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FRIDAY 18 August 2023

Dear Parents                                                                                                                                                                               

At Bishops believe in nurturing not only academic growth but also the holistic development of our boys. As part of our ongoing effort to create a positive and respectful environment, we remind both boys and parents of the school initiative of promoting good manners at all times, both at home and within our school community. Manners are the cornerstone of strong interpersonal relationships and an essential life skill that will serve your child well in his future endeavours. We kindly ask for your support in reinforcing these values at home. By modelling respectful behaviour, discussing the importance of manners, and engaging in conversations about empathy and consideration, you can greatly enhance the impact of this initiative. Let's continue to work together to instil in our boys the values of kindness, courtesy, and understanding, both within our school's walls and beyond. Your partnership in this endeavour is invaluable, and we are excited to see the positive impact it will have on our students' personal and academic growth. MANNERS represents the M of the Mitre, together with INTEGRITY, TOGETHERNESS, RESPECT AND EMPATHY which form the cornerstone of our expectations at the Prep and Pre-Prep. Children need constant reminders and modelling for this to become automatic and we therefore ask that as a parent body, you support our efforts to establish solid foundations in the boys in our care.

We wish Mrs. Linda Brombacher a very happy birthday for the 22nd of August.

Kind regards


Friday 15 September  End of season Tag Rugby Tournament 
The end of the season is always an exciting time to showcase what the boys have learnt. Please diarise - 4pm, Lugtensvale Fields, all Grade R, 1 and 2 boys that currently play Tag rugby, followed by a family picnic.  We hope to secure some food trucks so please plan ahead for a late afternoon of fun!
24 Hour Cyclathon

By now I am sure you would have heard of the fantastic upcoming  24 hour Vusa Cyclathon  to be held at Bishops on 2/3 September.  This year the Pre-Prep have entered a team called the Pre-Prep Pant(h)ers. Many of our staff are involved so we hope you will be able to support this worthy cause and sponsor our team!  Please click here, to take a closer look at the team and how you can support us!  
Message from Mr Tsotso

 The Lord be  with you
As we reflect on our journey so far this term, we find ourselves approaching a season of transformation. The seeds we diligently planted have flourished under our care, and now, as the warm sun of understanding shines upon them, they are starting to bear the ripe fruit of our efforts. These fruits, as beautifully described in Galatians 5, are the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
This week we took time to focus our attention on a particular fruit: the fruit of peace. Just as a plant's roots anchor into the soil, the peace we aim to foster finds its roots within us, deep in the fertile soil of our hearts. This peace isn't merely a lack of conflict; it's a profound tranquillity that withstands the storms of discord and differences.
In a world where chaos often surrounds us, nurturing this inner peace becomes crucial. Think of it as a sanctuary within, where the noise cannot disturb, and where the calm waters run deep. This peace embraces disagreements, differences, and relational challenges. It empowers us to navigate through them with grace and understanding.
Remember, as we learn how to cultivate this peace within ourselves, we must also extend it outward. Imagine our lives as branches of a great tree, reaching out to touch the lives of others. Just as the tree shares its shade and shelter, we too share the peace that we discover within. This is the peace that allows us to embrace those who might be hard to love at times, just as God's love is boundless and is for us all.

It's essential to acknowledge that we're not perfect; we stumble, and sometimes we contribute to discord and conflict. But just as a tree bends and sways in the wind, our hearts can be shaped accordingly as we learn from our mistakes and continue to grow. This growth isn't just for our benefit as it allows us to offer the world the gift of peace in difficult times.
As we move forward, let us be pioneers of peace. Let's strive to understand one another, even when understanding seems far away. Let's sow the seeds of kindness, compassion, and empathy, watering them with the peace that resides within us. And just as a tree's branches provide shade, let us offer the shelter of peace to those around us.

Let us pray.
Lord may our journey to cultivate peace within and share it, be a tribute to the bountiful garden that our hearts can become. May our efforts reflect the unwavering love and grace that You provide, nurturing us as we grow. Guide, protect and grant us your peace so that we can be extensions of it to all your people.

Lost Property

Could we kindly ask all families to check name tags in jerseys and shoes/takkies.  There seem to be many unmarked or incorrectly marked items in the lost property basket and it is really difficult to return these items to their owners.  Please would you check that the names are not washed off and are clear to see.  Please encourage boys to look for their own lost items in the basket in the foyer.   
Grade 2

Our boys have been very excited to be back playing soccer on the field consistently in the mornings and at break times. With less rain, the fields have been a bit drier. We do try our best not to send them home covered in mud! After a long wait, our newly renovated sandpit was ready for a grand opening on Tuesday. With new sand and a bigger area to play in, the boys couldn't wait to get digging and building. The new concrete base will ensure that they can't dig to other countries as they've so desperately tried to aim for in previous months! We've been learning about fractions and were very proud of some beautifully presented work. Mr Brown has started popping in once a week to look at the progress each boy is making in their classwork books. Our Grade 2's certainly have a lot of beautiful work to show off.  

Grade 1

Greetings, parents, and guardians! It's been an exciting week in Grade 1 as our little learners delved into the world of L blends. The classroom was alive with ‘GLee’ and learning as our students enthusiastically tackled words like "glum," "block," and "slip." They engaged in interactive activities that included crafting coloruful projects involving wild animals, opposites and L blends sentences “, fostering creativity and camaraderie. Our budding readers showcased their progress by fluently reading aloud sentences filled with L blends, leaving us utterly impressed. We're thrilled to witness their growth and can't wait to see what other linguistic adventures await them in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more updates as our journey through phonics continues to ‘FLourish’! But that's not all! We're thrilled to share that we're creating a sensational proprioceptive corner, designed to engage students' sensory experiences and enhance their spatial awareness. This hands-on area encourages them to explore various movements, fostering both physical and cognitive development. In addition to our vibrant learning adventures and proprioceptive corner, we're also crafting a tranquil quiet space. This cozy nook will serve as a retreat during break times, allowing our little ones to recharge their minds and relax.

Grade R

We continued with our ‘Fire’ theme this week.  Our outing to Salt River Fire Station was a highlight and the ride in the school bus sparked lots of excitement!  Back at school the boys have been designing and building garages for fire trucks, drawing fire engines and fire fighters, and finger-painting fires.  We have been talking about the importance of fire safety and how to prevent wildfires from causing so much damage to our beautiful mountain.    

Grade N

At Grade N this week, we continue to learn about insects. Discovering amazing facts about these tiny little creatures is an ongoing fascinating world of learning and exploration. Our Grade N boys have formed such amazing friendships and continue to help, care, and interact with their peers both in the classroom and in the garden. We look forward to seeing our parents on Monday morning when they can see some lovely artwork the boys have done. Have a lovely weekend.

Campground Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1037 | Fax: +27 21 659 1922