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FRIDAY 22 September 2023

Dear Parents

I have spent some time reasearching the challenges that many of our boys face in the world today.  These are some of the most relevant ones that seem to affect boys in our section of the school (4-8 year olds) .  Some things you may be very aware of and others may be some that you have not thought about. I encourage you to read on.
Social Development: Learning how to navigate social interactions, make friends, and build positive relationships with peers can be challenging for young boys. They may experience difficulties with sharing, taking turns, or understanding social cues. Building grit and social stamina, is an important skill for young children.     Emotional Development: Understanding and managing emotions is a significant challenge during this age range. Boys may struggle with expressing their feelings, coping with frustration or anger, and developing empathy for others. Dealing with change, peer pressure and competition is a big challenge for some. Not always getting what they want, immediate gratification and instant access is something that needs careful managing and is often very diffucult for young children.  Academic Readiness: Preparing for school and acquiring foundational academic skills like reading, writing, and math can be demanding. Some boys may face challenges with early learning, which can affect their confidence and future educational success. Being understanding when those around you perhaps need some extra support, is an important skill to develop. Not everybody moves at the same academic pace, and that is perfectly understandable. Developing the responsibility to complete homework tasks or extra revision is necessary for some. Physical Activity: Keeping up with physical activities, developing motor skills, and learning coordination can be a challenge for young boys. It's important for them to engage in regular physical activities for healthy growth and development. Learning to win graciously and lose showing sportmanship is a very big lesson and some find it harder than others   Gender Stereotypes: Boys may encounter societal expectations and stereotypes related to masculinity, which can influence their self-perception and behaviour. This can impact their willingness to explore diverse interests and express their emotions. Behavioural Issues: Some boys may exhibit challenging behaviours such as impulsivity, defiance, or hyperactivity. Addressing these behaviours can be a challenge for parents and caregivers. Being aware of the expectations of the school and home very important and instilling manners and other life skills are essential for developing good adults.  Peer Pressure: As they start interacting more with peers, young boys may experience peer pressure to conform to certain behaviours or interests, which can impact their self-esteem and decision-making. Screen Time and Technology: Managing screen time and technology usage can be difficult for parents, as excessive screen time can have negative effects on a child's development and well-being. Keeping up to date with new additons to the technology platform is imperative for parents in order for them to manage the dangers and pitfalls of such exposure.  Parental Involvement: Finding a balance between independence and parental guidance is crucial for boys in this age group. Parents may struggle with setting boundaries and providing support. Finishing a season or term of sport that they started is hugely important.   Safety: Young boys may not fully understand safety rules and the potential dangers in their environment. Teaching them about safety is essential to protect them from accidents. It's important to note that these challenges can vary from child to child, and many boys will face a combination of these challenges as they grow and develop. Parents, caregivers, and educators play a critical role in helping boys navigate these challenges by providing support, guidance, and a safe environment for them to learn and grow.  Wishing you all a wonderful long weekend.

Kind regards


Monday 25 September

Heritage Day Public Holiday

On Sunday we will celebrate Heritage Day, a uniquely South African holiday where we reflect on our culture and the many influences we have had in our lives that make us the unique person we are. But in addition to celebrating who we are, we celebrate and recognise those who come from different cultures and who, together with us, make up this beautiful country we call home. Let us use this time to learn more about each other, our traditions and rituals and not only what makes us different but also what binds us together as fellow human beings.  There will be no school on Monday 25 September.

Friday 29 September End of Term 3

Please take note of staggered closing times to avoid too much traffic which makes it difficult for parents to exit timeously. If you could collect your son as quickly as possible and avoid waiting around, this would make such a big difference. Thank you for your understanding. 

Grade N: 10h30 

Grade R: 10h40 

Grade 1: 10h50

Grade 2: 11h00 


Yom Kippur  

After the Rosh Hashanah celebrations of last week, the Jewish community observes Yom Kippur this weekend. We wish all our Jewish families g’mar chatinia tovah.

