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FRIDAY 29 September 2023

Dear Parents

As the winter season draws to a close, we want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible experiences our boys have had in the past few months. Fun and Friendship has been the winner by far. Despite the bitterly cold weather and those very wet days, our boys have continued to find joy in every moment. Their resilience and enthusiasm have been truly remarkable. Laughter filled the air as they navigated muddy puddles, dodged the raindrops, marveled at the few teaspoons of hail that fell and embraced the winter wonderland around them. The bonds of friendship have grown stronger, reminding us of the importance of camaraderie and shared adventures. Winter has brought with it a wealth of life lessons. Our boys have learned the significance of preparation, the beauty of adaptability, and the importance of helping one another. They've discovered that challenges are opportunities in disguise and that growth often comes from stepping out of one's comfort zone. Our exceptional teaching staff deserves special recognition. They've orchestrated a wide range of engaging winter activities, ensuring that each day is an opportunity for discovery and learning. Their dedication to our students' growth is truly commendable, and we are grateful for their unwavering commitment. As we enter the holiday season, we eagerly anticipate the warmer days of the upcoming term. Our boys will soon embark on new adventures, explore exciting learning opportunities, and continue to grow academically and personally. The promise of Summer brings with it a fresh start and renewed energy for the challenges ahead. Lastly, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all parents for your continued support throughout the year. Your involvement, encouragement, and partnership with us in your child's education are invaluable. Together, we create an environment where our boys can thrive and flourish. The winter season has been a time of fun, learning, friendship, and growth. We are proud of the boys' achievements and look forward to seeing them blossom in the final term of the year. Wishing you all a restful and joyful holiday season. May the warmth of family and friends fill your hearts.

Wishing Mrs Heather Fraser a wonderful birthday on the 4th of October. We look forward to welcoming you all back for the final term of 2023! 

Kind regards


Tuesday 10 October School Opens for Term 4

Terms 4 starts on the 10th October at 08h00.
Friday 13 October Pizza Fridays

Pizza Fridays will start on the 13th of October for our Grade R, 1 and 2 boys. Please see details below.

Term 4 Extra Murals

Please click here for the link to next term's extra mural timetable. This timetable is also available on your son's MyBishopsLife profile for easy reference. Please note that the timetable is very similar to Term 1, however, drama will now be on Thursdays. A list of Grade 1 and 2 boys who may attend afternoon drama sessions in term 4 was sent out by Mrs Swanich earlier this year. As per the parent calendar, we will commence on 16 October and the last day for these activities will be 30 November. It is not necessary to sign up again for a school activity that your son attended in the first term. Please confirm your son's private extra mural activity with the relevant coaches for next term.   

Summer School Uniform

Please note that the boys will return to school in summer uniform next term. Please ensure that your son has a neat haircut before returning to school for this final term.

Pizza Fridays

Pizza Fridays will start on 13 October. This time around, parents have signed up for the entire year and are billed per term. Please give a month’s notice should you wish to cancel.

Pizza dates are as follows:

Term 4 (8weeks)
13 Oct
20 Oct
27 Oct
3 Nov
10 Nov
17 Nov
24 Nov
1 Dec

If you would like to volunteer to help please whatsapp Hazel on 082 895 9606. This involves handing pizza out to the boys on a Friday between 9h50 - 10h15 and usually takes about 20 minutes

Message from Mr Tsotso

The Lord be with you.
We give thanks to God for a term full of experiences. We have made it through to the end of this term with the help and involvement of all those around us: our teachers, parents, peers and the entire Bishops community.
The Lord has been so faithful to us during this term, and we look forward to a time of rest, refueling and realignment. I pray for a safe time away and travelling mercies to those who will be travelling near and far.
‘Till we meet again on the horizon of the 4th term, may the angels and the company of heaven watch over you and your families.

Grace and blessing to you all.
ABRSM Results

Three of our boys played their first Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music Instrumental Exam at the beginning of September.  These exams took place at the Prep and the overall feedback was that the overseas examiner was quite strict this year. To Pass this exam, you must achieve 100 – 119 out of 150. Merit is 120 – 129 out of 150 and Distinction is 130 – 150 out of 150.  We congratulate David Chen (Merit), Nicholas Gray (Distinction) and Kwamena Sam (Distinction) with their outstanding results.

Grade N


This week in Grade N we have been carefully watching our beans grow. The warmer weather has helped to accelerate the process and with regular watering we hope to see some beautiful bean plants during the holidays. Our theme for this week has been our emotions and how we feel about things. It was lovely to hear from the boys what makes them happy, sad, excited, or angry. It is important for children to know that all their emotions are acceptable and that they can express themselves freely. A firm favourite feeling was EXCITEMENT for the upcoming holidays! We wish all the boys a safe and happy holiday and look forward to seeing them in term 4.  

Grade R

For the past 2 weeks we have been learning all about our beautiful country, South Africa.  We celebrated our differences and uniqueness by dressing in clothing that represents our heritage, and each boy brought a food item typical of his heritage, to share with their peers.  In our theme discussions we have focused on South Africa’s national symbols, cities, cultures, and tourist attractions.  It is evident that Mr Nelson Mandela’s legacy continues to live on amongst our nation, as most of the Grade R boys will say that he is our president!  This was a wonderful opportunity to discuss why he was such a special man and to chat about the history of our country in a way that the boys understand.  Enkosi sikelela iAfrika!

Grade 1

Our grade 1 boys celebrated South African Heritage Day by exploring the country's diverse cuisine. They learned about the cultural significance of the day and made and sampled traditional dishes like boerewors, pap, samoosas, and peppermint crisp pudding. This culinary adventure showcased the unity in diversity that defines South Africa, leaving the students with a deeper appreciation for their country's rich heritage.
Our boys also learned about different languages, religions, traditions, and wore traditional clothing.
Heritage Day has indeed left a lasting impression on the boys , reminding them of the importance of unity, diversity, and the beauty of South Africa's heritage. As they headed home with smiles on their faces, they carried with them the flavours and memories of a truly special day.
We wish all our families a safe and restful holiday.

Grade 2

We had lots of fun celebrating Heritage Day at school on Friday 23 September. The Grade 2's had a food tasting experience with some foods that are truly South African as well as others from around the world that South African's have made their own. It was lovely to see the mix of savoury and sweet going down so well, there was not a single bite left by the end! They also enjoyed a creative and calm time of paper tearing to make their own South African flag. We thoroughly enjoyed hearing about each boys heritage and different outfits they were wearing. The start of this week was interesting as we uncovered our sandpit that was flooded from the weekend. Mrs Fraser's class got to work and drained all the water out so it could dry out faster. It was back in action in no time so the sandpit crew could continue their imaginative construction at break time.

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Phone +27 21 659 1037 | Fax: +27 21 659 1922