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FRIDAY 28 July 2023

Dear Parents

Despite the chilly weather this past week, our boys have been actively engaged both indoors and outdoors at school. Our extra mural programme started on Monday and the boys are making the most of all the learning experiences presented to them.  As the temperatures drop, please be reminded that boys may wear their tracksuits over their uniform if they are cold.  We are excited to start the month of August with our Readathon week. This year's theme is "Reading is my superpower" and we will be exploring South African authors and stories.  Mrs Wallace has planned an exciting, jam-packed week for the boys with grade specific information shared via email and we have added further information to the parent online calendar as a reminder.   

  "Unleash the power of your imagination, young adventurer, as you journey through the pages during our Readathon week - each book holds a world of wonders waiting to be discovered!" 

Next Friday morning, we will host the first Coffee Connections event of the term.  Mrs Linda Brombacher who is our resident speech and language therapist, will address "the importance of reading". We would like to encourage as many parents as possible to please join us in the hall for this enlightening session and a chance to ask questions.   Our Saturday tag session will take place this weekend for any Grade 1 and 2 boys who would like to participate.  Please contact for any queries.    We will be keeping an eye on the weather as heavy rains have been predicted for Saturday but we are hopeful that we will be able to still have our early morning session. I want to end off with a little more motivation to our Readathon readers. "Embrace the hero within you, young reader, for every story you delve into during Readathon week, moulds you into a brave, compassionate and extraordinary individual - the word needs your unique superpowers! Wishing you all a fabulous weekend.            

Kind regards


31st of July to 4th of August Readthon Week - Reading is my superpower
Each grade has various activities planned for the week. Please read any information sent out, carefully. We have also added details on the parent online calendar for easy refernce. 
Friday 28 July Cross Country- Fish Hoek

This is the final race for the season.  Cross country practises will take on a slightly more fun format from next week so boys must still please attend during the week. There will however not be any more Friday races.
Saturday 29 July @ 8.30am TAG Rugby- Gr 1 and 2
Mrs Venter and her team will be ready and waiting for the Grade 1 and 2 boys at 8.30am on Saturday for some fun and games.  Please come along and join in.  If rain is very heavy and it is dangerious to play, we will unfortunately have to cancel the practise.       
24 Hour Cycle Challenge

Get Ready for the 24-Hour Cycle Challenge brought to you by Investec!
Mark your calendars for the highly anticipated 24-Hour Cycle Challenge scheduled for the 2nd and 3rd of September. This event is not only a perfect family day out but also serves a wonderful cause. Even if you are not participating, please come out and support our teams.  There will be jumping castles and face-painting for the little ones and food and refreshments for sale.  Parents, Staff and ODs can also sign-up to cycle but spaces are limited.  Please contact Nikki Matthews or Kirsty Hatt for more information. Please watch THIS short clip for more about the event.

Thank you all for your continued support and active participation in making a positive impact on our community. #StrongerTogether

Review by Mr Zuks Ncube - relief teacher for Mr Tsotso who has been away at a conference. 

In this week's lesson, we embarked on a thought-provoking exploration of personal growth and character development through the inspiring parable of "The Sower" from the Bible (Matthew chapter 13). Instead of focusing solely on seeds and plants, we delved into the metaphorical meaning of the parable, drawing valuable lessons for our lives. We discussed the importance of cultivating values such as Manners, Integrity, Togetherness, Respect and Empathy which are the qualities of the MITRE. These values were likened to the seeds that require the right environment to grow and bear fruit, in our actions and behaviours.  As we start a new term, we hope to grow our seeds and become leaders in our environment.     
2nd Hand Shop

Sasha and Julie, the amazing "queens" of our Second Hand shop, will be coming to the end of their reign as their sons move on to College next year. We are looking for volunteers to take their places. Please consider taking on this very valuable service to the school and our parents. If you are interested, or have any questions, please contact Sasha or Julie.

Sasha Rivera :

Julie Breslin :

Grade 2

The Grade 2's have been busy learning about fractions this week. Our fraction pizzas remind us of what halves, thirds and quarters look like. We tried to trick these clever children when asking, "If you are really hungry which pizza would give you more to eat? A whole cut into quarters or a whole cut into eighths?" It didn't take long for them to realise the amounts were exactly the same in the end! We have been grateful for some sunshine this week, even though it has been cold! The art club boys have been thinking positively with their beautiful spring blossom creations. They are excited to welcome spring soon! Our boys were very busy on Friday doing their own group drama piece to act out to the rest of the class. The theme was  'You've found a magic pathway through a special door in a library, what happens next?'

Grade 1
This term the grade 1 theme work and weekly stories are about animals, and we began the term touring the farmyard. Our story of the week was 'If you give a pig a pancake'. We explored pig vocabulary, looked at the characters and setting of the three little pigs - all while still building on our reading, writing and maths skills. The highlight of the week though, must be tasting pancakes at school! 
Grade R


This week the Grade R area has been a hive of activity!  We have been celebrating 100 days of Grade R for the past 2 weeks.  We looked closely at the number 100 by experimenting with all its attributes.  The boys took part in a ‘100 cup building challenge’ where they had to build the tallest tower possible with all 100 cups!  They made pictures of what they will look like when they are 100 years old and we celebrated the end of the 2 weeks by sharing a cake with 100 smarties!!  We have also been learning about the letter ‘U’ and created our own UFOs and built LEGO bridges that are wide and high enough for a car to drive UNDER. 

We look forward to another fun-filled week and would like to wish Mrs Green well, as she goes on maternity leave.
Grade N

The Grade N boys are so happy to be back at school. We have been busy discovering our Busy Boxes every day this week. There is so much to learn and discover while experimenting with these games, and we encourage the boys to work independently. Our theme this week has been Recycling and reusing waste materials. We have allowed the boys to participate in box building making use of bottletops, boxes of all sizes, fabric, wool and scrap paper. Some amazing creations were designed. What fun! Keep warm over the weekend boys!


Campground Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1037 | Fax: +27 21 659 1922