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FRIDAY 17 March 2023

Dear Parents

One of the highlights of this week has been the Gentlemen's Tea, held for the Grade 2 boys who are displaying gentlemanly behaviour.  While none are yet perfect, it is our aim to instil these qualities in each and every boy that walks our corridors.  We will be talking about these qualities regularly and the boys are trying hard to practise these daily.  Each letter forms the acronym MITRE.   When the boys move over to the Prep school, MITRE badges are awarded each week to boys who display these qualities so what better time to practice, than now. Please keep discussing these with your son, no matter how young.   Manners: Always be courteous and polite to everyone, regardless of their social status or background. Use proper table etiquette, such as chewing with your mouth closed and using utensils properly. Open doors for others, including the elderly. Use appropriate language and tone when speaking to others. Integrity: Keep your promises and commitments, and be honest in your dealings with others. Take responsibility for your actions and mistakes. Treat others with fairness and justice. Do what is right, even if it is difficult or unpopular. Togetherness: Be a good listener and engage in meaningful conversations with others. Show interest in others' lives and offer your support when they need it. Build strong relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. Participate in group activities and show a willingness to compromise. Respect: Treat everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. Never make derogatory comments or jokes that could be offensive to others. Use appropriate body language and facial expressions to convey respect. Honour others' opinions and beliefs, even if you disagree with them. Empathy: Show empathy towards others by putting yourself in their shoes and understanding their feelings and emotions. Offer your support and help when others are going through difficult times. Avoid judging others without knowing their circumstances or background. Show kindness and compassion towards others, even when it is not reciprocated.  Thank you to our parents who decorated the tables so beautifully for our tea. Wishing you all a wonderful long weekend, we will be back at school on Wednesday 22 March. Ramadaan Mubarak to all our Muslim families as you prepare to fast for the holy month of Ramadaan. May your homes be graced with happiness and peace.      

Kind regards


Monday 20 March School Holiday

There will be no school on this Monday. Boys will return on Wednesday the 22nd March.
Wednesday 22 March

Pre-Prep Open Day

Venue: Pre-prep Hall

Time: 08h30 till 10h30

Friday 24 March Extramural Activities end

This will be the final day for extramural activities Term 1 (both private and school sport). The term 2 timetable will be loaded on my BishopsLife as soon as possible.
Friday 24 March

2nd Hand Pop-Up Uniform Store (12 till 14h00)

As the boys prepare for winter, please feel free to browse at our po-up store (outside the Hall)

Measles concern

We have had some correspondence from the Western Cape Education Department regarding a measles outbreak in South Africa and asking us to appeal to our families to note their concern. We have checked this with our school doctor and he has agreed that we need to communicate this to our parent body. Measles is highly contagious virus and numbers are rising in the Western Cape and Cape Town in particular. Symptoms start with a few days of high fever, then a rash appears on the face and spreads downwards to the rest of the body. This is often accompanied by a cough, red eyes (conjunctivitis) and a runny nose. Even though most children would have had at least 2 doses by the time they start at Bishops in Grade N, the measles vaccine, which has been around for more than 60 years, is recommended for all children, regardless of whether they are up to date with their immunizations or not. It is safe and effective.
Gentleman's Tea

Nine of our Grade 2 gentlemen attended the Gentlemens Tea on Thursday. In attendance was Mr Groom from the Prep, Mr Wallace from the College and Nik Augoustatos, head of SRF. The boys left with the message that their job has only just begun. They need to now be the influencers of change amongst the Pre-Prep boys, to promote all the qualities that they were recognised for and to grow a following. What a fantastic morning, we look forward to hosting some new Gentlemen at the end of Term 2. I wonder who our special guests will be then?

Message from Mr Tsotso

The Lord be with you.

As the pastoral and spiritual party of the school, we would also like to take a moment to thank all the parents and grandparents that worshipped with us during our Family Service. It was indeed a very special occasion to all come together with the boys and their families to start the week in an act of worship. We give thanks to God for these precious moments.

The scripture we looked at complimented the triune relationship of family, pupil and school. The Gospel of John notes - “If there is this love amongst you then all will know that you are my friends”. This makes it clear to us to that we need to remain in union as a school and parents in the best interests of the young boys God has placed under our guidance.

Let us pray,

God you are love, love that is unending, unmeasurable, and love unbounded. We thank you that you first loved us so we could be an extension of that love to all the world. Through this love shared amongst us, we are certain that you are with us. We ask that you continue to make us instruments of your love from this day forward and forever.


A League Gala

Ms Merrick and Mrs Anstey were once again thrilled with our U8 swimmers who took part in the A League Gala held at Western Province Prep School on Thursday 16 March. The boys loved being part of a team with boys from Grade 2 to Grade 7 and there was great excitement as they watched the various races. Ethan McCallum, Luke Morkel, Tiga Kowarski, Fionn Gubbins, Declan Hamman and Cesare Roma are the swimmers who made us so proud. This was a relay gala with boys swimming in backstroke, breaststroke, crawl and medley relays. SACS came first and Bishops came second. Thanks to our parents who came to support our swimmers and to Luke Esterhuyse who came along to support his friends. We look forward to more exciting galas in term 4. 

Grade 2

The Grade 2’s started the week off with an inspiring soccer team talk from Liam Shirley founder of Ballers Soccer School. Emphasis was on playing as part of a team, as well as trying to be the best teammate possible, were some valuable points he shared with the boys. He ended with a small soccer competition and one of the Grade 2 boys proudly received a Ballers t-shirt to take home. The creative side of our boys never ceases to amaze us! Their beautiful sunset artwork using cool and dark colours as well as warm and light colours look stunning. All credit to Mrs Bird our art teacher who draws out the best artists in all the Grade 2’s. During technology time the boys worked with making see-saws. After their task was complete they were allowed to build freely. Free building items ranged from tanks, buildings, speed boats and even pickaxes!

Grade 1
Last week we celebrated Founders Day. We started our day with a chat from Liam Shirley and he spoke to us about Sportsmanship and the importance of teamwork. We even got to do a kick up challenge. We then got to visit the Mitre Museum and got to see many historic artefacts (no dinosaur bones though). We also sang Happy Birthday to Bishops and got some delicious Mitre biscuits. This week we continue to explore the sea and learnt some interesting facts about Sharks. We are beginning to write our own CVC words now and we love reading time. 
Grade R

Great excitement flowed through Grade R this week as the boys went on their first outing to Greenpoint Park. It tied in with our sense theme perfectly as the 4 groups of boys travelled through the biodiversity garden, using their senses, and exploring the beauty of the garden. Thanks once again to all the parents who so kindly lifted the boys and were the group organizers! You did very well as teachers! 

Grade N

This week we celebrated our wonderful Mrs. Ntsomi's birthday with a celebration in the garden.  We continued to explore our Under the Sea theme where we have spoken a lot about ocean pollution that can harm animals, encouraging the boys to take a plastic bag with them on their next beach visit to collect litter left behind. The boys have learnt how to play a new game this week - so much to learn from a board game! Have a wonderful long weekend with some special family time. 

Campground Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
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