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FRIDAY 21 July 2023

Dear Parents

A warm welcome back to all our boys and parents and a particular special welcome to our new families who have joined us this term.  We have many exciting events planned for this term, including our Readathon which is always a wonderful week.  This term we have made a few staff adjustments - we welcome Mr Zuks Ncube to our Pre-Prep campus. Mr Ncube is well known to Bishops, as he was once a stooge in the High School as well as a teacher here at the Pre-Prep before embarking on a teaching programme in Japan for a few years.  Your boys will all become familiar with him and he will also be working with groups and classes throughout the school.  Mrs Melody Green will be leaving for her maternity leave at the end of July. We wish her well as she takes some time to rest before the arrival of her twin boys in September.  Mrs Mandy Edwards will be here in her place for the rest of the year - she is well known to all the boys as she was in for Mrs Swanich covering all the music classes last term while Mrs Swanich was on leave.

Kind regards


Monday 24 July Extramurals Begin

Extramurals begin on Monday. Please ensure that your son has the necessary sports kit each day.
Friday 28 July

Pizza Friday

Pizza Fridays will start next week for our Grade R, 1 and 2 boys. Please see details below.

2024 Term Dates

Pizza Fridays

Pizza will start next Friday, 28 July. This time around, parents have signed up for the entire year and to be billed per term.  Please give a month’s notice should you wish to cancel.

Pizza dates are as follows:

Term 3 (9weeks)
28 July
4 Aug
11 Aug
18 Aug
25 Aug
1 Sept
8 Sept
15 Sept
22 Sept

If you would like to volunteer to help please whatsapp Hazel on 082 895 9606. This involves handing pizza out to the boys on a Friday between 9h50 - 10h15 and usually takes about 20 minutes.

Mandela Day

Since 2009, Mandela Day has been celebrated annually on Nelson Mandela's birthday, 18 Jully. The United nations has declared the18th of July an international day of activism.  It is officially known as "Nelson Mandela International Day". It is not a public holiday but a day for doing good deeds in One's community.  Nelson Mandela was politically active for 67 years. For this reason people are requested to donate 67 minutes of their time to help less fortunate communities every 18th of July, (Viva, Mr Mandela - Jomarie Dick). This year, we only arrived back at school on 18 July so we planned ahead.  At the end of last term, we collected gently worn  clothing and on 18 July, this was delivered to Lielieblom   House - Child and Youth Care Centre.  Thank you to all those that contributed to this collection.  I am sure there have been many warmer bodies in this icy weather,  since our delivery.

Message from Mr Tsotso

Dear Heavenly Father,

As we begin Term 3 at Bishops Pre-Prep, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude and thanksgiving. We thank You for Your safekeeping throughout the holidays, and for allowing us to return to this place of learning, laughter, and love – back to our cherished time with friends and teachers.

Lord, we acknowledge that Your hand has been upon us, guiding and protecting us throughout our break. We are thankful for the joyous moments shared with family and friends and for the experiences that have enriched our lives. We will carry these memories in our hearts.

As we step into this new term, we seek Your presence and blessings. We pray for the continuation of our journey of learning, both academically and personally. May each day be filled with opportunities to grow, discover more about ourselves, and to understand one another better. Help us to embrace the diversity that surrounds us, recognizing that we are all divinely created by You with unique gifts and purposes.

Grant us wisdom as we study and explore new subjects and ideas. May our teachers be filled with knowledge, patience, and understanding, guiding us in our pursuit of knowledge and truth. May they be an inspiration to us, fostering a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.

We also pray for kindness and compassion to flourish among us, strengthening the bonds of friendship and community. May we support one another, uplift each other, and always be mindful of the needs of those around us.

Lord, help us to remember that every challenge we face is an opportunity for growth and that with You by our side, we can overcome any obstacle. May we face the future with confidence, knowing that we are not alone on this journey, but rather, walking hand in hand with You, guided by Your divine purpose.

In Your name, we pray. Amen.


Thank you to all the families who joined us in Langa on Monday for the Mandela Day clean-up.  Please see THIS short clip of the day.
If you would like to find out about more about VUSA and upcoming events, please see the  VUSA newsletter by clicking HERE.
Should you wish to sign up to the creche volunteer programme on Tuesday mornings, please contact  Aoife Doherty and for all other queries, please contact Nikki Matthews at the Trust Office.

Grade 1 and 2
And so we begin - only a few days in and we have accomplished so much! Welcome back everybody! 
Grade N and R
So much to do, so little time!  We are back and we are busy.  Welcome back to all our boys and their families. We are all delighted to have you at school!
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