Dear Parents
Reflecting on my first term at Bishops, I feel that it has been a truly enriching experience. I have received a warm welcome and have enjoyed open dialogue with those I have met. From day one, parents, staff and boys have shown me genuine warmth and kindness. This welcome has set such a positive tone for the term ahead. We are blessed to be in a nurturing environment where I feel every little boy is loved and supported.
I have so enjoyed my time in the library with the boys where we discuss, amongst other things, values. The boys have shown such openness in sharing their feelings with me. This shows the supportive culture that is nurtured in our school community. Whether discussing the challenges of sharing with their siblings or being left out of a game on the playground, the boys are comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions and have wonderful solutions for their friends. These conversations will strengthen peer relationships and help build resilience in our boys.
The biggest lesson I have learnt is that not only is Bishops a place of learning but a community that values each individual’s unique contribution. Thank you for all the support and encouragement that I have received. I look forward to continuing our journey of growth and learning next term.
I wish all our families a happy holiday. In this season of rebirth, may you feel your faith renewed and your heart made new with the hope that Easter brings. Happy Purim to our Jewish families, may this Purim bring joy and happiness to you and your family.
Kind regards
Wednesday 20 March |
Term 1 ends
Grade N - 10h30
Grade R - 10h40
Grade 1 - 10h50
Grade 2 - 11h00
Aftercare will remain open untill 16h00. |
Tuesday 09 April |
Term 2 Begins
Normal school times apply, no extra-murals this week. |
Monday 15 April |
Extra-murals begin
All extra-mural activities begin on Monday. Please remind your son what activities are scheduled for each day and help him to pack his bag to ensure that he has the correct kit if he needs to change. |
2025 Term dates |
175 Updates |
175 Brooke Chapel Stained-Glass Window Update
We are well on our way to raising the funds needed for this exciting project, where we aim to collect R405 000 via the Pre-Prep, Prep, College and OD families. We have just reached the 55% mark and appeal to those who are able to make a donation to do so. All donors to this project are listed on our 175 Donors Page, which will be a lasting page on our school’s history website. Please go to the Brooke Chapel website if you would like to donate towards this project, either via SnapScan or EFT. |
175 and OD Wine Collaboration
As you may know, together with four well-known OD wine-makers, Bishops has released a lovely range of Bishops 175 Anniversary Wines. These have been a great hit at both school and OD functions since mid-February when they were first launched. If you would like to purchase any of these, please do so via our 175 Wine Project website, where you will also find notes on each wine and the wine-maker. |
Vusa Update
Get ready to be inspired by the latest news from our VUSA programme! Inside their newsletter, you'll find uplifting stories of determination, teamwork, and achievement from our talented VUSA participants and partners.
Click HERE to explore the newsletter and stay updated on the initiatives, partnerships, and successes that are shaping the lives of VUSA participants and enriching the Langa and Bishops community.
Thank you for your continued support in empowering our youth through education and sports.
Warm regards, Brendan, Nikki and the VUSA Programme Team |
Colour Run |
Message from Mr Tsotso
The Lord be with you.
As we draw near to the end of this term, it is with hearts full of gratitude and joy that we reflect upon the breath of new life that has been brought to our beloved school. The appointment of our new Head, Mrs. Taryn Bain, has been a source of inspiration, energy, and positive change. Together with the support of dedicated parents and the arrival of new boys, the atmosphere within our school has been transformed, and this change has been warmly welcomed and embraced by all.
As we give thanks for the highlights of this term and the memorable moments that have shaped us, we find ourselves looking forward to the Easter break with a sense of anticipation. May this be a time of rest and rejuvenation, allowing us to appreciate our shared humanity while simultaneously reflecting on the divinity of God and the profound passion of His sacrifice.
During this holiday period, let us not only focus on our own traditions but also extend our thoughts and prayers to those of other faiths who will be celebrating their own feasts and embarking on special religious journeys. In the spirit of unity and understanding, I pray for the safety and well-being of all, wherever their paths may lead them.
May this Easter break be a time of reflection, connection, and renewal for each member of our community. May we carry the lessons learned and the shared experiences of this term with us, drawing strength from the bonds that unite us. And as we part ways for a brief break, let us do so with the knowledge that we are part of a diverse and supportive community that values each member's journey.
Wishing you all safe travels, meaningful celebrations, and a blessed Easter break. May we return re-energised and ready to continue the journey together.
Until we meet again, Amen. |
U8 B league gala at Wynberg |
Our U8s were super cool in the Wynberg pool! Great swimming and cheering boys. It was a perfect end to the swimming season. |
Tank groundbreaking ceremony |
Bishops Blue Pages
The 21st edition of the Bishops Blue Pages is now available in a new format. It is best viewed on a laptop or desktop, but if you view it on a small screen, for best results, make sure your device is in fullscreen or landscape mode.
Please click HERE to view. |
Holiday Club
The pre-prep have 3 short holiday care options available for the boys.
Please click below for information on:
Holiday Club 21 March
Holiday Club 25 March
Holiday Club 2 April |
Grade N |
We have been excited to celebrate our 175 Founder’s Day with lovely doughnuts and an amazing magic show. The magic show was very funny and many belly laughs were observed, making it a memorable day for all our Grade N boys. As we near the end of term we learn about the ocean and all the amazing creatures that live in it. In the pictures above you can see the boys making crabs out of paperplates, paper and paint. Our garden is a wonderful place to explore our sensory world with frozen plastic animals and some big group paintings. The sight of our beautiful Table Mountain never ceases to amaze us at the Pre-Prep. Have a wonderful holiday Grade N boys, we will miss you all until next term. |
Grade R |
These past weeks in Grade R have been filled with activity and celebration, making memories that will last a lifetime.
We kicked off the festivities with a remarkable milestone – our school's 175th birthday! From the youngest to the oldest, boys and staff came together for a heartwarming ceremony. Other celebratory activities included a magic show, donuts at snack time and an exciting hunt around the Pre-Prep grounds in search of various objects.
Last Monday brought a special visit from our senior boys during Open Day. They came over to give small tours, sharing their love for our school with prospective families. In between shifts, they joined our boys for some playtime and a lot of fun was had by all!
However, amidst the joyous occasions, we are sad to have to bid farewell to two of our own. Bradey Avis, who has returned to his previous school and Nqaba Soldati, who is embarking on a new journey as his family relocates to Johannesburg. We wish both these boys and their families much success and happiness as they embark on a new journey.
We would like to wish everyone a good rest and to all our Christian families, may you have a blessed Easter. We look forward to another fun-filled and eventful term! |
Grade 1 |
Last week the Grade 1s celebrated Founder's Day with an enchanting visit from an incredible magician. The boys loved watching the various magical tricks and thoroughly enjoyed the humor he provided. We then sang a happy birthday to Bishops and enjoyed a delicious treat. We ended the day with some fun under the sea races and encouraged each other by cheering for each class. We created a lovely cake for Bishops and used our counting in 5s skills to make 175 candles. We continue to explore the rocky shores and read the book, “Sharing the shell”. We created tessellations using hexagons to create a beach for our hermit crabs. |
Grade 2 |
We have had an exciting couple of weeks, most especially Founder's Day celebrating Bishops 175th year. At a wonderful ceremony joining with the entire school, some of Grade 2s even got to interview the Bishop regarding the origins of our school. We also celebrated the boys who have consistently been displaying the qualities of a gentleman throughout the term and they were treated to a special tea with Mr Groom and some other special guests. The boys have all worked very hard this term and adjusted well to the Grade 2 environment but we are all ready for a good break! |
Campground Road, Rondebosch,
Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1037 | Fax: +27 21 659 1922 |