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FRIDAY 08 September 2023

Dear Parents

Turning the page in any calendar, to show September, seems to bring a sense of excitement. Spring is on its way and so is the sunshine (hopefully)!  The next few months brings quite a few changes for our boys, one being uniform which moves back to summer uniform, sport moves from winter to summer sports. We will also be back in the swimming pools soon. We need to be mindful that the boys are aware of the change of grade next year.  All these little things, that we often just take for granted, can sometimes be overwhelming for some little people. We as a school, are equipped and ready to support the boys as much as possible with these changes at school but we ask that parents too, start to have conversations about what could be different and in this way, prepare boys to be more positive and ready for what lies ahead.  Speaking about different classes/grades next year, new teachers, new classrooms that may look different or be in a different area of the school, new friends they may share a class with, are all conversations that could alleviate a lot of the anxiety that they may be feeling.  This is a natural part of learning, and a wonderful opportunity to open discussions around these little fears.  If you need any assistance in embarking on these conversations, we would be happy to assist. We would like to congratulate Mrs Nurene Maged on the birth of her beautiful baby girl, Ayah  and Mrs Melody Green on the birth of her twin boys, Matthew and James. Wishing Mrs Charmaine Adams a fantastic "special" birthday on 15 September. 
Kind regards


Wednesday 13 September



Venue:Jagger Hall

Please see further information under Take Note

Friday 15 September Bandana Day

All boys are invited to wear the latest 2023 bandana to show their support for the Sunflower Foundation.  To read more or to become a donor, please click here. These bandanas may be worn with their usual uniform that they would wear on any Friday (khaki or whites or normal Gr N and R uniform). We respectfully ask that boys do not wear bandanas from past years as each year there is a different design. They are available at many outlets for R30 each. Thank you for your support!

Friday 15 September Grade 2 (Miss Anstey's class) Newlands Shelter Building Outing

The relevant details have been sent out.
Friday 15 September TAG Rugby Tournament

All the Grade R, 1 and 2 boys that play tag received a letter this morning. If you are still unsure about anything regarding the upcoming internal tournament, please feel free to email Mrs Venter and she can assist you.
Monday 18 September

Family Chapel Service

Please save the date. Our Family Chapel Service starts at 08h15. All parents are invited to join us.

Friday 22nd September 2023 End of Extra-murals
This will be the final day of extra mural activities for the term.  Extra mural activities will resume on 16 October (school starts on 10 October).  The term 4 extra mural programme will run as it did in Term 1. 

Please click HERE for the PA report. We encourage you to read this to familiarise yourselves with the PA activities over the last year.

Please also make every effort to attend the PA meeting next week

Parent Interviews 

The booking schedule for Parent Interviews will be sent out on Monday 11 September.  Please note that if you already have a meeting scheduled, it is not necessary for you to book on this booking schedule.   If you are unsure, please feel free to email your class teacher to clarify or confirm. Please note that each teacher has a different schedule, depending on her availability between sport and other commitments.   

Message from Mr Tsotso

Dear Heavenly Father,

As we gather in this moment of reflection during Heritage Month, we come before you, humbled by the journey of self-discovery that we are on, seeking to know who we are and where we come from. We recognize that our heritage is a vital part of our identity, a mosaic of experiences, struggles, and triumphs that have shaped us into the individuals we are today.
We thank you O Lord, for guiding us on this path of self-discovery, for being the beacon of light that illuminates our way. We acknowledge that in your eyes we are all your beloved children, unique and cherished, regardless of our earthly heritage or the systems that have sought to divide us.
In this sacred moment, we pause to reflect on our past, on the trials and tribulations that have marked our collective history. We remember the pain and the suffering, but we also recognize the resilience and strength that has carried us through the darkest of times.
Lord, help us release the bonds of the past that may still linger in our hearts. Grant us the wisdom to understand that our history, though significant, should not define us. For our true identity lies in you, the Creator of all, in whose image we are all made.
We acknowledge that societal norms and benchmarks have often held us captive, preventing us from fully realizing our divine purpose. Today, we pray for liberation from these constraints. May the differences among us not be a source of division, but rather a wellspring of unity and harmony.
Help us, Lord, to see in each other the reflection of your divine image, to recognize the true Anthropos of God in every soul. May we embrace one another with open hearts, celebrating our diversity as a testament to your infinite creativity.
In this Heritage Month and beyond, grant us the courage to forge a future filled with love, understanding and unity. As we continue this journey of self-discovery, may your light guide our way, and may we find strength and purpose in the knowledge that we are all your children, bound together by the tapestry of humanity.

