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FRIDAY 03 February 2023

Dear Parents

Another eventful week has passed by.  We are enjoying the sunshine and the opportunity to be outdoors as much as possible. A gentle reminder to start collecting donations of dog/cat food for our Valentine's Day collection (as per last week's newsletter).  These can be dropped off in the week of 13 - 17 February.  Boys have all had their individual photographs taken and you should have been notified by 'That's Me' with guidelines on how to order your prints. We hope to be able to fit in some class photographs within the next week or two but we will keep you updated on when it will be. We continue to put great emphasis on good manners and will particularly emphasize greetings next week. We ask that you support our efforts by having these conversations with your boys and by modelling the behaviour we expect from them.  If we are wanting the boys to greet and be respectful towards others, let us as adults be the ones who lead by example.   As we head into week 4 of the 2023 school year, we wish you a wonderfully relaxing weekend.   
Kind regards


Friday 17 February Coffee Connections - Muscle Mania (Grade R) Jane Durham

This is geared towards Grade R parents (but all parents welcome) as all boys in Grade R attend the Muscle Mania sessions.  Come along to learn more about why we use it and what is covered. Our resident OT Jane Durham will facilitate this session in our hall at 07h30. 
Friday 24 February Fun Sports Day

This is just a SAVE THE DATE - This year it will be held at Lugtensvale Fields. Further information to follow. All boys participate in this afternoon of fun which ends off with a fabulous picnic! Parents get your joggers on and get ready for the parent race!
Bishops Blue pages
The next edition of the Bishops Blue Pages will be sent out on 24th March 2023. If you would like your advert to be included, please see details in the flyer above. If you missed the previous edition which was sent out at the beginning of the holidays last year, please click HERE.
Parents Prayer Group

We would love any parents to join us to Connect and Pray every second Thursday at 7.30am in the Mitre (opposite Bishops Astro).
The whole Bishops Community is invited from Pre-Prep to College and we look forward to meeting you.
If you are unable to join on Thursday 9th February and would like to know further details, please e-mail Louise:

Message from Mr Tsotso

The Lord be with you
This week we commemorated the presentation of our Lord Jesus to the temple. This was a time when the old man Simeon finally saw the baby Jesus whom he had waited for many years. God had promised that he wouldn’t die without having met with Jesus, and this promise was fulfilled.
I do wish to echo that as we continue with the epiphany series of Jesus, that we await Christ to be presented and be present in our lives from this day forth. May our deepest graces be met in the coming of Jesus.
Let us pray
Almighty Father, your son Jesus was presented to the Temple and was acclaimed the glory of Israel and the light of all nations. Grant that through him we may be presented to you. My we receive and reflect his glory in the world as we await divine revelation in our lives through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Carnival Request
Request for gently-used second hand good please. A good opportunity for a declutter and clear-out!

Dogs on campus

We have a few boys that are highly allergic to dogs and it has come to our attention that some lovely dogs are being brought to visit us.  We respectfully ask that you do not bring your dogs into or near the school buildings as these boys are really struggling to manage their allergic reactions. Thank you for your understanding in this situation.       

Grade 2

We have all been enjoying the beautiful weather this week. The Grade 2 boys are still having lots of fun on our new jungle gym. They have also been very active outside during gross motor sessions where they were involved in team competitions. There were some fantastic creative towers and bird feeders that were built in Design Technology. It is wonderful to see the boys working so well in teams and supporting one another on the playground.

Grade 1

This week the Grade 1s explored the topic of pets and we spoke about how to best care for our pets. The boys continue to explore words and have expanded their word banks. They are also enjoying reading and using their "pointer power". The boys are working neatly in their writing books and are learning to write in the lines and “touch-touch”. 

Grade R

Our week was filled with discovering ‘l’ for Lucy Lamplight and sharing fun facts about our families! Our new boys have begun to settle and find friends which is always lovely to witness.  Mud play at the restaurant, stuffed toys in trees, sharing quiet play with the trains and other hi-jinx were the order of the week! Well done, boys! You’ve earned a relaxing weekend!

Grade N

The Grade N’s have had a very busy week. From participating in music lessons to preparing mud cakes in the mud kitchen and even starting their first gross motor lessons. The boys have participated in every aspect of their school day with such enthusiasm and excitement. Every opportunity provides them with something new and stimulating. They are starting to make new friends too as they get to know their peers’ names. This is wonderful to see! We look forward to another fun-filled week ahead.

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