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FRIDAY 05 May 2023

Dear Parents

Our Grade 1 and 2 boys are nearing the end of the journey to a stunning musical production of Aladdin Kids.  The resilience and grit that is needed for this kind of presentation is immense.  It requires a positive mindset and so much more. Sometimes we wonder, how we can help.  To cultivate a positive mindset in young children, it is essential to foster a supportive and nurturing environment. Encourage them to express their emotions and provide validation for their feelings. Offer praise for their efforts and accomplishments, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and growth. Teach them to reframe negative thoughts into positive ones and promote a sense of gratitude through daily appreciation exercises. Finally, engage in activities that promote resilience and self-confidence, allowing them to develop a strong foundation for a positive outlook on life.

We trust that Mrs Maged (aftercare supervisor) had a happy birthday on 25  April and Ms Nicole Fischer (speech therapist) had a great day on her birthday on 1 May. . 

May you all have a wonderful weekend.

Kind regards


Saturday 06 May Dress Rehearsals

Details about this have been sent in a seperate email. We ask parents please to read the instructions carefully so that we can stick to our allocated times. Thak you so much for your understanding. 
Friday 12 May Cross country -  Constantia Cricket Club (hosted by Zwaanswky Academy)

If boys are involved in tag rugby, they are permitted to play and leave straight from the filed to get to the venue on time. 
16 - 19 May @18:15 Aladdin Kids production 

Experience the magic of "Aladdin Kids" in this enchanting musical adventure! Join Aladdin, Jasmine, and the Genie as they take you on a journey through the bustling streets of Agrabah. With dazzling costumes, mesmerizing sets, and toe-tapping tunes, this production will transport you to a world of wonder and make-believe. Prepare to be swept away on a magic carpet ride of pure joy
Message from Mr Tsotso

The Lord be with you.
This past week we have had the opportunity as a country to celebrate both Freedom Day and Workers Day. It has been quite interesting to understand the importance of the combination of these holidays in the life of South Africa and how contributions have been made for the current state we enjoy though more work remains to be done.
The combination of these two holidays reflects the close relationship between democracy and workers' rights. Democracy is about ensuring that all people have equal rights and opportunities, and workers' rights are a crucial component of this broader goal. By celebrating these two holidays together, South Africa acknowledges the role that workers played in the struggle against apartheid and the continued importance of workers' rights in building a democratic and prosperous country.

Let us pray for the unemployed
Heavenly Father, creator and giver of all good things. Your Son learned a carpenter’s trade and therefore identifies with humanity fully. We ask that you protect and defend all who suffer from the poverty and deprivation caused by unemployment. Please guide the people of our country and land to use its wealth and resources so that all may find employment and receive just payment for the labours. We ask all this in the name of the One true God.

School uniforms

Thank you so much for making sure that your boys are dressed smartly in their Winter Uniforms!  Ties, top buttons and shoe laces are always tricky and we ask that you encourage boys to persevere and master these challenges.   
Grade N


This week has been a slightly shorter week than usual, but continues to be a hive of activity in Grade N. We are learning about shapes and have been constructing amazing creations out of our toys. Some of us decorated Elmer the elephant from a lovely story using the square shape, well done boys! We are encouraging the Grade N boys to practise their counting skills by using small manipulatives such as beans. What a lovely activity! We look forward to next week where we continue to learn through play. Have a lovely weekend boys!

Grade R

Over the past couple of weeks, the Grade R boys have been learning about the season changes.  They have been exploring this concept in various ways,  including going for an Autumn 'treasure hunt' to find various things around our beautiful school grounds. 

We have also been experimenting with 3-D shapes and have worked strategically to build our own pyramids out of Lego. 

This past week we have focused on WATER and discussed the importance and uses of water, as well as water in its different forms. 

Grade 1
While we eagerly continue to rehearse for our production, we are still learning and exploring new concepts. The Grade 1’s enjoyed their story of The Little Red Hen this week and have been building words with the ‘sh’ sound. They have been introduced to the ‘ch’ sound and are exploring this new sneezing sound. Hockey is a new sport for many of them and they are applying their skills on the astro. 
Grade 2

The excitement continues and we rehearse for our school play and faces light up as more wonderful props are added to the stage. We have also been blessed with fantastic weather this week and enjoyed being able to play outside in the mornings and at break. Gross motor sessions have focused on core strength using feet instead of hands. Boys also worked on developing their upper body strength during these sessions. Creative minds were hard at work during Design Tech lessons as boys built the Eiffel Tower. We are all looking forward to our dress rehearsal on Saturday morning as we continue to prepare for Aladdin.

Campground Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1037 | Fax: +27 21 659 1922