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FRIDAY 27 January 2023

Dear Parents

As we head into a new week of the term, we would like to introduce you to some new staff members that have joined our Pre-Prep team this year.  We have three new interns, Christopher Webster, Keanu Julius and Gaea Hendrickse who have embarked on their studies to become teachers. They will rotate to different grades while at the Pre-Prep so I am sure your son will have a chance to get to know them better as the year progresses. We are delighted to have them working with our boys and staff and wish them well on this journey they have chosen.  We also welcome Mrs Jane Bird to our Art department. She will be working with Grade 1 and 2 boys in the Art room, creating some wonderful work.  We also welcome Mr Joshua Anthony who will be helping out at reception this year and also in the classes.  Mr Anthony is a sound engineer student and we welcome him to the Pre-Prep. We celebrated the birthdays of Mrs Fernandez and Mrs Meredith this week and wish Mr Pursch (drama) a happy birthday for Sunday.                               

Kind regards


14 February

Valentine's Day

The boys will come to school wearing read, white or pink civvies to celebrate the day. See our outreach note below for further details.

17 February

Coffee Connections

Grade R parents, please save the date! Jane Durham our Occupational Therapist, will be sharing some very useful information about the Muscle Mania programme used in Grade R. This will take place in the hall at 7h30.


As part of our outreach, we have decided to link Valentine's Day to our love for pets. We would love all the boys to dress in anything with some red/white or pink on Valentines day, 14 February.  In lieu of any cash donation, we ask for donations of pet food or any pet items such as blankets, collars, bowls.  Please feel free to include any cages, leads or other items that may be able to be used by any animal shelter.  They are always so very grateful for our support.  We have a Pre-Prep feral cat whom the boys named Thunder who is also fed daily, so some of the cat food is used to keep Thunder healthy!    Please send any donations to the classroom and it will be sent to the collection point by the teachers.  Some of the classes have some other arrangements for the day but they will communicate these with you per grade.
Lost Property

We already have quite a bit of lost property that has not been marked.  Please could you take some time this weekend to ensure that all items are marked clearly in order for us to return these belongings to their owners.  Also please check the items you have to see if there is anything that has mistakenly gone to the wrong home. Boys often get confused and put clothing items in the wrong bag or locker.      
Message from Mr Tsotso

The Lord be with you
As we continue to celebrate the season of Epiphany on our Christian calendar, we reflect on the wonderful ways that Jesus reveals himself in our lives. Christ shows up in our lives from sunrise to sunset keeping us in the shadow of His grace.
I now pray that you all have a blessed year. May God through His divine incarnate power of the Holy Spirit journey alongside you and assure you of His presence in all season of this year.
Let us pray
God of grace and glory. Your Son revealed your power in many ways and signs. Please transform our everyday lives to make us worthy of our calling to serve the world in your name. All this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ.


Morning care 
Morning care is offered, free of any charge, to any boys arriving at school before  07h30.  Our classrooms and play areas are only open from 07h30 so any boys arriving earlier are required to be dropped off and supervised at morning care.  Our Interns will be up at the hall to welcome and manage the boys and then guide them to their classrooms at 7h30.  Just a gentle reminder that even if it is the day for parents to visit their particular grade classrooms, they are only open from 7h30.  Please do not arrive earlier as teachers and staff are trying to get prepared for the day. 


Grade 2

The Grade 2s have settled in well and have had a busy, first full week back. The nerves have eased and now the boys say that they are 'happy' to be in Grade 2. We have revised our ee and oo sounds as well as the bonds of 6. The boys also had a chance to show us how fast they can run along the track. School is really back in full swing!  

Grade 1

We have had a jam-packed week, filled with many changes - both in routines and clothing. Thankfully, the boys have managed to keep most of their belongings together. Learning how to read has been the highlight of the week for most boys. They have also had fun discovering who is part of the wider Bishops family. Mr Julius is a very welcome addition to the Grade 1 family! We celebrated with Mrs Meredith and Mrs Fernandez who had their ‘twin’ birthday on Thursday.

Grade R

The Grade R's have had a fun first full week at school! We have been learning all about our school and participating in lots of activities focusing on the 's' sound. The boys have made snakes, sea horses, snails and skyscrapers, to name a few, using different objects and materials.  

Grade N

The boys have been learning lots about their new school. They all met our music teacher today – Mrs Swanich and went down to her classroom for some Friday Fun.
Your son may take a while to learn his peers’ names. It is still age appropriate for boys to play in groups and not have specific friends yet. We look forward more fun in week 3.

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