Dear Parents
It has been so wonderful seeing you all over the last week as you meet your new teachers for the year. We would like to introduce you to a few new staff members as well as some staff who your boys will no doubt chat about and are part of the Pre-Prep team. Miss Charney Kindo has joined our three interns, Mr Keanu Julius, Miss Gaea Hendrickse and Miss Kamva Songxishe who are continuing with their studies to become teachers. They will rotate between the different grades while at the Pre-Prep, so I am sure your son will have a chance to get to know them better as the year progresses. We are delighted to have these interns working with our boys and staff and wish them well on this journey they have chosen. The friendly gentleman you may encounter on the phone is Mr Joshua Anthony who will be continuing to help at reception this year and in the classes. Mr Anthony is a psychology student. We also welcome Mrs Mandy Edwards who is teaching in Grade 2 Blue until Mrs Leana Hendrickse joins us next term.
We will be celebrating the birthdays of Mrs Fernandez and Mrs Kingwill tomorrow and wish them a happy, fulfilling year ahead.
Kind regards

Friday 02 February |
Coffee Connections
This is geared towards our Grade R parents (but all parents welcome) as the boys in Grade R attend the Muscle Mania sessions. Come along to learn more about why we use it and what is covered. Our resident Occupational Therapist, Jane Durham will facilitate this session in our hall at 07h30 - 08h00. Mrs van Zyl, Mrs Bain and Ms Essa will be there to welcome you. |
Wednesday 14 February |
Ash Wednesday
As a Christian Anglican School, we will be marking the beginning of Lent in our Ash Wednesday service planned for Wednesday 14 February in the Memorial Chapel.
The Gr R - 2 boys will be invited to receive ashes on their foreheads. The Gr Ns will have an Ash Wednesday service in the Brooke Chapel . If you do NOT wish your son to receive ashes, but rather a blessing, please would you notify his class teacher no later than Friday 9 February.
School Magazines
Some 2022 school magazines that were handed out at the end of the last year had some pages that were not bound properly. Please inform Miss Manyela at the front desk should you have a damaged copy. |
Message from Mr Tsotso
The Lord be with you.
Compliments to you and your families for the year ahead.
We also give thanks for the mercies that God has shown us over the holidays by keeping us safe whether we stayed home or travelled. We appreciate the time of fellowship spent with friends and family.
Now that the season has come to an end, the trees and lights have been packed and the gifts have been unwrapped, our call is to return to life and what lies ahead of us. Our church is currently in the season of Epiphany, a time where the divine God reveals himself and is seen dwelling amongst us.
This season calls us to see God, be the hands and feet of God to those around us, and live Godly lives. So, I pray that this year we are granted strength to try and be the hands, feet, ears and eyes of God further using the gifts obtained under the Christmas tree to be a blessing to others too.
Wishing you and your family a blessed year ahead. God loves you and so do I. |
Late Comers
A gentle reminder that your sons need to be at school before 08h00 (when the bells ring) so that he can settle and have some play time before the start of the school day. The top gate closes at 08h00 so you will need to come down to the gate near reception if you arrive after 08h00. |
Second Hand Shop
The second hand shop has many small judo outfits, at a fraction of the price of a new one. You're welcome to pop in should you be interested. |
Grade N |
Our little Grade Ns have settled in so well. We have had minimal tears and are confident that all boys will feel comfortable enough to say a cheery goodbye soon. A reminder that from next Tuesday 4th February, parents are to please drop boys at the gate.
Our Grade N classrooms have been a hive of activity with boys learning to play games, do puzzles, making crowns, experimenting with tactile activities such as shaving cream and jelly, and going on a mini school tour!
Our theme next week will be My Body. |
Grade R |
The Grade R boys kicked off the school year with enthusiasm, eager to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. The school playground quickly became a hub of laughter and games as boys zipped around on wagons and scooters or engaged in friendly soccer matches. We look forward to another fun filled week as we meet a new Letter land character and learn about our families. |
Grade 1 |
It has been a busy 2 weeks for the Grade 1 boys. They have adjusted well to all their new environment and are enjoying the flexible seating in their classrooms. The boys started swimming this week and have dived in with such excitement. They were introduced to some new faces, which included the Art teacher, Mrs Bird and the drama teacher, Mrs Band. We started homework this week and the boys have risen to the challenge with great optimism. |
Grade 2 |
The Grade 2 Boys have settled well into their new classes and routines. They have enjoyed starting extra murals this week and especially swimming, on the very hot days. Breaktime and free time are still favourites for the boys, where they love to play cricket, soccer, do construction, explore, or chat together. The theme for this term is insects and we’ve already had a praying mantis and a caterpillar visit us this week. |
Campground Road, Rondebosch,
Cape Town, 7700
Phone +27 21 659 1037 | Fax: +27 21 659 1922 |