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FRIDAY 20 January 2023

Dear Parents                                                                                                                                                                               

Welcome to the start of 2023. It has been wonderful to finally include all the new boys in our activities and to see how much the boys have grown over the holidays! The boys have settled in really well and we are well on our way to a fabulous new year. Thank you to the Grade 1 and 2 boys who have been using our drop and go area so effectively. Mr Mthintsilana and his team have once again been fantastic and are well trained on how to get your boys in and out of the vehicles safely and carefully. Drivers are asked please not to disembark, our team will make sure that the boys have all their belongings effectively attached to their bodies and help them make their way to the entrance of the school. Please, if possible, ensure that the boys exit vehicles on the sidewalk side and not from behind the driver's seat.  We wish to be cautious as there are other drivers pulling off who are often in a hurry to exit the drop and go zone.  Should boys still be a little unsure, there are staff along the way to help them, but I can assure you that they are more than capable of getting themselves to where they need to be!

Please remember that the reception doors only open at 7.30am so if you arrive before 7.30am, please drop your son at the top gate where they will attend early care (supervised) and be walked to their classes at 7.30am, when they open. The gates near the hall close at 8am so you will need to come down to the reception gates if you arrive after 8am. By now you would have been notified about which day of the week you have an opportunity to visit your son's class (Grade N have been granted entry every day until later in January). We hope to see you then, even if it is to just spend a few minutes in the classroom and to take note of what the boys are learning about. A gentle reminder that one needs patience and more patience at the exit gates. There are cones which cordon off a safe walking space for you and your boys so we encourage you to please use this space instead of walking behind vehicles that may be reversing and may result in some kind of accident. Similarly, despite us using extra security in this area, opportunists are always on the prowl so we suggest that you do not leave any laptops, bags etc on the seats of your vehicle. Check that it is securely locked before heading through the gates                                                                                                     

You have all had a chance to visit your son's class and to meet his teacher. Please feel free to email them should you have any further queries.                                                                                                                                                                       

I have been in contact with the school uniform shop regarding items that are out of stock. I have asked them to let us know when this stock arrives so that we can notify those parents who still need to make purchases. We have had a happy, exciting start to the year. Wishing you all a wonderful restful weekend and to those families who are celebrating Chinese New Year, we wish you well in your festivities.  


26 January @ 18:30 New Parents cocktail party 

An invitation has been sent to all Grade N parents and other new parents at the Pre-Prep.  We look forward to meeting you on Thursday evening.


By now you would all have noticed how beautifully our playground has been upgraded.  We respectfully ask that siblings, carers, boys and families do not come and play/picnic on our Pre-Prep campus before the end of our school day (4pm).  Boys and staff who are still working find it extremely distracting and difficult to manage lessons and preparation meetings that take place in the afternoons. Our office closes at 4pm and therefore request that this campus stay closed to any such activities until after 4pm.                 

Message from Mr Tsotso

The Lord be with you
Epiphany greetings and blessings to you all, a season where we recall the revelation of our Lord Jesus as the definite incarnate coming from God and being fully God. We look forward to discovering and learning about God whilst having Him revealed to us in the academic year that lies ahead. I pray that He will be revealed to us in the many spaces of our school - in the classroom and on the playground and sports fields.
Let us pray
Heavenly Father the riches of your glory are infinite and your love endures forever. Bless and guide those who teach and learn, whilst deepening their love and strength so that our creator and redeemer may dwell in their hearts We ask all this in the Glory of your name,


Extra Mural activities

Our extra mural programme will start on Monday.  The document to sign up has been sent out (this is for school offered sport at no cost). If you have chosen any privately offered extra murals, please be sure to visit My Bishops Life to view what is on offer and for information on how to register.   


If you would like to utilize aftercare, can you ensure that you have completed an aftercare form and submit it to Catherine Rheeder at Forms can be downloaded on MyBishopsLife or alternatively you can receive hard copy from aftercare in the Pre-prep hall.


Grade N - and off we go!

The Grade N's have settled in well this week and have enjoyed exploring their new space. We also had our Playball demo today and lots of fun was had by all.

Grade R - we are back!

The Grade Rs have had a splendid first week. They have enjoyed being back at school and exploring their new surroundings. It’s been a great start and we look forward to a wonderful 2023 with a lovely group of boys and parents. 

Grade 1 - so much is new.
We are so proud of our all our boys as they have settled into grade 1 so well and are already so busy learning! Thank you to all our parents for being so organised!
Grade 2 - we have got this!

The Grade 2’s have wowed us with settling in so nicely this week! A highlight for them has been playing on our brand-new jungle gym. Watching all the imaginary games happening is a sight to behold. Pirates on a ship, ninjas playing hide and seek and many survival games! The teachers have loved reading the boys’ holiday news and look forward to a full week with them next week.

Campground Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1037 | Fax: +27 21 659 1922