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FRIDAY 12 May 2023

Dear Parents

The excitement is real as the day draws closer to our Grade 1 and 2 theatre production of Aladdin Kids. Next week, all our boys will light up the stage after months of rehearsals to finally present this magical production.  Seats are all sold out and we cannot wait to show you how proud we are of every single boy that is on that stage.  If your son will be in aftercare and will need to be walked over to his venue to change and get ready, please could you let Mrs Rheeder in aftercare know so that she can make the necessary arrangements. We fully understand that it may be difficult to get your son home and back to school in time for his expected arrival in preparation for the play. A reminder to Grade 1 and 2 parents - school will officially start at 9am on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY (no extra murals on these days either for them) but normal early care and supervision is will happen if any boys are dropped off early, as usual. School will start at 8am for ALL boys on Monday and Tuesday and at 8am for Grade N and R boys on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday as usual.  Extra murals or school starting and ending time for Grade N and R boys will not be affected at all by this production. 

On Mother's Day, 14 May, let us take a moment to honour all the mothers, the many who have taken on the role of mothers, as well as any other important women in our lives.  We appreciate every one of you and the role you play no matter how big or small.  Wishing you a wonderful day on Sunday.                                        

Kind regards


Friday 12 May 2023 Cross country 

This Friday the cross-country event is being hosted by Zwaanswyk Academy and the venue is at Zwaanswyk Academy. Please see attachment for venue and relevant information. Teachers on duty will be Mrs Meredith and Miss Merrick. Please can you arrive no later than 14:45 as races start at 3pm. Teachers will be on the field close to the start.
Monday 15 May  School Hours 

School starts at 8am for ALL boys.  School closes at 12.15 for Gr N and 12.30 for Grade R (normal times).  School closes for Grade 1 and 2 boys at 14.00    due to dress rehearsal and photographs in the theatre.  Activities before 2pm for Gr 1 and 2 are affected but all parents have been notified.  Activities commencing after 2pm will continue as usual.  Boys will be dismissed from the gate at the Pre-Prep hall as usual.   
Tuesday 16 May 

School Hours  

School starts at 8am for ALL boys.  School closes at  normal times for ALL boys.  NO EXTRA MURAL ACTIVITIES FOR GRADE 1 AND 2 BOYS. Normal extra mural activities for Grade N and R.                      
Aladdin Production at 18.15pm

Wednesday 17 May

School Hours

School starts at 8am for Grade N and R. Classes start for Grade 1 and 2 at 9am but any boys arriving earlier will be supervised. School closes at normal times for ALL boys. NO EXTRA MURAL ACTIVITIES FOR GRADE 1 AND 2 BOYS. Normal extra mural activities for Grade N and R. 

Aladdin Production at 18.15pm 

Thursday 18 May

School Hours

School starts at 8am for Grade N and R. Classes start for Grade 1 and 2 at 9am but any boys arriving earlier will be supervised. School closes at normal times for ALL boys. NO EXTRA MURAL ACTIVITIES FOR GRADE 1 AND 2 BOYS. Normal extra mural activities for Grade N and R. 

Aladdin Production at 18.15pm

Friday 19 May

School Hours 

School starts at 8am for Grade N and R. Classes start for Grade 1 and 2 at 9am but any boys arriving earlier will be supervised. School closes at normal times for ALL boys. NO EXTRA MURAL ACTIVITIES FOR GRADE 1 AND 2 BOYS. Normal extra mural activities for Grade N and R. 

Aladdin Production at 18.15pm

Message from the PA

We will have the Mitre open from 5pm to 7pm on Wed, Thurs and Fri evening next week – so parents can grab something after they’ve dropped off their boys before the concert, or sit and relax while they are waiting to pick up.

We will have coffee, soft drinks, wine and some snacks.

Pre-prep School email address

Please note that the pre-prep reception email address is now Parents are kindly requested to communicate via this address and no longer at
Message from Mr Tsotso

The Lord be with you.

Its has been an eventful post Easter season as Jesus has kept revealing himself to his friends and family over a 40 day period. This week we looked at the time when Jesus revealed himself to Thomas who doubted him. Thomas did not believe that someone who had gone through all that Jesus did, could rise again from the dead.
Thomas is well-known for doubting Christ. But if I'm honest, I identify with him as I often share the same feeling. We all have moments where we doubt Christ, especially when our faith is depleted. As we look forward to Ascension Day next Thursday, my prayer is that we would acknowledge and believe the words and works of God no matter what season we find ourselves in.
Let us pray.
Eternal God your apostle Saint Thomas was doubtful of your Son's resurrection until word and sight convinced him. Please grant that we who have not seen, may not be faithless but that we would believe that you are who you say you are and that you are able to carry us through our most difficult trial. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.


A note from the BSU  

We often come across articles that we think parents may be interested in.  We will share these from time to time This week we share an article entitled The silent tragedy unfolding in our homes today.    Please click on the highlighted text if you would like to read further.

Please click here

(This information is shared for its intersting nature, not as an endorsement of agreement. The views expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of the school.)

Blue Pages

Grade N

Our boys have enjoyed a busy week learning about volume, capacity, length, and weight. Many predictions were made, and the boys experimented with different sized beakers and types of scales. We were entertained by the wonderful Gilly Southwood on Tuesday who brought her magic to Grade N through her creative and engaging storytelling. Stories and books are such an important way to foster emerging vocabulary and language skills at this level. 
Our boys also enjoyed a special visit to the theatre today to watch the Garde 1's and 2's practice for Alladin next week. A fun and busy week 4! To all our magical moms - wishing you a very happy Mother's Day on Sunday. 

Grade R

This week our boys investigated Natural disasters.  We shared our knowledge together, and asked our ‘I wonder’ questions; then we painted one that most caught our attention.  Peter Puppy was our letter of the week, and through persistence and perseverance we created parachutes by ourselves.  We tested them and tested them until some even fell apart!  A rainbow visited our skies much to their delight and provided an opportunity to talk about sunshine after rain and happiness after sadness. Today we were treated with a peek into the Grade 1 and 2 production of Aladdin; what an exciting thing to look forward to in the future for our boys!

Grade 1

Amidst the mist and concert rehearsals the boys in Grade 1 found time to explore the ‘ch’ sound, whilst learning about ostriches. There was a fun investigation outside the classroom, whilst inside they used their skills to spell ‘ch’ words for themselves and redesign the ostrich using the B.A.R. method. The boys have also continued to learn about graphs- lunch choices were tallied- chicken and chips appears to be a firm favourite!

Grade 2

Manners, Integrity, Togetherness, Respect, Empathy. These are the values that a Bishops boy strives to live by every day, even when our days seem to get busier and busier. We are very proud of our grade 2 boys because it is clear that although our days are filled with play rehearsals, work and play, they are remembering to practice our values so that they can become the best gentleman they know how to be. 
In art club they have created wonderful cups of their favourite warm drink for those chilly mornings. We have finished learning our magic e sounds in spelling and put together colourful parachutes. The boys continue to enjoy silent reading in our oh so cosy library. Wishing all of our mothers a wonderful Mother's Day on Sunday. We hope that you are spoiled.       

Campground Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1037 | Fax: +27 21 659 1922