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THURSDAY 02 November 2023

Dear Parents

It's essential to discuss with young children the importance of best friends and being friends with all. Teach them that while having a best friend is wonderful, it's equally vital to be kind and inclusive to everyone. Encourage empathy, explaining that not everyone has a best friend and feeling left out can be hurtful. Discuss the value of diversity in friendships, how different friends bring unique experiences and perspectives. Emphasize the importance of treating everyone with respect, regardless of their differences. Help your children understand that inclusivity fosters a harmonious and accepting community where everyone feels valued and loved. This all starts with open and honest conversations. It may be necessary to take away the Ipads, phones and screens for a while and embark on these essential life skill conversations, if you have not already had the opportunity to do so. It is these conversations that form firm foundations for strong friendships in the years ahead. The car, while driving, is an excellent place to start!. Wishing Mr Mthintsilana (the wonderful gent at the drop and go each morning) a happy birthday on Sunday.

Kind regards


Friday 10 November Remembrance Day

Poppies will be available in Reception for a small silver donation. Please encourage the boys to support this worthy cause.
Friday 10 November

Grade 1 Trading Day

The Grade 1 boys and parents have been busy preparing for this very exciting day in Grade 1. We look forward to seeing all the exciting goodies for sale. This sale is only amongst Grade 1 boys. Please don't send money to school if you are not in Grade 1.

Friday 10 November Grade 2 Outing to Polkadraai Farm

The Grade 2 boys will be heading out to Stellenbosch to pick strawberries.  I am sure they will come back with many stories about their experiences. Thank you to those parents who are helping with lifts.
Friday 10 November

Splash Gala at SACS Junior School at 13h45 - 15h00

Grade 1 & 2 boys who are swimming in this gala have been notified.


Christmas Hamper Collection

We once again appeal to you to support our Christmas hamper collection, which will go with the cash donations from Civvies day last week. Please click on Here and be invited into the lives of some special people (and more) and see what each grade will be collecting.  Even one small item will make a great addition to a collective hamper. We thank you in advance. If any parents would like to be involved in helping us sort and pack the hampers, please contact Kate Bohm who will be co-ordinating this.    

Message from Mr Tsotso

Do it Anyway — Mother Teresa

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind,
people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful,
you will win some false friends and some true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you.
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building,
someone could destroy overnight.
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough.
Give the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway.

Grade N

Ahoy me hearties! The Grade N pirate crew have had a swashbuckling week making pirate hats, telescopes, and treasure maps. We have consolidated on our patterning skills and spent time practicing for our upcoming Nativity. Our boys have loved carrying buckets of water across the playground to empty into the sandpit and experience the richly textured wet sand. The highlight of our week was Mr Sherman, the mathemagician, who entertained and delighted us with his clever tricks and antics. We hope your boys told you all about it!

Grade R

This week the Grade R boys explored the wonder of castles.  We discussed the reasons why castles were built, their defence mechanisms and why castles were attacked.  We spoke about the first Motte and Bailey castles and how these transformed into more modern castles.  Our best castle designs emerged this week where boys created dramatic castle scenes with so much detail!  We are in the throes of rehearsing for our Nativity play, and you may be hearing lots of singing at home!  Well done, boys!

Grade 1

This week, the Grade 1's visited Curro Rosen Castle in Durbanville. The boys had a great time learning how to open a bank account and withdraw money from an ATM. They also had the opportunity to explore Checkers and make some purchases, take on roles as a branch manager and cashier, and showcase their culinary skills as MasterChefs, bringing home some delicious baked goods. The green screen activity was a big hit, allowing them to step into the shoes of weather presenters and see themselves on TV. The veterinarian station was bustling with excitement as the boys took care of some pets and even treated them to some treats. It was undeniably an exhilarating outing, and they all appeared quite tired on the long journey back home.

Grade 2

The Grade 1's and 2's had a very festive Friday Fun session last week where most of them decided to dress in their "Bokke gear" for civvies day. We are in full swing practising for our Carol Service and what we can tell you is that you are in for a treat! Every Monday there are three boys who are chosen to be our candle lighters in our chapel service. After watching how it's been done the whole year, they have it well under control and really enjoy sitting in the front of the chapel looking on at the rest of the school with a different view. Class swimming is well under way being the 4th term. Our art club boys embarked on a pastel and watercolour project showing themselves swimming in the Prep pool. These artworks came out so beautifully and really make one want to jump in to have a refreshing swim!  

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Phone +27 21 659 1037 | Fax: +27 21 659 1922