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FRIDAY 25 August 2023

Dear Parents

As the year quickly moves on, the boys in each grade start displaying various levels of maturity. Some characteristics need a lot of guidance, redirection and management at home and at school. Children in general are brave and often quite impulsive and actually often behave very differently at school to what you may see at home. They do not always consider the end result when involved in group play, or the effect that their actions may have on themselves or on others. That is where we need to guide, advise, discuss, explain and much more. They like to believe that their actions could never evoke a reaction, with their view as the absolute truth but sometimes need some discussion to be able put things into perspective. As teachers, we will try and manage these changes effectively, with some boys needing more help than others. This often plays out in games that get rough and end badly - this is when we need to step in and instil rules. When boys play, the rules become blurred and often they need help to instil the basic outlines discussed at the outset. Sticking to the rules when it does not suit them, is really difficult and seeing things from the perspective of the opposition is even harder. These are all life lessons and extremely important ones. 
School serves as a secure haven for embracing mistakes and transforming them into invaluable lessons. Within its safe environment, boys are encouraged to explore, experiment, and stumble with enough courage to get up and try again. This sanctuary of learning understands that errors are not mere blunders, but stepping stones toward growth. In the classroom, errors are not condemned but celebrated as opportunities to comprehend and refine one's understanding. This approach instils resilience and cultivates a mindset eager to take on challenges. By fostering an atmosphere where mistakes are normalized, school empowers learners to engage actively, absorb deeply, and evolve continuously. In the embrace of a supportive community, students develop the courage to face the unfamiliar, armed with the knowledge that every misstep contributes to their journey of becoming insightful, capable individuals. Wishing Mr Lutho Tsotso a wonderful birthday on 30 August.

Kind regards


Saturday 02 September TAG Rugby Grade 1 and Grade 2 @ 08h30

We hope to see as many Gr 1 & 2 boys as possible at this fun morning. This will be the last Saturday TAG session for the term.

Wednesday 30 August (Grade 1)

Wednesday 06 September (Grade 2)

Hockey festival

The Grade 1 and 2 Hockey boys have been invited to participate in the Rondebosch Boys hockey festival. We will be taking a number of teams along as we end off the  2023 hockey season.  Communication has been sent out with further details, to those participating.      

Thursday 31 August Grade N Outing

Grade N boys will all enjoy an outing to Kirstenbosch Gardens. Information has been sent to parents.
Friday 01 September Grade 2 (Daames) Shelter Building

The class will be building shelters in Newlands Forest. Information to follow.
Bishops Charity Golf Day

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who came out to support the Bishops PA Charity Golf Day.  Thank you to the event Sponsor, Coronation and the hole sponsors who contributed to the enjoyment of the day. Thank you to everyone who sponsored prizes.  R112,000 was raised for VUSA and other meaningful causes that the Bishops PA supports. 

Please see THIS short clip of the day.  

Message from Mr Tsotso

Embracing God's Call and Presence
In our journey of reflection this week, we've looked into the profound concept of a God who is not distant but ever-present, continuously calling us to His service through our daily deeds and acts of kindness. This is the God who rededicates Himself to us each day, and it is our privilege to reciprocate by being available and attentive to His call. As we've discovered, discerning God's calling is a gift we can cultivate, and His presence is a constant in our lives, meeting us at our very doorstep.
The story of Samuel in the Bible beautifully illustrates this truth. In the quiet of the night, God's voice resonated audibly, reminding us that His communication is not limited by time or place. Just as Samuel responded with openness, so can we, recognizing that God's voice might come in a whisper, a nudge, or a feeling of assurance.
To further engage with God's daily presence, we've taken a creative approach. Together, we've crafted secret handshakes, gestures that we share each morning as a silent greeting to God. Through these gestures, we acknowledge His divine presence in our lives, setting the tone for the day ahead. These simple actions remind us that every encounter, every challenge, and every joy is an opportunity to respond to God's calling.