Pop up uniform stall 

Sasha and Julie will be bringing some gently worn uniform items to the Pre-Prep on Wednesday 27th September between 12 noon and 2 pm so please look out for the pop up gazebo near the hall, where they will be displaying their goods. Please see last week's newsletter for more details about what is on offer and how payment is processed. 
Message from Mr Tsotso

Rosh Hashanah, also known as the Jewish New Year, is a significant holiday in the Jewish calendar. It typically falls on the first and second days of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Jewish lunar calendar, which usually corresponds withSeptember or early October on the Gregorian calendar. Rosh Hashanah marks the beginning of the High Holy Days in Judaism, a period of reflection, repentance, and spiritual renewal that culminates in Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

 Rosh Hashanah symbolism:
This time marks a New Year Celebration, it literally means "Head of the Year" in Hebrew. It is a time for Jewish people to celebrate the start of a new year. The holiday signifies both the end of the agricultural year and the beginning of the spiritual year.
During this time the blowing of the Shofar   is the most distinctive aspects of Rosh Hashanah.    The ram's horn is sounded as a wake-up call to symbolize the need for introspection and repentance. It also serves as a reminder of the covenant between God and people.
It is seen as an opportunity for a fresh start. It is a time for making resolutions, setting positive intentions, and striving to be a better person in the coming year.
During this period, Jews believe that God is especially close and attentive to their prayers. It's a time to seek God's presence, guidance, and blessings for the year ahead.
One of the central themes of Rosh Hashanah is the belief in God's grace and the idea that, no matter how we may have fallen short in the past, we are given the opportunity for renewal and forgiveness. This concept is expressed in the phrase "Teshuvah," which means repentance or returning to God.
Jewish communities come together to reflect on the past year, seek forgiveness, and open their hearts to new opportunities in the year ahead. It's a celebration of God's mercy, grace, and the potential for spiritual growth and transformation.

I pray that this time is been life-giving and fulfilling to you all. May the opportunities that lie ahead be ordained by God for us all.


PA News 

At last week’s AGM, six nominations were received and as there are only six elected members, the six nominations were accepted as duly elected. Shanita Sam is a returning member. The five new members are: Crispin Jackson, Bruce Darné, Sindiso Khumalo, Stephanie du Plooy and Tracy Surkont. Thanks to these parents for putting up their hands and being prepared to assist in this particular way. At their first meeting, the Treasurer, Chair and Secretary will be elected and the Committee also has the right to co-opt two members onto the Committee. 
Please click read the latest PA newsletter.

Grade 2

We started our week off in the Memorial chapel. It was so special to share Monday's Heritage Day service with our parents. The boys have been creative with their indoor play on rainy days and have had so much full learning how to do a ‘rolly-polly’ in Physical Literacy. This week the Grade 2s had the opportunity to visit Grade 3. The excitement in our grade has been brewing and has become more and more tangible as the week has progressed. Wishing you all a lovely Heritage Day weekend.   

Grade 1

Last week the farm came to visit the Grade 1’s. We enjoyed petting the farm animals and even got to feed them. We enjoyed our tractor ride around the school and a huge thank you to Mr Anthony for accompanying us. This week we enjoyed a lovely family chapel which started our South African week. This week we explored our Heritage and enjoyed learning about Nelson Mandela. Next week we will continue to enjoy learning about each other’s cultures.

Grade R


This week, Grade R has been about all things South African and discussing our rich and diverse Heritage. We've made SA flags and discovered interesting facts about our national symbols. Friday was a celebration of some of the foods that we love, that come from our traditional cultures. Enjoy celebrating Heritage Day on Monday your way!

Grade N

The Grade N's have been investigating Life Cycles this week. We have specifically focused on the plant, the frog, the butterfly, and the bee. We explored one our favourite stories - The Hungry Caterpillar, an important life cycle story which helped us consolidate the days of the week, our sequencing skills (remembering what he ate in the correct order), as well as our counting skills. The boys planted their own bean this week and we loved sharing food with each other that relates to our heritage. 
Have a wonderful long weekend all. 

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