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FRIDAY 24 March 2023

Dear Parents

This week has certainly reminded us to prepare for unplanned weather changes.  Please be aware that boys need to have a jersey in their bags for a sudden change of weather during the day.  Labelled jerseys and other items are the easiest to return to their owners but sadly we still have a collection of unmarked clothing and sport items (in particular tennis racquets) in our lost property baskets.  Each family has been issued with labels suitable to mark everything from lunch boxes, water bottles, clothing,  shoes and even sports equipment.  Please could we ask that you mark each item carefully so that it can be returned to its owner.  If you perhaps come across items in your cupboards that have somehow got mixed up and ended up in your home, kindly return them to the class teacher so that they can be given to their rightful owner.   We will transition into Winter uniform within the first week or two of the new term so please get your boys to start tying shoe laces if they are in Grade 1 and 2 and check that their long sleeved winter shirts have enough neck room for them not to be too distracted by having the top button fastened.  As mentioned before, purchase a shirt a size bigger or move the button over as far as possible to help with this transition.  If you are buttoning their top button, do so from behind them so that they do not need to raise their chin, which automatically makes the fastener feel tighter.   Please also make sure that ties are marked as they often are found and not able to be returned to their owners. Mrs Swanich is appealing to all families with extra black Woolies shopping bags, to please donate them to us to use with our costumes for the play. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Next week will be our final newsletter of Term 1.  More information about sport uniforms for winter sport  and other requirements will be communicated to you next week.               

Kind regards


Friday 31 March School Closes 

Please take note of the staggered closing times to avoid too many people at the gate.  Grade N - 10.30    Grade R - 10.40    Grade 1 - 10.50    Grade 2 - 11.00  Please could we ask that you collect and clear the area as soon as possible to allow for the next grade of boys to be released without any confusion.    
Wednesday 18 April School opens for Term 2 

There will be early care and aftercare from the first day of the term. Sport will start in the second week of the term.
Entrance to the Drop and Go 
From next term the drop and go will have a slightly different look.  This is going to be a entry and exit point for heavy machinery, trucks and building requirements for the college.  The good news however, is that there will be no change for our Gr 1 and 2 boys that use the Drop and Go in the morning from 07:30 to 08:00.  Any boys arriving after 8am will thereafter need to enter via the padestrian gate and walk through the new little entrance into the reception of the building.  There will be NO ENTRY VIA THE BIG GATES AFTER 8AM except for construction vehicles and building team members. Mr Mthinsialana will be out there, managing this all, along with his very well trained team.  All access to our reception will be via this small gate for the rest of the day, every day. Please take careful note of these arrangements and we apologise in advance for any disruption.        

We will be collecting all library books early next week so please will you send all library books back to school. We are trying not to close the library to do a stock take so getting the books in early next week will allow us to do this without too much disruption. 

A message from Mr Tsotso
The Lord be with you This week we wish all our Muslim brothers and sisters a generous and graceful Ramadan. We understand that this is also a sacred time in their religious calendar and it is a moment very similar to the season we as Christians observe as Lent  which continues      until Easter. 

Let us pray. May God on this day make your fasts all sincere and your prayers acceptable before Him. May you all be granted pardoning for any shortcomings and be found in a posture of good and life-giving deeds. As you seek to draw closer to God, you be present and active in the lives of people around you. We ask all this in the power of God the sustainer. Amen 

Extra mural activities

A gentle reminder that all extra mural activities end today. (both early morning and afternoon activities) The sport timetable will be sent out early next week to facilitate your planning and preparation for the new term.
Easter Egg collection  

Next week we will wrap up our easter egg collection. Thank you immensely to those that have been generous in their donations.  We will be able to send eggs to the children at Athwood Primary School and various other charities.  I will mention them and post pictures as soon as we have made the delivery.   
Grade N news
This week we begin the discussion of Easter. We are hopeful that the Easter bunny will be making an appearance at school next week. Decorating our classrooms with Easter inspired art and making our own Easter baskets. On Thursday we enjoyed the obstacle course set out during Gross Motor.
Grade R news
This week was the last week of learning about our senses. The boys made tambourines and telephones for hearing. Mrs Venters class had a turn to use the coding Mice and thoroughly enjoyed programming the mouse to reach the cheese. We did revision of all the letters learnt this week and played many sound games to consolidate what they have learnt. During their Muscle Mania lesson the boys had to cut, copy, and stick an owl face together correctly.
Grade 1 news
Although we departed for our annual St James outing in the rain, this didn't stop our grade 1 boys from having a fun day! They thoroughly enjoyed the journey to St James on one of our new trains and enjoyed digging in the sea sand, swimming in the tidal pools, hunting for elusive sea creatures in the rock pools and some even tried a hand at fishing! Thank you to all the chaperones for helping us on the day.
Grade 2 news
It’s been a short week, but the boys have come back from the long weekend with renewed energy. We are wrapping up our insect theme and our classrooms have been abuzz with insect facts and ideas. Our boys have been very creative in designing their own insects and have ensured that their new creations have all the characteristics we have learned about this term. We hope that the boy’s interest in insects is being seen at home and in your gardens.
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