We offer this prayer in your name, trusting in your grace and guidance.

VUSA 24hr Cycle Challenge

Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the 24-Hour Cycle Challenge on Saturday and Sunday.
We are thrilled to report that over R1 million was raised and the event was a resounding success thanks to the unwavering support of our incredible community. The VUSA 24 Hour Cycle Challenge brought together Bishops Boys, dedicated staff, parents, and ODs for a non-stop 24-hour cycling extravaganza. But this event was about much more than just cycling; it was about making a lasting impact on young lives.

One of the standout moments of the event was Grant Lottering's solo 24-hour stationary bike ride. Grant, who once faced near-death and was told he'd never ride again, proved that determination can conquer even the most challenging obstacles. His journey served as a symbol of hope and resilience for us all.

Attendees enjoyed a lineup of entertainment that included magic by Olwethu Dyantyi, live interviews with sports personalities like Tank Lanning, Rob Fleck, Matt Pearce, and, of course, Grant Lottering. The Bishop's rock band set the stage with live music, followed by a vibrant evening featuring more live music by Me and Mr Green and a dash of comedy by Kurt Schoonraad. As the night unfolded, DJ Ross guided us through a thrilling silent disco.

The VUSA 24 Hour Cycle Challenge is a shining example of what we can achieve when we come together with a shared purpose.  Thank you again one and all for your support - The event was a true testament to the power of community coming together for a great cause.  Please see THIS short clip.

Grade 2

Our Grade 2's have enjoyed learning in all sorts of places this week! Stealing moments to do speed wizard in the sunshine outside, learning to exercise our sportsmanship on the field while playing soccer and cricket as well as being master builders in the sandpit. Mrs Fraser's class enjoyed their outing to Newlands Forest this Friday. The shelters they built were fantastic, and their team work was admirable. 

Grade 1

This week in grade 1, we embarked on an exciting learning adventure using inquiry-based learning stations to explore the fascinating world of end blends. Through hands-on activities and engaging tasks, we delved into the sounds and patterns of words that end with blends like -nd, -nk, -nt, mp, st and -nk. It was a fun-filled time of discovery and movement, where young minds continue to foster a love for reading and language skills that will serve them well in the future. In addition, we had a blast in music class, where we did some drumming, creating rhythm and beats in tune with band Toto’s-Africa. And in our art class, we worked on tonal shading while drawing moons to celebrate our recent blue moon, combining creativity, and learning in a truly magical way!
The boys in our grade were also bursting with excitement for the beginning of the Rugby World Cup, proudly wearing their 'Bokke' jerseys today. We would like to wish our Springbok team everything of the best as they embark on this thrilling sporting journey.

Grade R

3,2,1… BLAST OFF!!!!  Our theme for the week was SPACE.  We discussed the vastness of the universe and explored our Solar System with all its planets and stars.
The boys have been creating their own little bits of Space with rockets, astronauts, shooting stars and planets with different types of materials whilst having lots of discussions about this fascinating topic.  We look forward to more fun activities next week as we continue to discover more about SPACE.  Also, BOK Friday was celebrated today with the boys showing great support for our BOKS by wearing their green and gold and singing our beautiful National Anthem with gusto and pride during Friday Fun with Mrs Swanich. GO BOKKE!!!!

Grade N
In Grade N this week we continue to enjoy our dinosaur theme. From being Paleontologists to painting pictures of dinosaurs and learning amazing facts on these interesting prehistoric reptiles. In the sandpit, boys created craters and volcanos to make a lovely place for dinosaurs to live. Our friendships continue to strengthen and for the Grade N boys that is what school is about. Spending the day playing with friends is top priority. To hear the laughter and giggles throughout the day is such a pleasure. Have a lovely weekend boys! We look forward to seeing you on Monday. 
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