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FRIDAY 10 February 2023

Dear Parents

Much is being asked of parents in the lead up to the carnival and we are extremely grateful for all that you are doing . We had a class reps meeting this morning where the PA ladies were able to clearly outline how things will work.  There is a carnival committee who is managing all the organization and this will be shared with you when necessary.  Thank you to all those who are involved, it promises to be a wonderful afternoon/evening of fun and entertainment!  I know that the reps have organised some parents to come and decorate our school for Valentines Day. Thank you in advance for your offer to help.  The boys really do get excited when there is something different happening on their campus.  We hope to be able to get some parents involved in our library again from next term so please look out for the notification in the newsletters. We are hoping to get our class photographs taken next week so please can you ensure that your son's hair is cut neatly.  Long fringes seem to be creeping in and we ask that you keep them short, above the eyebrows for less distraction and in line with the expectations at school. We wish Ms Marilyn May, our little dynamo cleaning lady up in Grade R, a very happy birthday on Valentine's Day, 14 February!  May you all have a happy weekend!                           

Kind regards


Tuesday 14 February Valentines - Civies Day
Boys are invited to wear something red/pink/white on Tuesday 14th to celebrate Valentines Day.  This year we show love by donating some pet food/blankets/collars/bowls etc for distribution to various animal shelters.  Please feel free to include some gently used pet items that you may have at home. Bird/hamster cages are also very useful so if you perhaps have some that are not currently housing a pet, please would you consider donating them to this worthy collection.         
Friday 17 February @ 07:30  Coffee Connections - Muscle Mania (Grade R) Jane Durham  - school hall

This is geared towards Grade R parents (but all parents welcome) as all boys in Grade R attend the Muscle Mania sessions.  Come along to learn more about why we use it and what is covered. Our resident OT Jane Durham will facilitate this session in our hall at 07h30. Mrs van Zyl and Ms Essa  will be there to welcome you.   
Friday 24 February Fun Sports Fun Sports

This is just a SAVE THE DATE - This year it will be held at Lugtensvale Fields @ 16:00. Further information to follow. All boys participate in this late afternoon of fun which ends off with a fabulous picnic! Parents get your joggers on and get ready for the parent race!

Please could you test your MyBishopsLife login details this coming week to ensure you are able to access your son’s profile and download his academic report at the end of term. Should you experience any login issues, please email If you have yet to register for MyBishopsLife, please Register Now.

Trash Bash
An open invitation to anyone that would like to join this amazing initiative.

Pizza Fridays are always very exciting for our boys.  There is a small profit margin we bank after rounding off the termly charges. We have been collecting this money for some time and are pleased to announce that we will be making a R20 000 donation to the PA to fund sandwiches delivered to Athwood Primary every week.   We will also be purchasing chess sets to donate to Athwood Primary who are making a huge effort to provide after school activities to their pupils to keep them actively involved at school in the afternoons.  We will also purchase some slightly larger sets to donate to the Vusa schools for their children to learn to play.  We have arranged for the Vusa coaches to be trained in the game and they will then teach the children the skills of chess. We will keep you updated on what we use the money for, as we collect a little more money. 
Message from Mr Tsotso

Mathew 5:13-16

Let us pray

Lord grant to us the spirit to think and always do what is right, so that we, who cannot do anything without you, may be enabled to live according to your will. We are graced and blessed to know that you have given us each different talents and gifts. Please then Lord, give us the perseverance to work towards keeping your light in us burning, so that we can spread that light across the world.


We took time to reflect on how darkness has a way of terrifying us and making us tremble and how in the light we find comfort that you are with us. Acknowledging our difference and diversity and that the little lights that we have in us can be brought together in our unique ways to complement each other to spread the light to all communities and spaces we find ourselves?

May you all be granted a moment to reflect and acknowledge the blessings of the Lord in our lives.

VUSA Volunteers

VUSA supports three ECD Centres in Langa with numeracy and language development programmes.  On Tuesday mornings we run a structured programme at Dalukhanyo Creche with smaller groups of children and are calling for volunteers to assist from 11h30 – 12h15. A small group of volunteers has been established for this programme and we are looking for a few more to join the roster (so weekly commitment is not required).  Activities will include puzzles, playdough, reading and games.  Please contact Nikki Matthews (0794374276) of Aoife Doherty (076 052 2405) should you be interested in participating in the rewarding initiative.

Grade N

The Grade N's have loved learning about their senses this week. We have explored all our senses during morning rings and really enjoyed the sense of taste with some surprise tastings in class. The warm weather has meant water play has been a big hit. The boys have been creative in the art room, spending some quiet time in the resource room and delighted in all the fun things the garden has to offer.

Grade R
This week the Grade R's have been learning about Noisy Nick. They have built nests, paper teared with newspaper, made Numicon towers, drawn narwhals as well as made noodle necklaces. The boys enjoyed creating a crown for Muggle, the Muscle Mania monkey, during their Muscle Mania lesson. They are encouraged to develop their fine motor skills on different surfaces and decorated the track with beautiful chalk patterns
Grade 1

The Grade1's are enjoying the lessons with Mr Julius, the grade 1 internship student. This week his lessons focussed on before and after. This week the boys also participated in many activities exposing them to the diversity,  within our classrooms.

Grade 2

The Grade 2’s have been perfecting their letter formation this week. We are so impressed by lots of neat work! We continue to remind our boys that one of the top priorities each day is to be kind. It’s a free gift we can give to each other that can change the world. We’ve been designing our own flags alongside learning about the l blends in phonics. The Grade 2’s have also been very busy drawing crowded houses with the most beautiful detailed doors and windows. They worked hard on adding some textured patterns to their pieces this week.

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