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THURSDAY 16 November 2023

Dear Parents   

I am sure many of you have heard the word Executive Functioning and may be wondering what it actually means. It impacts our boys and even some adults. It is something we try to work hard on at school but really something that can be exercised at home as well. I have put together a brief summary of what it means, as well as some ideas that you can try at home to help your little person to develop these all important skills. Executive function refers to a set of skills that underlie the capacity to plan ahead and meet goals, display self-control, follow multiple-step directions even when interrupted, and stay focused despite distractions, among others. Here are five games that can help develop executive functioning skills in children during their early years at school: you can google them if you are unsure of how to play them or chat to one of the teachers who will be able to advise you. They are fun and hugely beneficial.

Simon Says: This game encourages children to pay close attention, follow directions, and control their impulses. The child must only follow the command if it begins with "Simon says."

Memory Match: Matching games improve working memory by requiring children to remember the location of matching cards. It also enhances concentration and cognitive flexibility.

Red Light, Green Light: This game helps with impulse control as children need to stop and go on command. It's a fun way to practice self-regulation.

Jenga: Playing Jenga enhances fine motor skills and requires planning and organization to avoid toppling the tower. It's a great game for developing these skills.

Board Games (e.g., Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land): Board games promote turn-taking, rule-following, and strategic thinking. They are excellent for improving executive functioning skills in a playful context. These games not only provide entertainment but also offer valuable opportunities for children to practice and strengthen their executive functioning skills.

Wishing Mrs Siophan van der Westhuizen a very happy birthday tomorrow!


Wednesday 22 November Grade N and R Nativity Play

Invitations to the Grade N and R Nativity have gone out with all the necessary details. Please contact your son's teacher should you have any further queries.
Thursday 23 November Grade 1 and 2 Carols service

The Grade 1 and 2 Carols service will take place on Thursday evening at 6pm and is in the Memorial Chapel. An invitation will follow shortly.
Splash Gala at SACS

We had a fabulous time on a hot summer’s day at SACS on Friday afternoon. A group of U7 and U8 boys took part in a fun gala. The two U8 teams and one U7 team swam relay races against boys from SACS, Rondebosch, Wynberg and Western Province Prep School. We all had lots of fun and were exceptionally proud of our swimmers. There was great excitement next to the pool and some were a little nervous, but they all swam beautifully and were cheered on by proud parents and teachers. Thanks to all who came to support us at the gala. Well done to all our swimmers.  

Message from Mr Tsotso

The Lord be with you.

Prayer is a deeply personal and spiritual practice that is found in many religious and spiritual traditions. It is often considered a way to communicate with a higher power, seek guidance, express gratitude, and request help or intervention. While the specific beliefs and practices surrounding prayer may vary, there are common themes across different faiths.
In many religious traditions, faith is a central element in prayer. Believers are encouraged to approach prayer with sincerity, trust, and a genuine belief that their prayers will be heard and answered. This faith is often seen as a powerful force that can influence the outcomes of prayers.
The concept of praying for various aspects of life, including guidance, protection, healing, and provision, is common in religious teachings. Many faiths encourage believers to bring their concerns, desires, and gratitude to their higher power through prayer. This act is viewed to deepen one's relationship with the divine and to align one's will with the greater cosmic plan.
It's important to note that the role of prayer and the interpretation of its effectiveness can vary widely among individuals and religious traditions. Some see prayer as a means of seeking comfort, strength, and clarity, even if the outcome is not immediately evident. Others may view prayer as a way of actively participating in their spiritual journey and co-creating their reality with the divine.

This is all captured in the Lord's Prayer, lets pray it together:
Our Father in Heaven, blessed be your name 
Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven 
Give us our daily bread 
Please forgive us our sins, as we forgive others 
Save us from temptation, and deliver us from evil
For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever

Holiday Clubs

Please see your sons MyBishopsLife profile for holiday clubs offered at the Pre-Prep. Please note that Pre-Prep boys are not permitted to be enrolled at the holiday clubs offered by the Prep.  Younger brothers of Prep boys have the option of attending the holiday clubs offered at the Pre-Prep or may choose something outside the Bishops environment. 

Handling Child Emergencies Workshop

We have come across a wonderful online presentation for those that may be interested. It is entitled Facing Fears - handling child Emergencies with confidence.  For more information on how to join this presentation, please click here.

Grade 2

It seems that we get busier and have more fun as the term progresses. Last Friday we celebrated Remembrance Day. Every year, when we see the poppies and the crosses on our chapel lawn, we are reminded to spare a thought for those who have gone before us or who have perhaps lost loved ones to war, struggle or conflict. In the busyness of our days, we must pause and use these opportunities as teaching moments so that our boys come to understand the sacrifices that have been made that afford them a brighter future. Our hope is that they will be inspired to be the best versions of themselves in their generation.  The Grade 2s had a wonderful opportunity to go strawberry picking at Polkedraai.  It emerged that we have professional strawberry pickers in our midst, and all agree that the strawberries are the best we have ever tasted.  A huge ‘Thank you’ to our parents who helped with lifts. We appreciate you!   

Grade 1

Grade 1 boys love to Trade… they also love to write. On a hot summer’s day, these are some of the dreams the boys had about ice creams… “It can be sticky. If you get a bunch at a time, you get brain freeze! It makes me feel sugar sweet and makes me run fast. My ice cream is elephant snot and bubble gum. It is very big and delicious!” The boys also loved their cold swim on Wednesday- a real refresher before a steaming hot cricket session. Systems are all go for our Carol concert- ‘go tell it on the mountain’- will be ringing in every household over the next few weeks. In anticipation of this big event, the boys produced beautiful Nativity drawings in Art with origami stars. Gold stars for all our boys who continue to shine their lights brightly in Grade 1.  

The Safari Adventures in Grade R

Our Grade R’s have been roaring with excitement as they have delved into our Safari theme for a 2nd week. They've been busy creating wild animals, exploring habitats, and learning about herbivores and carnivores. The classrooms are filled with laughter and curiosity, making this Safari week a wild success!

Grade N

This week in Grade N we have been practising all our songs for the upcoming Nativity Play. We are excited to have all our parents come and watch us on stage. We have captured some lovely moments in the housecorner and have observed the caring nature of our Grade N’s. Our friendships continue to blossom and although the end of year is nearing, nothing has stopped the boys learning a new concept such as measurement. Here the boys used manipulatives to measure a table, shoe, book, and crayon. Well done boys! We look forward to seeing you back at school next week.

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