THURSDAY 08 February 2024
Dear Parents
As we stride into the new year, we're excited to share some wonderful updates about how our little ones have been thriving and adapting in their school environment. One of the most remarkable achievements we've observed is how seamlessly our children have settled into their new routines. With boundless energy and enthusiasm, they've embraced the challenges and adventures that come with each day. We're particularly proud to note their increasing independence, as many of them have confidently taken on the responsibility of walking themselves to their classes. Our Grade N boys have done so well this week and seeing their confident smiles as they pack away their own bags is priceless. And those that need a little more TLC in the morning are smiling within minutes.
It's heartening to see them develop the skills and confidence needed to navigate their surroundings independently, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-reliance.
Thank you for the ongoing support and partnership as we nurture our boys.
We wish Ms Marilyn May a happy birthday for the 14 February, and Miss Charney Kindo for the
Kind regards

Wednesday 14 February |
Valentines Day
The boys may wear red, white or pink civvies to school on Valentine's Day. We ask each boy to please bring R10 which will be donated to an animal welfare organization in aid of National Sterilization Day on the 27th of February. Our chosen organization is Wolwerivier Outreach who work in Atlantis area. Donations of cat food will also be appreciated for our resident cat, Thunder, who lives outside the Grade 2 classrooms. |
Saturday 10 February |
Chinese New Year
We wish our Chinese community peace and prosperity for the year ahead. |
Wednesday 14 February |
Ash Wednesday
As a Christian Anglican School, we will be marking the beginning of Lent in our Ash Wednesday service planned for Wednesday 14 February in the Memorial Chapel. The Gr R - 2 boys will be invited to receive ashes on their foreheads. The Gr Ns will have an Ash Wednesday service in the Brooke Chapel . If you do NOT wish your son to receive ashes, but rather a blessing, please would you notify his class teacher no later than Friday 9 February. |
19, 20 & 21 February |
Grade 1 Aquarium Outing
Information has been sent out by the teachers. |
The concept of Kinderkinetics
Jeanne Botha is our new Kinderkinetics here at the Pre-Prep. Please Click here for more information. |
Bishops Carnival and Pre-Prep Fun Sports Day
The Carnival and the Sports Day will be held in the 4th term due to 175 celebrations. |
Message from Mr Tsotso
The Lord be with you.
The season of Epiphany now draws to a close. This was a time where we acknowledged Christ being revealed to us in His high and divine nature. This should have been a time when we were mindful of the moments of divine intervention from God. We need to understand that even the things we see as the smallest of blessings are divine and come directly to us from the hand of God. We are to give thanks to God for showing up for us daily but must also understand that the same is required of us.
With the season of Epiphany ending and Lent starting on the 14th of February, let’s be mindful that we are called to a time of:
- Fasting- sometimes not just from consumption but also from behaviours that may be somewhat unbeneficial to ourselves and others.
- Prayer- we can seek strength to overcome challenges, become better people and give thanks to God for all that He has done for us and our behalf.
- Giving of alms- we have an opportunity to become physical representations of Jesus to others through our charitable deeds, understanding that such moments reveal an incarnate God to people.
- Penitence- we confess and consistently call to mind our downfalls and run back to God for forgiveness so that we may be reunited with our Creator.
During Lent we remember that Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the desert being tested by the devil. May the delivering hand of God save us from all our trails and temptations, and may we be overcomers just as He was.
I am praying for you and your families. Blessings and strength for the season ahead. |
Grade N |
It is such a joy to see how easily the Grade N boys have settled into their new routine. Adjusting to a new environment with new friends and teachers seem to be so effortless for these little people who take everything in their stride. The weather has been very hot, but we have managed to stay cool by engaging in waterplay, reading books in the book corner and building with the blocks. Mrs Swanich, our wonderful music teacher has been teaching us some wonderful rhythmic movements, one being able to clap our names into syllables! Thank you Mrs Swanich. Have a wonderful weekend boys. |
Grade R |
The Grade R’s had an exciting week celebrating Friendship! We discussed kindness and friendship, made friendship crowns, and adorned our class’s Tree of Kindness with leaves representing acts of kindness. To celebrate World Read-Aloud Day, the Grade 2’s visited and read stories to the boys, sparking a love for reading. It was a week filled with friendship, kindness, and the magic of storytelling! |
Grade 1 |
The Grade 1 students have continued to learn at a rapid rate, immersing themselves in our Oxford Reading Scheme and absorbing our Number Sense Programme. In addition to their academic pursuits, they have been actively engaging in various activities such as swimming, playing cricket, participating in running races, drawing, singing, coding, and working with colour patterns and shape patterns.
We also continue our journey to develop our boys' emotional intelligence. We have been discussing our similarities, differences, and diversity, emphasizing good manners, and instilling the qualities of our mitre, which include manners, integrity, togetherness, respect, and empathy. This Wednesday the boys had great fun utilizing their reading skills to read to the Grade N’s on World Book Day. |
Grade 2 |
The Grade 2’s celebrated world book day on Wednesday by reading to the Grade R’s. It was great to see how confidently they each took one of their younger peers by their side and read one of their box books to them! Design and Tech lessons have focused on building a hanging beehive out of lego and also doing coding challenges on Box Island. In numeracy they have been exploring place holder values and have loved building some of these massive numbers with cubes. |
Campground Road, Rondebosch,
Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1037 | Fax: +27 21 659 1922 |