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FRIDAY 13 October 2023

Dear Parents

We hope you all had a short but wonderful holiday, filled with memorable moments and restful breaks. As we embark on this final leg of the year, we are excited to share what's in store for the next few weeks. This term, we have a lineup of celebrations and events that promise to make these weeks memorable for everyone. While they may seem few and far between on paper, the preparation for each of these occasions is quite intense and time-consuming. Our dedicated staff are working tirelessly to ensure that each event is a success. Please note that extra mural activities will commence on Monday 16 October. With the unpredictable Cape Town weather, we kindly request that all Grade 1 and 2 boys either wear a school jersey to school or bring a school jersey and a hat to school in their bag, every day. For those in Grade N and R, please ensure they have a polar fleece or school jersey, along with a hat for outdoor play. To clarify, a tracksuit top alone won't suffice as a jersey; it should be worn with the pants. Speaking of preparations, we've already had a chat with the Grade 1 and 2 boys about swimming. They must remember to bring their swimming costumes and be prepared to take a dip in the pool. Rest assured, if the water happens to be very chilly, we won't keep them in for too long although we do have our heating pumps and blankets on. Their well-being is our top priority. It's not just academically that our boys are growing; many are also rapidly losing teeth! Parents, please keep an eye on your son's lunch box too. If you notice that they consistently bring home empty lunch boxes, it might be time to adjust the contents. Growing bodies may need a little more nourishment to see them through the day. Lastly, we'd like to take a moment to wish Ms. Manyela a fabulous birthday this Saturday! We hope her day is extra special. As we head into the weekend, we wish you all a relaxing and enjoyable time with your families. We look forward to the exciting journey this final term has in store for us all. Stay tuned for updates, and here's to a fantastic end to 2023! 

Kind regards


Monday 16 October Extra mural programme begins 

Please see the programme sent out last term or you may view it on your son's MyBishopsLife profile. 
 Thursday 19 October Sport photographs  
Weather permitting we would like to take the summer sport photographs. Please refer to the same arrangements as the original dates, particularly   if your grade was notified to wear whites. 
Friday 20 October Tag Rugby Tournament  ( new date after postponed last term)

We will finally  host our little internal tag tournament and family picnic next Friday. Please refer to the email sent out by Mrs Venter with specific details.
Friday 20 October Coffee Connections Q & A

This is specifically for Grade 2 parents whose boys are moving over to Grade 3 in 2024. Please see the information below for further details..
Coffee Connections 20 October @ 07.30 

We invite all Grade 2 parents to join the heads of various departments from the Prep for a Q& A session.   We will have various staff to answer any Prep related queries that you may have regarding academics, sport, music and just general information about the Prep and specifically Grade 3. Please note that there will still be various meetings later this year at the Prep where information will be shared, invitations and notifications about these information meetings will be sent out from the Prep admin team in due course.    
Teacher moves

For the growth and development of teachers, they are encouraged to move grades every so often.  In 2024, we are excited to announce that  the following teachers will be moving "house" to a new grade.  Mrs Fraser will be joining Mrs Nolte and Mrs Stuart in  the  Grade N team , Mrs van der Westhuizen will be joining Mrs van Zyl and Mrs Venter  in the Grade R team and Mrs Green will be joining Mrs Daames and Mrs Anstey in the Grade 2 team.    All the best for 2024! 
Message from Mr Tsotso

Dear Heavenly Father,

As we embark on this new term at Bishops, we come before you with hearts full of gratitude. We thank you for the precious moments we've shared with our families and friends during the holiday, for the traveling mercies that brought us back to this place of learning, growth, and community.
Lord, in those moments of solitude and reflection, we found ourselves drawing closer to You. We yearned for time to stand still, to linger in Your presence and enjoy the peace, love, and wisdom that flow from You.
We acknowledge the incredible favour You have given to us, and we pray that this peace and love that we've received may not remain within us but extend to the far reaches of the world. We lift up to You all the regions torn by wars, suffering from injustices, discrimination, and violence. Our hearts ache for the pain that so many endure.
We ask Your divine intervention in these dire situations. Just as Christ was the voice of the voiceless, may we be instruments of Your grace and compassion. Empower us to be beacons of love, hope, and justice for all those who are hurting and oppressed.
In this new term, Father, use us as custodians and good stewards of Your creation. Help us to protect and cherish the world You've entrusted to us. May we reflect the boundless love You've shown us, sharing it with every person we encounter.
As we begin this term, we place it in Your hands. Guide our learning, our interactions, and our actions. Let Your wisdom be our compass, Your love our strength, and Your peace our anchor.
We ask all of this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who taught us to love one another and to seek justice.

Please note that the parent online calendar has been updated but it is live so please check regularly for any changes.  

Grade N

We have loved welcoming the Grade N boys back to school after the holidays and hearing all their news. Our transport theme has been a big hit and we have loved exploring this topic through play with the boys. We are ready for our busy term before we head to Grade R! 

Grade R

Our first week started off with great excitement; the boys were so thrilled to be back at school with their friends, and some still taking time to settle in after holiday fun!  We baked, we played, we drew, we raced, we shared all our holiday news with our classes and we are growing up so very fast!  This term we would like our boys to learn to tie shoelaces and to dress themselves using button up shirts to practice for next year’s uniform.  In class we will be practising too, so the challenge is on!

Grade 1
This week we came back from a short break ready to hop into work. We eagerly wrote about our Spring break and all the lovely adventures we had. We continued to learn about money as we prepare for Trading Day. We enjoyed a lovely, fun, interactive drama lesson this week, dramatising a play written by  Mrs Brien!
Grade 2

The Grade 2's loved writing about their short holiday. It was wonderful to read about their top 3 highlights of the break. Their writing has come on so beautifully since the beginning of the year. Please pop in and see these wonderful pieces in the classroom. Mrs Fraser's class challenged themselves to build a replica of the Memorial Chapel with Magnablocks, these young architects were very busy negotiating what finishing touches to put onto this work of art. Miss Bird always manages to get the most creativity out of our boys. The talk amongst a lot of the boys since this art project is "Have you eaten the green Zoo biscuit with the Springbok on it?" 

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