Luke Kuttel, Thango Mkwananzi, Oli Naylor
6S – Alessio Anderson, David Ebbs, Jasper Garrett, William Hatt

The Tennis Player of the Week was awarded to Oliver Schultz for the Tennis match of the week. After an incredibly long doubles match, he went back onto the court, hot and tired. Down 0-4, but finding a second wind, Oliver played some fantastic tennis levelling the games at 5-5, which meant a tie break. It was a tight and tough match but he showed great determination, never giving up and eventually won the tie break 13-11.

The Cricketers of the Week were awarded as follows:
Hershelle Gibbs - Catch of the week - Hudson Kettlewell – taking a fantastic diving catch to swing the match in his team’s favour.
Vince van der Bijl – Bowling Performance of the Week - Matthew Arckoll – taking a hat trick at a time when his team most needed the boost.
Jonathan Bird - Batting Performance of the Week - Luca du Plooy – scoring 75 not out on a very difficult wicket.

Well done to all these boys!

Fir Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone:+27 (21) 659 7222 | Fax: +27 (21) 659 7227