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FRIDAY 04 August 2023

Dear Parents

What an exciting week of Reading as our Readathon week inspired, encouraged, ignited and grew imaginations beyond what we could ever imagine. We had fun dress up days, amazing staff from other sections of the school visiting and reading to our boys, real authors from South Africa who took the time to come and read to our boys, showing them that any of them could be authors, illustrators and so much more. Our theme was "Reading is your superpower" and we focused on South African authors. Thank you to parents for supporting your boys to find their dress up ties, character outfits and for helping to decorate our school. To those who would still like to support our local authors and purchase their books, please see the books available in the hall. Thank you to Mrs Wallace for organising this wonderful week of wonder, paging through, reading books and listening to rich, inspiring stories.   

Wishing Mrs Lundi Krewu a wonderful birthday on the 8th of August. All the very best to Mrs Nureen Maged as she goes on maternity leave.  Welcome to Ms Zuki Gibbs who will be standing in for her until her return.  Wishing you all a wonderfu,  warm weekend!  

Kind regards


Wednesday 09 August Woman's Day - no school, public holiday

Happy Women's Day to all the incredible women! Shine on.... Not just today but everyday!              

Parents, please be reminded that your son’s Readathon sheet must be returned to school on Monday the 7th of August. Kindly ensure that you have totalled the number of pages read.If you would still like to donate books, please feel free. Thank you to all those that contributed.

Weighted items

This appeal is to all those who may have weighted vests, blankets etc  Should you no longer have use for these items, please would you consider donating them or selling them?  We are in need of some weighted items rather urgently.  Please could you contact Ms Nathierah Essa if you have any such items.  If you have perhaps borrowed any such items from the school and still have them, would you be so kind as to return them to us.  Thank you.      
Message from Mr Tsotso

As I reflect on the powerful lyrics of the song that proclaim, "My life is in you Lord, my strength is in you Lord, my hope is in you Lord," I am reminded of the profound faith and complete surrender that comes with entrusting oneself entirely into God's hands. The song expresses the unwavering conviction that placing our lives in God's care and trusting in His divine plan brings strength, hope, and a sense of purpose to our existence.
The song's reflection centres on a profound faith that embraces the complete surrender of oneself into the care of God, firmly trusting in His divine plans even when they deviate from our own desires. The lyrics emphasize the intimate connection between the singer and God, stating that life's true essence is found by placing trust, strength, and hope in the Lord.
The message encourages a deep commitment to God's guidance, acknowledging that life's journey is marked by doors that open and close in accordance with His plan, which may not always align with our expectations. Nonetheless, the songwriter expresses unwavering conviction in God's wisdom, recognizing that what we perceive as missed opportunities are often blessings in disguise.
The beauty lies in having an unchanging God who accompanies us through all seasons of life, providing solace, guidance, and support. This understanding instils the strength to endure challenges and the hope to persevere, knowing that God's constant presence brings comfort and assurance.
The song beautifully underscores the importance of viewing life's obstacles not as roadblocks but as divine redirections, leading us toward a higher purpose beyond our immediate comprehension. It reinforces the significance of trusting God's perfect timing and plan, finding joy and peace in being in alignment with His will.
Ultimately, the song celebrates the profound relationship between the singer and God, exemplifying the beauty of living a life fully committed to divine care, where faith and trust in God's infinite wisdom lead to a purposeful, resilient, and harmonious existence throughout all seasons of life.

School hours

We are extremely mindful of the state of the traffic during these protests however, there are many boys who have been arriving late for school since the beginning of the term. Please can we ask that you respect our 8am starting time for ALL GRADES. We have made this request on many occasions and we appeal to you as parents to ensure that the boys are here on time. If this requires you to leave home a few minutes earlier, please can we ask that you do so. It is extremely disruptive for the class when boys arrive after the instructions for the day have been given and it is equally difficult for these boys to settle down when they have missed the first part of the day.  A gentle reminder that class visiting days only start at 7.30am and not before - classrooms are only open to parents from 7.30 - 8.00 am. Thank you for your understanding.. 
Grade N

The Grade N's have had such a wonderful Topsy Turvy book week of crazy hair, funky socks and slippers and creative characters from their favourite books. We have read many many stories and were delighted to have Mr Reeler come and read to us as well as the author Lulu Fellowes and our very own Mrs Fraser. Another highlight this week has been mudplay which we have welcomed along with the warmer weather. 

Grade R

A blast of books and bookworms emerged this week, bringing much energy and enthusiasm to our Grade!  Our boys were thrilled to be read to by South African authors, and engaged in exploring why they love books so much.  We discovered different books for different uses, and especially enjoyed sharing their book character matching the book!  Thanks must go to our parents who got all the dress up days correct! The boys were so enthusiastic, and tons of fun was had.  Well done, boys!

Grade 1

Our reading superheroes soared into action this week, wearing their pj’s, terrific ties, proudly South African masks, and favourite book character. Thank you to the Parents who put time aside to decorate our walls and effort into the creative attire to inspire the boys! We explored flossy words using out theme book- “The three Billy Goats Gruff” and the boys created yellow bridges filled with these ending sounds to show off their reading and spelling superpowers. The boys also enjoyed their Stem project where they looked at different bridges around the world and then had to design and build their own bridge for the goats to cross the river. We had a powerful story read by South African author Lulu Fellowes about an unusual elephant’s life and then had Miss Simone Louw read her book- “The wonderberry tree”- to the boys. There are so many amazing morals to be discovered in her book. It has been a wonderful week of words!
“Words are powerful. Words change lives: words and ideas change the world. “ Bryant Mc Gill

Grade 2

The beginning of this week sparked great excitement as Spiderman greeted the boys as they came into the school after our Chapel service. We were privileged to enjoy a visit from a South African children’s author, Tamsyn Alfino. She gave them some insight into her stories about “The Big 5 Feelings.” The Grade 2 boys were also engrossed in the stories read by various teachers from the Prep School. They loved wearing their onesies and pyjamas and enthusiastically participated in music lessons learning about rhythm and notes. New coding skills were developed learning how to programme Bee-Bots.  Beautiful masks that were created in art lessons wear worn proudly by all. Cross country runners improved their stamina while running barefoot on a very muddy field! Congratulations to all the boys for embracing our readathon with such enthusiasm. We have thoroughly enjoyed watching them read and have fun throughout the week.

Campground Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1037 | Fax: +27 21 659 1922