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FRIDAY 02 June 2023

Dear Parents
This week we have had to face the loadshedding giant which has impacted our early morning arrival at school.    Thank you for your patience as we navigate our way around a sensible and safe solution.  Thank you too, for reminding the boys to pack or wear a jersey every day (Gr 1 and 2), the unpredictable weather is always a challenge. I can hardly believe we have turned the diary page into June, the halfway mark of 2023! Teachers are busy with assessments and report writing and boys are consolidating all that has been covered so far this year.  Please make sure that you have visited MyBishopsLife and that your password is still valid, to be able to access reports at the end of the term.  Have a warm weekend!       

Kind regards


Friday 09 June Cross Country - Wynberg Military Base - last race of this term. Hosted by Wynberg Boys and Wynberg Girls school.

Mrs van der Westhuizen will send out further details next week. Please contact her for any queries.
Friday 09 June Internal Tag Tournament - last day of Extramurals for Term 2

On Friday 9 June, we will be playing matches against other Bishops teams, in the form of a round robin.  This is to introduce the boys to a match format and to help manage the humility when winning but also the huge disappointment of losing.  It is such a hard but very important lesson in life. These little matches will be held during the normal tag rugby times, parents are welcome to come and watch  (1-2pm).
Friday 09 June Coffee Connections @ 7.30am in the hall

Please feel free to join Bridget Surtees for some interesting information on:    Why is the lunchbox important?   How to plan;    . What’s in, what’s out?    Label reading;            Overcoming Hurdles.
Monday 12 June  Family Chapel Service 

We extend an invitation to all parents to join all the Gr N  - 2 boys in the Memorial Chapel @ 8.15am for our Term 2 Family Chapel Service. 
2nd Hand Shop

Please be reminded that the Second Hand Shop opening times this week are as follows:

Tuesdays 07:30-08:30
Thursdays 07:30-08:30

The shop is based on the Prep campus, Fir Road. 


A message from Mr Tsotso

The celebration of the Feast of Pentecost holds great significance in the Christian faith. It commemorates the event described in the New Testament when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the disciples of Jesus, empowering them for their mission and establishing the early Christian Church. The disciples were gathered in Jerusalem, awaiting the promised gift of the Holy Spirit after Jesus' ascension. The Holy Spirit descended upon them on the day of Pentecost. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost is often described as the birth of the Church. It was a transformative moment when the disciples, who were previously fearful and uncertain, were filled with boldness and power to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit enabled them to speak in different languages, which became a symbol of the Spirit's ability to transcend cultural and language barriers. The unity brought about by the Holy Spirit's work is often seen as a reversal of the division caused by the Tower of Babel in the book of Genesis. At Babel, people were scattered and their languages confused, leading to a lack of understanding and cooperation. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit enabled people from different nations to understand one another, highlighting the power of God to unite and bring about reconciliation. The concept of ubuntu, "I am, because we are," resonates with the message of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit's work in bringing people together, despite their differences, reflects the essence of ubuntu and the interconnectedness of humanity. It teaches us to embrace and celebrate diversity, recognizing that our unique backgrounds and experiences contribute to the richness of the body of Christ. May the celebration of Pentecost inspire us to embrace the gift of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to seek unity amidst diversity, and to embody the spirit of ubuntu as we journey together as the body of Christ. 

Lost items

We seem to have a large basket of water bottles with no names, as well as 4 pairs of reading glasses in lost property ! If your little chap has misplaced his water bottle or is missing his reading glasses, please send him to the foyer or to Ms Manyela's desk to find them. This may be a good time to check if all your items are clearly labelled. Thank you for your support.   
Grade 2

We have managed to have some fun despite the early morning loadshedding. Miss. Songxishe, our Grade 2 intern kept the boys on their toes with a spelling game. Thankfully, the lights came back on at 08h00 just in time for us to begin our lessons. The art club boys created lovely watercolour pictures using colours to match the weather. The boys (and teachers) enjoy being back in routine and are writing super sentences about their weekend   and working hard on Space and Shape.  

Grade 1

Whoosh! Just like that we are straight back into our Grade 1 routines. This week the boys have presented amazing space facts, enjoyed learning about the moon with cookies, explored the ‘oo’ sound, and had GOOD fun in Physical Literacy with their ‘testing’ stations- like real astronauts. During isiXhosa lessons the boys are becoming accustomed to answering questions in isiXhosa and in Art they looked in books to research their space pictures. In Music they got to use drums to boom out a rhythm. What a COOL week of learning.

Grade R

This week our Grade R theme extends into Patterns in Nature.  Our boys welcomed Ms Graney, our student teacher for the week in Mrs van Zyl’s class.  Exploration began with: “which animal do you think has made that pattern?”; “how is it possible that certain shapes such as hexagons appear consistently in Nature, and where have we seen these?”  We investigated cracks in the mud, dragonfly compound eyes and even the hexagonal shaped cells in a beehive.  We are loving our iPad time introduced during micro groups, no doubt the highlight of our learning! 

Grade N
The Grade N's have had a busy week exploring our wild animal theme. There have been informative discussions around this topic about teeth, feet, skins and even dung! Important teamwork has been spotted in the garden where the boys negotiate, solve problems and express themselves. We can't wait to learn and discover more about wild animals next week. 
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