Let us pray.
Loving Creator, in the quiet moments and in the busy hours, we acknowledge Your presence around us. You call us to serve, to love, and to make a difference in the lives we touch. Just as Samuel responded to Your voice, we too, desire to listen and to heed Your calling.
Grant us the wisdom to discern Your guidance amidst the noise of the world. May our hearts be aligned to Your voice, whether it's a whisper in the wind or a gentle tug on our spirits. Help us recognize that every interaction, every task, is an opportunity to be an instrument of Your love.
As we greet each morning with our secret handshakes, may we be reminded that You are present from the very beginning of our day. May these gestures become symbols of our willingness to align our will with Yours, to be Your hands and feet in this world.
Give us the courage to step out in faith, trusting that Your calling is sure, and Your presence is unwavering. Help us respond to You with open hearts, unwavering devotion, and a spirit of humility.
As we continue our journey, may we always be aware of the God who walks beside us, inviting us to serve and love as we go about our days.

24 Hour Cycle Challenge

Join us in just over a week for the thrilling 24-Hour Cycle Challenge brought to you by Investec!
Mark your calendars and get ready for an event that promises excitement, inspiration, and community spirit. The highly anticipated 24-Hour Cycle Challenge is just over a week away, and this year, we have a truly exceptional guest: Grant Lottering. Brace yourself as Grant embarks on an incredible journey, attempting to cycle the entire 24 hours solo!
Curious to know more about Grant's remarkable story? Take a moment to watch this inspiring clip. Grant's determination and resilience are sure to leave you awe-inspired. Don't miss the chance to show your support! Swing by Grant's bike. Your presence and encouragement will be a welcome distraction as he tackles this formidable challenge.
The event will unfold at the iconic Piley Rees, creating an atmosphere brimming with energy. Even if you're not participating in the cycling, we invite you to bring along your family and friends.  

We have a great line-up which includes Interviews with Matthew Pearce, Grant Lottering, Tank Lanning, magic by Olwethu Dyantyi, our beloved Cape Town Comedian Kurt Schoonraad, live entertainment from the Bishops Music Department, Me and Mr Green, DJ Ross and a silent disco.  VUSA Coach and personal trainer,  Monwabisi Tshotwana will offer a sunrise stretch class and we will have entertainment for the children so there is something for everyone.  Our dedicated teams have already kicked off their fundraising efforts, and you can contribute too. ( The Pre-Prep staff have a team riding and would hugely appreciate your support in getting them to their target! Please consider supporting them by clicking on the link and scrolling down to the bottom to find our team sheet. - Pre-Prep Pant(h)ers 
The 24-Hour Cycle Challenge is more than an event; it’s a celebration of community, endurance, shared experiences, courage and togetherness. See you there!


Grade 2
We have so enjoyed having Monday Chapel services in the Memorial Chapel again. Great fun was had on the muddy field at Gross Motor making sure we could catch an odd object with both feet firmly planted on the ground. Beautiful music could be heard coming from the music room while playing various instruments, and mapping skills were developing using Bee-Bots.
Grade 1

Grade 1 is great fun! This week the boys investigated both fictional and non-fictional elephants. They discovered their own differences and similarities through the book “Elmer”. The boys practiced their weaving skills when creating Elmer’s patchwork patterns. We are so proud of their first attempts at free writing facts about elephants. They also tried their hands at balancing equations using I-Pads. Mr Julius bravely dressed up to role play surgery and teach the boys across the grade about contractions in words. The boys also took on the task of being game rangers and created graphs to make a record of their wild animals. During break time the boys went on treasure hunts to find r-blend words. Tremendous excitement was had when the lucky draw took place, and the winner took home a crunchie! Try your hand at it and see how many r-blends you can find in this article. No prize for the winner…

Grade R

The Grade R boys started off their Ocean Exploration theme with much excitement and vigor! From discovering how sea sand is generated, to the layers of the ocean and its majestic creatures! We look forward to the many Ocean presentations which the boys are so excited to share next week. 

Grade N

The Grade N's have enjoyed a busy but rainy week and can't wait for next week's sunny weather and our very first outing! The boys have been investigating simple patterns this week and of course Reptiles have been a hit! We made spiral paper plate snakes to hang in our Reptile garden, used our fine motor skills to tear paper for decorating chameleon's, sang many crocodile songs and ended off the week with baking delicious biscuits. Yum!

Campground Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1037 | Fax: +27 21 659 1922