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FRIDAY 31 March 2023

Dear Parents

The end of term one seems to have snuck up on us rather abruptly.  An enormous thank you to all parents for your generous donations, help in so many areas and your support for your boys and their teachers.  It has been amazing to see the growth in the boys since the beginning of the year and each day seems to bring something new and exciting from them.  Thank you for allowing us to  nurture them and to make learning exciting.  As we head into a holiday, please remember that not every hour of the day needs to be structured for young children. Free play is an essential component of young children's development, as it promotes creativity, imagination, social skills, and physical activity. Unlike structured sports, which are typically governed by rules and adult expectations, free play allows children to explore their environment and make their own choices, leading to greater self-confidence and autonomy. During free play, children can engage in a wide range of activities, such as building forts, playing with dolls, creating art, and exploring nature. These experiences not only help develop cognitive and motor skills but also foster emotional intelligence and social competence. Children learn to cooperate, negotiate, and communicate effectively with their peers, which are valuable skills for future success. On the other hand, structured sports can provide opportunities for children to learn teamwork, sportsmanship, and discipline. However, too much emphasis on structured activities can lead to burnout and a lack of enjoyment in physical activity, especially if children feel pressure to perform well or compete against others. In summary, free play is essential for young children's overall development and well-being. While structured sports can also provide benefits, parents and caregivers should prioritize creating opportunities for unstructured play to allow children to explore and develop at their own pace. Please also bear this in mind when signing your son up for after school activities during the Winter.  Not every afternoon needs to be filled with structured sport. Please allow your children time to play. Wishing each and every family a wonderful holiday. We wish all our Jewish families a very Happy Passover and to our Christian families, a Blessed and Joyous Easter. May you return refreshed and revitalised, ready for Term 2! 

Wishing Ms Nicole Gammie (1 April) and Ms Bananzi (2 April) a happy birthday.

Kind regards


Tuesday 18 April School opens for Term 2 

Apologies for the confusion last week with the incorrect day mentioned, This is the correct date for opening. There will be early care and aftercare from the first day of the term.  
Monday 24 April Extra mural programme begins 

The extra mural timetable is now available on MyBishopsLife under your son's profile. Sign up sheets for school sport have been sent to all Grade R - 2 boys. Please take some time to select your acitivities.  Grade N boys will continue with Playball and Clay, both of which are also visible on the MyBishopsLife portal. 
Saturday 6 May Save the date!

The Grade 1 and 2 boys will have a dress rehearsal from 8:00am until 11:00am. Further details to follow.

Aftercare will close at 13:00 on the last day of term and will run from the first day of the new term.  For those interested in any holiday clubs, the information is also available on the MyBishopsLife portal.  
Easter Egg Collection
This year we were able to distribute easter eggs to various recipients.  Athwood Primary Foundation Phase children, Meals on Wheels, St. Theresa Catholic church Plumstead, Welcome Estate and Sherwood Park Assembly of God Church in Mannenberg, which comprises of the Heideveld and Manenberg community’s children. An enormous thank you to each family that contributed towards this collection.  I hope to be able to post more photos of the eager recipients after they are distributed. Pictured are also the 10 chess sets we purchased for the children at Athwood Primary which will be introduced as an afternoon activity during the wet winter terms.

Message form Mr Tsotso

The Lord be with you.

As we end off the first term of school, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate all that you have accomplished so far this year. It has been a pleasure to journey alongside each other to see the developments of the boys both academically and personally.
As we look forward to the Easter holidays, I encourage you to take some time to relax and recharge with your families. Whether you celebrate Easter or not, this is a special time to come together with loved ones and enjoy each other's company.
Lastly, for those of you who will be travelling to distant places during the holidays, I wish you safe travels and a wonderful time with your loved ones. Please take care and return to us refreshed and ready for the new term.
Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication this term.


We are excited to share this term's highlights of the VUSA Rugby and Learning Academy. VUSA was established with the aim of using rugby as a tool to enhance the academic and personal development of young people from the Langa community. We are pleased to share with you the progress made, the challenges faced, and the plans for the future. Click HERE to learn more about the impact of the academy and the wonderful opportunities that our VUSA children have been able to experience this term, thanks to the generous support of donors, volunteers and sponsors. Have a wonderful holiday.  The VUSA Team.  

Grade N

This week we managed to enjoy the last of the lovely warm summer weather. The Grade N boys continue to explore their beautiful garden and build interesting constructions with the outdoor equipment. Another highlight of the week was our special first time visit to the Brooke Chapel. We spent some time looking at the stained-glass windows and enjoyed listening to Mr Tsotso and Father Monwabisi. Our Grade N boys are learning some lovely new songs too which we all sang together. We look forward to many more visits and time spent there. We wish all the boys a relaxing holiday and we look forward to seeing you in Term 2. The Grade N teachers.

Grade R

Our last week of Term 1 has been a busy one in Grade R. The boys have participated in all sorts of activities including making egg box alligators and creating pictures out of the outline of their hands. The boys were very excited about the possibility of a visit from the Easter Bunny and worked hard at making Easter baskets and bunny ears for the big egg hunt! We cannot believe we are already at the end of our first term and are looking forward to a fun-filled Term 2! 

Grade 1

After a long term of exploring our ocean waters, we have finally become beachcombers and enjoyed spending a few days investigating shells in Grade 1. We completed our sea theme with a FUN shark project using our cvc words and our developing listening and planning skills! We then became shell architects and designed a new home for our three rock pool friends to enjoy together. ‘Sharing is caring’ continued to be the trend this week as the Easter Bunny hopped his way through the school, dropping yummy eggs along the way. He LOVES the new Grade 1 jungle gym. Happy holidays to all!

Grade 2

The Grade 2’s have had fun this week rehearsing for the school play in the theatre and enjoyed our last swimming lesson doing fun activities in the pool. We were delighted to send donations to Exotic Animal World who we visited recently for a class outing. Shortly after we visited them, a fire broke in their care centre and most of the animals’ food supply went up in flames. Thanks to all Grade 2 parents and boys who donated to this worthy cause. Wishing everyone a very happy holiday.

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